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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Looks Like you were lucky to survive the trip Martin http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index...29045120AAiXI0N Peteg
  2. Well done Kev you're getting good at this I can see your signature rivaling Robs Peteg
  3. This was my first point of call when I had the original problem and the rubber seal was changed .There was no tell tale evidence of water getting past the replaced seal even if I played the hosepipe on the cap having first stuffed kitchen roll in the filler pipe . I will retry again tomorrow just to reconfirm. The only other way in is via the tank vent but this is a proper fitting and angled slightly on the hull It is very unlikely that large amounts of rain water can find its way in although it is the ideal route for hydroscopic absorbsion from the very wet atmosphere we have been experiencing recently. Bilge is dry, Fuel Tank surface is dry and it is fresh rather than salt water that is being collected. Good suggestion Rob ....Only problem is where do I store 40 litres of fuel?....Looks like I will have to buy more Jerry Cans I already have 2 filled with fresh fuel I was going to top up with today. The Guys From Holes Bay Marine were saying they are seeing a lot of fuel separation /water contamination issues currently and also thought it was due to the ethanol content of the fuel .and the fact that I am not using the boat often enough ......I WILL GO THROUGH THE FUEL SYSTEM WITH A FINE TOOTH COMB TOMORROW AND HOPE I CAN FIND A WATER INGRESS POINT .... Alternative is to pay someone to take the boat out at least once a week....any takers?? Thanks For the advice guys. Peteg
  4. Jeez Kev You must be Bionic by now! Happy Birthday Mate
  5. Thought I'd hijack this oldish thread as it is still valid. Just had another bout of contaminated fuel (Petrol) in my 100litre stainless steel fuel tank. This is becoming a serious issue as all evidence points to Ethanol in Fuel problems Before I elaborate I realise that I am more prone to these isssues as I use my boat very rarely so it sits on a pontoon mooring with very little (if any)agitation of the fuel in the tank I had a similar episode about 9 months earlier which meant I had to get rid of about 80 litres of fuel and replace filters etc etc but thought water was entering the tank via the filler cap or the fuel tank level sensor housing and these were investigated and replaced as necesssary. However since the last episode just over a month ago and costing me around
  6. Apologies from me I won't be able to make it tonight Peteg
  7. I have to admit I got involved in a pre christmas buying frenzy to make up a
  8. gaffa

    Happy Christmas

    Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year! When's the next weather window? Pete
  9. Done Again Pete
  10. Done Pete
  11. Velly Interesting They've only mentioned the method of installation and containment of the possibly "numerous "275kv? cables across land What propsals are there for laying and protecting the cables on the sea bed ? Do they intend to Drill? excavate and backfill ?just lay on the surface without additional protection? Do they intend to group all cables together from an offshore marshalling point or will cables run individually from each wind generator? What about the Anchoring exclusion zone(s) and how will it (they) be marked? will they be effectively quarantining areas of the seabed as well as implementing the surface restriction zones. The devil is in the detail and in this case the lack of detail provided
  12. I decided to access the ENECO web site vis the links and after reviewing the presentation sheets proceded to take part in the on line survey. What a waste of time that was. I have not seen such a poorly constructed irrelevent piece of drivel in a long time . In fact it is so bad it should win an award Another one of these go through the motions and tick the box that we have surveyed the Public response declarations. It has really annoyed me and that is quite unlike my normal happy go lucky ....well sometimes grumpy old man atttitude
  13. gaffa

    Reel service

    Another big thank you to David from Me. My Charter Special TR1000 had gone overboard about a year previously and was starting to show symptoms when I needed to use it a couple of weeks ago. Well I told you I hadn't been out fishing last year didn't I David stripped serviced and replaced all 4 bearings for me in next to no time and at a very reasonable cost. It super smooth now and Ready for action again.............Unlike its owner I have no hesitation in recommending Reel Service Peteg
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