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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Got a report from a charter boat that fished the" ripps" yesterday, they managed 12!!! cod with 3 twentys Just to wet the appetite of those planning to go. James
  2. Its not to bad, at dead low tide theres a good 2 foot on the bar
  3. Your a brave man adam! Going to sea with out a fishing rod It would be to much to bear!! Try and sneak a hand line along
  4. Thanks guys, all the info I need, better get phoneing.
  5. I was looking to get a stainless flybridge for tara to mount the vhf ariel ect on. Any one have any ideas? Thanks James
  6. Just got back from an evening out on tara with adam,getting a bit of practice in for sunday We had a cracking session we started of for the bream and I only managed 1 just over 2lb and a few wrasse and pout, so I headed to my Secret huss mark And the action was non stop I had pout,wrasse,dogs,mackrel,gold shinniy wrasse!(I think thats how you spell it?),3 huss,2pollock and 8 good bream all well over 2lb and with 3 3lbers adam did just aswell with 1 huss, 3pollock, and 4 bream his biggest went 3lb 40z Role on sunday James
  7. It must have been a bit lumpy out there Friday night, they were giving 7's when we came in at 3ish!!, paul J and I were up at the crack of dawn Friday to fish out of Christchurch on tara. hungry for more after alderney! We decided to try for a ray first and it all came good as I was soon latched into a good ray on my 7 to 12lb class rod!! on a launce left over from alderney. That was a thornback of 10lb 8oz ,then after a few drifts for mackrel with no success we tried for the bream and we had a couple, my biggest went 3lb, also managed a suprise scorpion fish. Then our trip was cut a bit short by the ever growing swell, It was a good 5 when we headed in Charlie can you add my fish to the book? Thanks James
  8. Hi all I realy enjoyed our trip to Alderney,I will definitely be back! The final day on the banks gave us a taste of the fishing to be had. On the wrecks on the way over I managed a couple of ling and a good pollock. Blanked on the rocks, even though Dean, Peter and I sat it out till almost midnight! Did well on the banks, Managed 2 turbot and a bass. Even with the weather I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, great company, accomadition and food (thanks adam for organising). Count me in for next year! James
  9. yep good old tara, shes running great. Holes bay marine fixed it for free, it was a stuck choke causeing the problems.
  10. Hi all went back out to the patch yesterday To try and threaten the club bream record .........Bad idea, Rain..rain.. ur more rain.... no bream!! Then more rain!!! and a bit of wind for good mesure Fished from 9 till 4 Only managed 1 wrasse and a doggy.Should of stayed in bed James
  11. Also make sure u reel in as slow as poss..So the spinner blades just turn against the current.
  12. Rich I have found a small mepps type spinner with the treble removed and a small single hook attached with a bit of rag on works great I know its not fly fishing but I havent got a game license, But its still great fun on a light spinning rod james
  13. Its was great to be out fishing again ,but it was a shame about the weather especially as a forgot my coat Adam and i decided to head out to the patch for a go at the bream and i think we hit the right spot we had 5 between us in about an hour,and I was amazed at the size of them my 4 went 2lb,3lb,3lb 8oz and a new pb of 4lb!1 and they were all males, I would have loved to hooked a female!! but it went dead when the tide slackened. so we moved to try and catch some dogfish!! We struggled for the rest of the day adam only manageing 1 doggy. Hope to get out again soon. Adam Im in love with the blue warrior!
  14. JIMBOB

    Rope Superb

    The Christchurch boat shop did mine for me for free when I bought some rope from them, They will probably do yours for a small fee.
  15. I think anouther crack at the solent Would be good,(we no what to expect now,Huge tides and weed!!!). Any chance It could be midweek. Im all out of weekends, Sickys at the weekend get more difficult as the summer gets nearer,going back into work with sunburn After being of sick is a bit of a giveaway
  16. Dont get me wrong bass does taste good . ................Very good!! and ive eaten a few, But Ive got to put some back To give you a chance to catch one!!!
  17. I also agree to putting the "big old girls" back ,A big bass can be almost as old as its captor ! I think they have urned there right to go back for just dogeing that many nets!! And not getting caught by me of course!!! I kept the first double I caught but got so much More satifaction from putting them back.Thats its for me back they go!!
  18. JIMBOB


    Sounds like I havent been missing out to much on the fishing! Sounds a bit dire out there at the moment. Gutted im not going to the shambles, the weathers looking good and I think you might get a few! . Ive been filling my boots with carp, managed 3 twentys in the last couple of weeks the biggest 28lb 10 oz Just getting some practice in for all those sea lumps on "tara" and "BW" Fingers crossed for the 14th James
  19. JIMBOB


    I did just get her serviced!! At holes bay marine It was only her second trip out scince then ,it was done with a free service ticket adam won in the cod comp and the bits came to
  20. On the fish mongers slab!!!
  21. JIMBOB


    Nice one adam ,Tara can get a well urned break!! looking forward to the test run
  22. You have got a point there!!! Maybe ill cancel the net then U forgot to ad the gps that went overboard!!!!!.
  23. I thought the net was yours? If its not, I'd still like the sound of one for life Im gonig to need a decent net for all those monsters from the deep, im going to be hauling aboard tara this season!! James
  24. Ive had quite a few viruses lately to, Yesterday I had 3 in my inbox one from a fishy theme,from seaangler.aol, nearly opened it by mistake . I realy need to instal an antivirus. I threw away my last computer becouse of a virus!!!
  25. How lomg untill the next batch?
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