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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Arr but I did!! rays ,turbot,huss, bass ........................................ And there all caught on film
  2. Went to weymouth sealife centre today, as im suffering from withdrawals from fishing It was mouth watering all the different rays, plaice,smoothies, some monster huss looked liked a few club record breakers!! (should have smuggled them home!) and a few tasty turbot I took chris and baby so urnt a few brownie points at the same time James
  3. me!! me!!!
  4. nice one .. looks like ive got some competition for catching those bass well done James
  5. It happened at 2 riversmeet 10 day turnaround at prop rev at the mo James
  6. After my last trip out from christchurch the wake from anouther boat caused me to dip in the shallow water and catch the prop on the bottom Its not to bad and im going to take it to prop revolutions (again!) to sort out but ive noticed that the shaft it sits on is slightley warped, a bit like a buckled wheel on a bike. Ive run the boat after ive seen this and it doesnt cause any shuddering,I think its been like it for a while and the last bash has made it worse I phoned holes bay marine for a quote on repair and they said it would be a new drive shaft and it would cost at least
  7. Sounds like a case of sods law!! at least the divers were good enuff to get your anchor out. I wanted to go congering this week but the weathers looking worse by the day .Im yet to catch a conger yet this year! hope we get some settled weather soon. I just checked the long range forcast and it looks iffy for the next 2 weeks!!!!!
  8. Sounds a bit close for comfort!! cracking size bream for the solent,Where have all those smoothies gone? James
  9. I see waves like this out of tara's windows all the time
  10. Rich ,you can have a look at the tree if youve got a spare minite Thanks James
  11. Typical! just looked at the weather not nice fingers crossed for thursday on QT, Paul Im up for friday, weather permiting, may go mulleting if we cant get out?
  12. Takeing it easy doesn't come in to it!!! the doctor said she would sign me off for anouther week if its not better 2 weeks fishing!!
  13. I think it a case of practice!! when I first started comeing in at nite it was pretty daunting! But have got used to it now and feel fairly confedent comeing in at xchurch. it just takes time to get used to ure equipment and where those dreded pot bouys are hideing I find if you know your going to be out after dark, on the way out steer a course well clear of any bouys then as long as you follow your plott line back you know your fairly safe. (provided they havent laid more while your out!!) I know this can be a bit difficult depending on your gps, plotter ect but I have done this on tara and its worked ok. but i know theres always a certain risk some of those bouys are hard enuff to see in the day(all coverd in sea weed and half submurged!) you just have to be very aware at all time and be prepared to cut the engine instantly if you think youve hit a bouy. James
  14. Hi all Ive been signed off sick for a week due to laringitus!? dont know how you spell it? anyway its only my voice that out of action so if anyone needs crew next week or wants to come out on tara let me know , but dont expect much in the way of conversation! James
  15. Nice one rich,your on a bit of a roll when it comes to pulling blondes! , where did you go?was much else caught? James
  16. Count me in
  17. The bfm bass comp is no good if you put em back they need a weight ticket from a tackle shop or club
  18. Managed to use up my last few brownie points today and sneaked out onto the ledge for a few hours The macky were a bit hard to find and I had to motor well past the ledge to find any. Started of for the bream and as usual there still down there in numbers, no beasts though my biggest went 2lb 10, after a few hours on the bream we moved to have a go for the bull huss before the wind got up, We managed 1 each before the wind finaly drove us in,only small about 3lb a piece but there always nice to catch wont be out now till next week Good luck you guys out at the weekend. Tight lines James
  19. Im still smileing!
  20. And this was the baby of the bunch at 4lb 8oz. Ive got no pickys of the 5lber.
  21. Hi colin ive sent you a pm, There were loads of macky out there I was even getting them on the bare hooks while reeling in after the tope had stripped the hooks clean! James
  22. And this one went 9lb 20z
  23. By the way it was 9lb 120z
  24. Heres the winning fish from the 48hr specimen hunt
  25. After the bass on friday I was egar to get out on sat, I was on BW with adam and les and bob followed us out on manatee. We decided to head out into deep water for the ebb and fished about 3 miles south of the needles in 100 ft of water with the hope of a blonde ray. No blondes but adam managed a 32lb conger and lost a good one to, bob snared his first tope and a small spotted ray and I struggled with only a few lsds and small tope. we then headed on to the ledge for the evening but the beasts kept hidden no more bass or congers for me, but loads of bream again though with my 2nd fish going 2lb 12oz and adams 3rd going 3lb 1 0z they were a good size we must of bagged a good 40 or so.But It was adams day this time he had a nice cuckoo wrasse and anouther 30lb conger. I struggled sunday to, I was back on tara and after not much joy on "xray" I ended up on the dolphin bank and just couldnt get through the small tope, they were worse than doggys!! Thanks to all that organised the comp I thouroughly enjoyed myself and It was good to chat to everyone after the comp Thanks James
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