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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Hi all Am I A happy man this morning or what Just got back from a trip out of christ church and although the weather gods wernt being very nice with a steady 4/5 nw and a swell still comeing in from the sw, the fish gods were shining. with no problem with the macky, Rich and I headed of for a bream with instant success, they were all of a realy good size 2lb+ and loads of them ild estimate we had nearly 50!! our biggest both went 2lb 12oz Then It got hetic, I upped hook size and bait to try for something a bit bigger and before long I was playing a good bass after agreat fight he was soon in the net, then things got a bit silly I had 3!!!!! more the sizes were 4lb 8oz ,5lb 2oz, 9lb 2oz and 9lb 12oz all the bass and bream were retuned alive Tight lines James
  2. That was my hope for last nite, that the wind would die with nite fall, but as we returned to the slip at nine ish ,the wind had seemed to increase!!! Hope its better for tonite im back out after those congers The wind is forcast to swing n/nw so should be a lot more pleasent out there....I hope James
  3. As rich said, It was lovely inland but bloody horible out there, as I left the house the neibours were commenting on what A luck B!@:*!!* I was to be going fishing on a day like today!! How wrong could they be!!! Buy 4pm rich and I had fleeces and coats on, rich was even donning a wooley hat I would have felt more at home winter cod fishing that sat out summer fishing for stingrays!! Even so I did enjoy the trip with fairly constant sport from the hounds, nothing huge my biggist was 7lbs caught on a hard back crab left over from a winter flounder session in poole harbour(they do work! ) Cheers rich for good company, should be out again tomorrow on BW with Adam, weather pemiting James.
  4. Seems a fitting name to me!! Lol
  5. Just caught the last 10 mins seemed to be about farming cod, good news for us anglers, hope that means less plundering of the wild stocks
  6. Hi benny If your boats on a trailer christchurch harbours worth a bash for a short evening session,mainly for the mullet all you need is a light spinning rod, a spinner with a single hook and
  7. fished the betsy quite a few times had never heard of a stingray from there fished on charter boats and tara only had the usual wreck fish, conger pout ect. Have heard from a freind who worked on one of the trawlers that they used to get quite a few stingrays in the bay, more towards the solent up to 50lbs +!! and they used to bring them back to poole and release them near poole harbour to try and spread there range James
  8. stunning! fish adam, well done mate see you havent been letting the side down while ive been on my hols,Ill be back hauling soon james

    unwashed squid

    Ive been thinking!!....... U wouldnt buy washed ragworm,mackrel.....lug....... or peeler!!! why!!! ?? why do we use food grade anyway?!.... less scent, less fish!! ........and its got to be cheaper less washing!!!!
  10. JIMBOB

    unwashed squid

    Come on guys, We need a source for this unwashed squid,with all our knowlage there got to be someone who knows somewhere to buy it local? It could be just the thing in the winter to give you a bit of an edge for the cod Being un washed its got to give off a hell of a sent trail
  11. It maybe a bit on the small side,But thats just because i havent mastered holding the fish out far enuff for the photo yet He went back alive though along with 1 of his mates for me to catch next year as proper beasts!!
  12. My friend mark,he comes out loads but never does that well but he did on this trip with a new pb of 24lb 8 oz tope and a 4lb+ wrasse so he didnt mind takeing a few photos
  13. And thats not just in catching them! Have you ever tryed to hold/juggle a brace shot of prickley bream I wouldnt recomend It! You should see the outher photos!! I will ad, all the bream were returned alive james
  14. Bob thats a yes/yes for me to James
  15. JIMBOB

    unwashed squid

    Hi all In this months BFM mag there was an article that said unwashed squid was the top bait for smoothys!!! with it was out fishing crab when fished side by side. Sounds to good to be true.. where do i find this unwashed squid and how much does it cost? Its got to be cheaper than prime peeler. Any ideas anyone??
  16. I think Im on BW on sat and sunday but adam cant fish friday Was going out on a nite trip for the eels and rays on the friday on tara so will be needing crew for then,Any takers? James
  17. JIMBOB

    new trailer wheel

    Martin Just looked ,I think your wheels to big I need a 145 R10,I want to go out thursday so Im gonig to buy a new one Thanks James
  18. I got a flat the outher day on taras trailer and as I had no spare so I limped it home so to speak! Theres not a lot left of the tyre or the rim so I need a new wheel, I think Its the same as a mini anyone have one laying around ? If not its of to trents or failing that Il have to fork out for a new one from abrose trailers ouch!!
  19. Dont keep us in the dark! Is a report comeing?
  20. I still havent got my film developed will email you some pickys when ive done so. Roll on may05!!1
  21. I would love to..But Ive got to work that weekend
  22. What A day I had a great time out there.(thanks adam) It was nice to fish pastures new,with rod bending action all the way, but adam managed the biggest ..(this time! ) but I made up in numbers with 11 tope my biggest went 19lb and mark had a new pb of 24lb 8oz We also did ok when we popped in to danceing ledge to escape the tide, we had a couple of nice spotted ray, mine went 3lb 8oz and adams 3lb 12oz and mark managed a cracking wrasse of 4lb 20z! Well done on the blonde charlie, I was secretly hopeing for one all day ,(Im still yet to catch one!) cant wait till the next trip. james
  23. Blow up toys........ sounds a bit Intresting! What kind of day out were you planning
  24. Arr............ but what NASA didnt no was the protype tara decoy was in use Its was the test launch prior to sunday to throw neo of the trail
  25. More likely ,all the bream!!!! Or thats what charlie told me
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