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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. gaffa

    Old married couple

    Love It..........I have a kindred soul :lol: :lol:
  2. gaffa

    Birthday Boy,

    Thanks for the good wishes guys Having a busy time at the moment almost forgot my Birthday But only Almost :lol:
  3. gaffa

    trawler in bay 25/10/2014

    trawler netting bay
  4. From the album: trawler in bay 25/10/2014

    Original picture 13.36hrs 25/10/2014 not zoomed in
  5. gaffa

    zoomed In

    From the album: trawler in bay 25/10/2014

    trawler WY37 trawling the bay on its way to the Swash time 13.36 25/10/2014
  6. Thanks Stuie Sensible rules and scoring however it is still confusing when the points re positions seem random as in the listing below. I would have preferred the points being left off the list.as they provide no useful comparison due to the method of scoring To the layman(me) it would have been more logical Seniors Top 5 Team results 1st England 939 points 2nd France 935 points 3rd Italy 770 points 4th Ireland 720 points 5th Croatia 770 points Seniors Top 5 Individual results 1st Matthieu Hervouet, France 216 points 2nd Colin Searles, England 231 points 3rd Dejan Struna, Slovenia 184 points 4th Marco Volpi, Italy 237 points 5th Sylvain Ferachoglou, France 174 points U21’s Top 5 Team results 1st Italy 762 points 2nd France 597 points 3rd England 640 points 4th Croatia 572 points Slovenia 436 points U21’s Top 5 Individual results 1st Anthony Giacomini, Italy 260 points 2nd Thomas Claverie, France 184 points 3rd Jordan Davis, England 125 points 4th Lorenzo Arnone, Italy 140 points 5th Mauro Luksic, Croatia 161 points
  7. Love it
  8. Too Complicated for me Mike I still like the simple life....Either have the most or least points to win..... Peteg
  9. A geat result for both senior and youth teams Although I wish I could get my head around the points scores listed they are doing it in :wacko: It must be an age thing
  10. I will be out from Poole as well tomorrow Trying for ANYTHING & EVERYTHING Peteg
  11. Over the years I have collected quite a variety of filletting knives (or knives that I use for filletting or bait cutting). The oldest is a Normark Martiini stainless steel filletting knife with wooden handle and leather fully enclosed sheath.Although now showing a few rust spots it is still in regular use on the boat and is 45years old and very sharp. The knife I purchased for my home filletting is a Herbetz Marttiini teflon coated knife with a section of saw blade on the back of the blade.It has a blue plastic handle and sheath and is very flexible and light. It cost about £35.00.(It is not perfect by any means as it is easy to lose control of the razor sharp blade and take off too much flesh) A stiffer less sharp blade definately has some advantages at times In between these two are a multitude of cheap or "bargain " purchases including 10 off Reground commercial filletting/boning knives for £28 and a £6 Mustad. Everyone of these knives is very useable and some are kept Razor Sharp and continue to hold a good edge. My recommendation is that you invest not in the knife but in a decent easy to use sharpening system such as the Lansky ♠ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/lansky-deluxe-5-stone-knife-sharpening-system-/221557332210?_trksid=p2054897.l5672 With this you can reprofile and put as fine an edge on ALL your blades as you want. (It can be quite Theraputic) My Mustad is razor sharp now and holds an edge. Whatever you do do not use the V Notch tungsten carbide /ceramic sharpeners on your knives .they will ruin the blades Peteg
  12. Done
  13. gaffa


    From the album: Gaffa's Reflections2 album

    Red Gurnard 1lb 5ozs
  14. gaffa


    From the album: Gaffa's Reflections2 album

    Red Gurnard 1lb 5ozs
  15. gaffa


    From the album: Gaffa's Reflections2 album

    Red Gurnard 1lb 5ozs
  16. gaffa


    From the album: Gaffa's Reflections2 album

    Red Gurnard 1lb 5ozs
  17. I've eventually got round to completing the survey form Lets hope it will help to improve the RSA lot Peteg
  18. Happy Birthday Charlie Have a good One Not too much gardening now it affects your ability to catch fish!!
  19. gaffa

    Sonik rods

    Anyone else have one of these? http://www.sonikspor...sk3xtr-boat-rod Mike, Query.....Why is the 12-20lb version HEAVIER than the 20-30lb version? I havent seen one of these in the flesh but still have a soft spot for the old Ugly Stik range Peteg
  20. Happy Birthday Martin Hope it was a good one
  21. Belated birthday wishes Guys Guess you had a good one Pete
  22. I'm looking to get out tomorrow for my first fishing trip of the year. Have to start off with the patch or Swanage as need species to catch up with the rest of you Going solo unless someone fancies a trip Peteg
  23. gaffa

    Not a boaty question.

    I think that there may be a misconception about the Salt doing the water softening. It doesn't The resin filters out the hard water and the salt forms a brine solution which cleans the contaminants off the resin. The Kinetico unit has one resin reactor in service one being cleaned The waste goes to drain. I can honestly say I cant taste any salt in the water and I prefer to use the softened water for tea etc as kettle doesn't scale and I think the tea tastes better. Drinking the softened water isn't recommended for those suffering from certain medical conditions and pregnant mums etc hence I have the raw filtered water option available. One thing to bear in mind is that softened water via this method can affect Aluminium Heat exchangers in Central heating boilers . When I replaced my boiler I ensured it was with a model fitted with a Stainless steel heat echanger Hope info helps Pete
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