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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Got to concur with Duncans comments re the pitch. I have a Mariner 115hp efi on my Ryds 600AC and the Stainless steel Mercury Vengence prop is 13 inch with a part no. 48-16986-16P that is 16p is the pitch. Can't really say what max revs it will pull but if I open her up I can guarantee its above 5400rpm Hope this info helps Peteg
  2. Oh it was such good fun to be back out on the boat after all this time. Had a 10o'clock start from Cobbs and headed for the Betsy Ann Area. Slow fishing didn't come close to desctribing it. Not a bite in about 4 hours. Me and crew decided to head inshore and drift the sandbanks seawards of the Patches and managed to pick up a few whiting but no real size to them. Still a great day out Boat worked perfectly and we didn't blank so could have been a lot worse Looking forward to the next trip now Peteg
  3. Cheers Charlie Not West Then? Guess I'll just have to go scratching til I find something. What's the water temperature like? Is Mr Spikey still around? It'll be good to get out anyway I've probably forgotten how to drive the boat so it will be an experience Peteg
  4. Well fingers crossed hope to be out for a bit of bait dipping tomorrow . This will be the first time out in probably 18months due to working away and lack of time and incentive issues. As the boat has been stationary on the pontoon at Cobbs for so long I recently ended up with a serious issue of water in the fuel and sludge in the fuel injection system feeder chamber which has hopefully all been sorted out now by the guys at Holes Bay Marine. A good tip to prevent condensation in the fuel is to keep using your boats as often as you can and keep brimming the fuel tank after each trip. Engine is now back to normal and running as sweet as a nut after a service and new cambelt so tomorrow I am going to put her through her paces as well as hopefully catch a few fish. Any recommendations as to which way to turn outside the harbour east or west? Am hoping to at least make an entry onto the species hunt table this year Keep an eye open for me you can't miss the boat as she's not exactly a common design I 'll keep a watch on channel 6! Tight lines all PeteG
  5. Next Bridge closures are scheduled as below Mariners are advised that the Backwater channel will be closed to navigation for vessels that are unable to proceed under the closed bridge spans due to their airdarft. Navigation will remain open for low airdraft vessels that can safely proceed. Mariners should proceed past the works at slow speed and keeping wash to a minimum. It is intended to restrict the channel on Wednesday 16th November 2011 from 08:00hrs to 1800hrs, and Thursday 17th November 2011 from 0800hrs until 0800hrs on Friday 18th November. The reopening of the channel will be promulgated by Poole Harbour Control on VHF channel 14. For further information contact
  6. extract from the MBM article "The French authorities do take RCDcategories very seriously indeed.It's technically illegal to take a Category C boat further than 6 miles from land in French waters,which effectively prohibits any such craft from crossing the Channel.You can get into quite a lot of trouble if they have to rescue you in conditions that exceed the RCD design capability of your boat." MBM have provided a list of equipment needed for France here http://www.motorboatsmonthly.co.uk/archive...l-crossing-gear Enjoy
  7. gaffa

    etec problem

    You have my Sympathies PJ Re EMM Looks like its "Potted" to me. I don't think there is much hope of an invasive repair Also don't forget the VAT charges if your shipping from the States. Sorry it seems all bad news Pete
  8. gaffa

    Smart Tabs

    I've also got Bennets hydraulic tabs on my Ryds 600ac. Can't do without them as I cant see where I'm going without them The bow tends to ride high in the air and with the steering position towards the midship/aft area I can't see over it when I'm seated ..... or standing up(due to a shortage in the length of leg department) They're a great advantage to trimming a boat and on mine have an incredible effect on boat angle heel and fore and aft trim. Been on since 2006 no problems Thoroughly reccommended Pete
  9. Tom, Keep it quiet but I've managed to vote twice....... That's 2 pints you owe me Pete
  10. Done Pete
  11. gaffa

    Boat Insurance

    I was originally with SAGA who wouldn't change cover from 12 to 20 miles when requested. Changed to Porthcawl who gave me 20miles when asked . Cheaper too
  12. Update on hours.... Its only 35 hours!!!!!!!
  13. A work colleague has a Suzuki 4 stroke outboard available for sale From memory I believe he said it was 2 years old with only around 65hours. RRP New
  14. gaffa

    Volvo problem

    Hi Martyn, BobF's recomendation is spot on as is Marks . If the problem is occurring at tickover there is a possibiity of the engine revs falling below the minimum needed for the Alternator to function.i.e the alternator needs to be rotating above a mimimum speed (around 1000-1400 rpm?). This is not the Engine rev speed but the alternator speed as determined by the pulley ratios. Generally this won't be a problem as the alternator pulley ratios have been sized correctly during engine design phase but if batteries are low and starter motor loads them further the engine revs will drop on starting and the alternator speed will drop taking it below the operating point. Extra heavy loads like tilting etc could have a similar effect if the tickover speed was low Try upping the tickover revs before tilting and see if the problem goes away Hope this helps?
  15. gaffa

    The BASS AGM

    Hearty Agreement to all of Charlies Comments Well Done Everybody!
  16. Happy Birthday Youngster peteg
  17. Good job he gave someone else a chance in 2008 and 2009 Rob...you going to give someone else a chance for 2011 and 2012?
  18. Hi Steve Glad to see you've joined the club. Lets hope you'll have some Fishing Fireworks this year Your berth neighbour Peteg
  19. Apologies guys I will not be able to make it tonight. Just For the record If an Angling Trust Membership headcount is to be taken at the meeting I am an existing individual Angling Trust Member. Peteg
  20. What about this one 125MPH on land 45+MPH on water wouldn't want to take it to sea though but what a fantastic way to launch and retrieve Makes even Baiter Slip a piece of the preverbial p@@s
  21. gaffa


    I've got an Origo 2000 single burner cooker installed under my helm seat. No I don't sit on it when its alight Its a great piece of kit..2kw and very economical I just run it on Meths and have cut out an oversize neoprene rubber gasket to prevent evaporation of the fuel when not in use. I have been able to light the stove easily every time even after months on non use in all temperatures. Its the safest type of stove to use on board ...it can't explode....and is ultra reliable and easy to fill . Only downside..other than price .. is it can take quite a while to boil a full kettle
  22. gaffa

    Snow Ploughs

    Me too.......
  23. Tony, When I first bought my boat it had been fitted with an eberspacher D2 heating system complete with diesel fuel tank,exhaust port and single nozzle and digital programmer etc. it was a professional installation costing over
  24. Trev, I think Robs hit the nail on the head...or sailors a**ehole on the bottom... I get the impression that the only Long Term antifoul is Copper Coat......Expensive !! Any recommendations from Anyone? I had a Black antifoul put onto my stainles steel trimtabs last season and it was a great improvement on the normal Blue used on the Hull but even with this the tabs have been covered in weed and marine plants for about 6 months of the year. In my case Tabs are the items closest to the surface and sunlight and are the areas that really breed the weed From the above test the Black antifoul was specifically for metal surfaces (I believe.) . it was put on by Holes Bay Marine at the last liftout and I don't remember the name Anyone got an idea? Peteg
  25. gaffa

    New Year Message

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