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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. PM sent
  2. Hi paul theres a few good plaice spots of southbourne Have had them to 4lb. Havent tryed for a few years though, the only problem is the nets down there makes it hard to fish on the drift.Used to get them at anchor. The best day ive had down there i had 12 sizeable ones in a couple of hours If you want to try for them Ill pm you the mark. James


    Adam and Bob got caught up in that today, they wouldnt let them in the carpark at wick!. So they had to go to mudeford I was already out at sea and they let me out the carpark ok
  4. Yes I had both the rays
  5. Just got back from a lovely calm eveings fishing ........at last! Started of on the ledge after those triggers after seeing alun j's post, but no joy loads of small stuff but no triggers. Then headed of to x-ray but couldnt catch any bait! .I tryed all over the place from the shallow water on the ledge to 85ft 2 miles past where i wanted to fish I tryed for 2 hours for 8 mackerl!. so gave up and made do. managed a couple of good rays small eyes of 10lb 8oz and 10lb 12oz and a fair few species.If only it had been sunday We had bream ,pout , pollock, garfish, mackrel, scad, dogs and rays. Had a good close up of wiskey bravo, they came over and hovered above tara at 50ft to check we were ok.I didnt relise how big it is ,until its right above you! , Then 10 minites later the offshore lifeboat from poole came along side to check us out also.Thats a monster of a boat too especialy when its right along side!!, they were following up a mayday, Its good to no they are out there . Tight lines James
  6. You will have to wait untill october for the next chance to make up those points adam! Dosent look good though, most of the summer species have legged it by then!! With just an army of dogs left behind!! And if were lucky a cod or two
  7. Adam and myself didnt do so good on tara either, Took a battering on the way out to x-ray and had to turn round! then took even more of a battering as the day went on, got to choppy on the ledge so headed in to barton ,only to find no shelter and tonnes of weed. It was totally unfishable got so ruff in the end had to limp in for the shelter of the harbour . To find that was fishing hard there too All in all one of the worst days out this year!!! Taras final tally was.. Adam 4 bass 4 mackrel 4 wrasse 2 pout 1 pollock James 4 Bass 4 mackrel 4 wrasse 1 pout 1 mullet
  8. Its was probably the only time tara overtakes the good ship BW on the way in!!!! Gutted mate hope its not to serious . James
  9. Yep those golden sphericals Where polished and shiney last nite and I ended up with a fair haul. The final tally was. 8 bream 1 smoothy 1 bass 1 plaice 2 thornbacks 1 small eye And 3 sole The wind agaist tide was a pain but the fish were down there Tight lines James
  10. I just had a look at the long range forcast on online weather, Its dosent look good the best days look to be this weekend with 3 to 5's but then its 6's and 7's untill september!!! I hope they have got it wrong
  11. Or As was in the latest news, a rowing boat in a cyclone!!!
  12. Hi all A freind of mine has just bought a new boat and needs an outboard for it, from about 15 to 30 hp,any one no of any for sale? Not to dear
  13. Just looked at the anode fin its is very corroded but tight and in one piece. I think I will just get a new one and see if that helps thanks Guys James
  14. After the blank!! It was back out to my trusted ledge marks last nite ,only to find the fish were there but along with several tonnes of seaweed, in every shape and size from snotty green slime to 6ft long kelp!! Its was hard fishing, wind against tide and lots of weed ment constat re-baiting, but paul and I did get a couple of bream and huss, And I missed a screaming take on a big bait that could only have been a bass but after bounceing off him found my hook point was stuck in a bit of weed So it was off for a sole .we had one each first cast then then the sole vanished. Its maybe still a bit early.we ended up with a few different species though,7 in total ,Bream,dogs,huss,eels,mackrel and a sole each for tea! James
  15. Could do with some advice! Tara has started pulling to the right.I have noticed it getting worse lately. she only does it when on the plane and you can realy feel it on the steering .The speed, if you turn the way shes pulling, picks up buy a knot or two. I have checked round the engine and prop but cant spot any reason for it! Any ideas? Thanks in advance James
  16. A Huge Blank!! Went out after work on sunday but didnt do so well,went to try a new mark right in the middle of the bay for a bass or two. Stopped on xray on the way there and craig pulled up a 9lb small eye first cast,but me not a bite!! not even a doggy!! On the new mark not a sniff to either of us all evening, I had to resort to baited feathers just to get a bend in the rod and did manage some huge pout almost 2lb!! Back out 2nite with paul J after the bass again and then a bash for the sole hope I do a bit better James
  17. Hi charlie Sounds like the eel trophy might not be safley mine after all .There must be a few good eels about we had a 40+ on sunday night on Just mary,just of ballard! I hope to be back out soon Count me in as crew for a conger trip anytime. James
  18. Its hardley the most sort after of records to break . It was a huge doggy though ,Its the first one ive ever weighed!! and it did take a whole mackrel intended for tope!!
  19. Hi paul I might venture out after work, wont be till about 7ish see you out there. james
  20. Just got back from one the calmist fishing days ive ever had!.. not a ripple all day As it was so calm the plan was to head out for the tope over the back of the wight for the slack,so it was of to Xray to fish the tide down and the fish were waiting and I was soon in to the rays 2 small eyes going 9lb and 9lb 12oz... and oddly very few doggys,(I think Alun caught them all yesterday! ) Then the long steam to the tope grounds......... 8 miles away!! The tope were there but only small ones the biggest went 12lb managed to bag about 30ish. I also manged a huge doggy I even weighed it 3lb 6 oz! Then it was back to xray when the tide got up and bagged anouther ray, a thornback this time at 9lb, all in all a cracking day Summers back! James
  21. Webmasters!.Any chance we could have a page wich has the scores so far for the points comp? .we did last year on phantom fisher, it was very informitive. so I can see who's my nearest competion.! thanks james
  22. JIMBOB


    Hi rich I dabbled a bit in keeping live eels. I got them delivered from Devon!! a stone at a time. I found the secret to keeping them alive was not to use sea water!!....well not sea water from the sea. You can only do this if its almost continuously changed. This is because of whats called "Organic load" .this is all the plankton,bacteria and algae that makes up sea water.As soon as you take it out of the sea it all dies polluting the water,killing the eels I found it best to use Pure RO (reverse osmosis) water.I have a RO filter in the garage And a commercial salt mix,(the cheapest one's are from the shell fish industry)couple that with a large tank ,about 100 gallon and a hefty skimmer and hey presto you can a keep a stone of eels alive for weeks The outher thing I found was a thin layer of sand or gravel on the bottom .they hide in this reduceing stress,wich meens happy eels. James
  23. Hi all anouther good day aboard "BW" We managed 9 species between us And just beat the wind to get out a bit futher for the harder species. Adam put us right on a wreck on the way towards the needles and first cast I was in to a good conger, it went 35lb. I Just beat adam buy 1 bream, Thanks to my hasty decision to move back to the ledge before adam caught his 4. Saying "The ledge will be full of bream!!" We never saw anouther bream all day. Sorry adam The final tally was. Me... 1 conger 4 bass 4 wrasse 4 mullet 4 dogs 4 mackrel 4 bream 1 tope Adam.... The same Minus 1 conger and a pollock instead,(there the same points) Oh and Minus 1 bream!!! Charlie adam sent you the scores last nite. James
  24. Simon,I was thinking of bottleing up some sweat!!!!!: to sell as a fish attractor for large amounts of cash at the local tackle shops!! P
  25. The club records about 14lb for small eyes, Its strange though they all the ones I catch average between 8 and 10 1/2lb Its a big average But thats year after year ,so they must stop growing about that size??? Rich always up for a trip Hopefully the weather in august is better that it has been. as soon as the weather sorts it self out will organise some dates. Alun ive sent you a pm. James
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