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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. only Joking Honest I thought she'd killed her sister cos she'd dissed her man! Pete
  2. (gulp) to0 O
  3. gaffa

    Rough Weather Vid

    Did you notice the size of the final wave that hit it just as the video ended? I saw the effect of a huge wave that hit the QE2 when she was in a big storm whilst crossing the atlantic early in her carreer. The Bridge Superstructure had a crack of up to 1inch wide all the way down to deck level. So much Power so few Fish Pete
  4. gaffa

    Radar Reflector

    Guys, Further update on Radar Reflectors is that the report into the sinking of the OUZO now includes a test on Radar Reflectors. If interested see site http://www.ybw.com/pbo/pdfs/radar_reflectors.pdf Results were very similar to those I mentioned in earlier post but the standards legislation is being tightened up and the new RCS performance characteristics have become more onerous. The only one that complied with both current and proposed standards was the Sea Me. The trl-lens versions came pretty close and are still my recomendation especially if just mounting on the cabin roof Pete
  5. gaffa

    Radar Reflector

    Adam The sea me has me slightly worried in that it performs brilliantly on X band but Not at all on S band. I have been told that a large number of ships use S band when approaching port. Does this mean they switch off their X band I find it strange that sea me don't produce an S band version as well. Then we can all feel safe in our berths for a most reasonable cost of
  6. gaffa

    Alderney Ring

    Jas, Don't forget the coat hanger with the Alderney Ring, it keeps the buoy at a distance from the boat. Pete
  7. gaffa

    Radar Reflector

    Adam, If you're at tonights meeting I will show you the report. The results on the tube reflector showed it was only visible for 4 secs in the minute and although it provided a good return when vertical 2.6sqm@0deg tilted it only produced 0.15sqm@5deg, 0.1sqm@10deg and 0.5sqm at 15deg (small corner pocket reflections) At
  8. gaffa

    Radar Reflector

    Adam, I'm contemplating fitting a dual purpose removeable mast in the form of a broom handle and a rod rest (See Mikes suggestion)that will be mounted to the handrail over the front portion of my cabin(in your case the arch) Fitted to the top of this will be 4 off 15inch stainless booms(
  9. gaffa

    Radar Reflector

    Guys, Apologies for late posting on this topic but have just found a 2005 article in a magazine which tests the various types of radar reflector and it makes very interesting reading. They basically put each reflector type on a 4m high wooden mast (the recommended MINIMUM height) on a RIB and locked the steering so that it steered 360 degrees and thereby they got a standardised plot of performance for each one. The rib was specially chosen for its small radar image. I will bring article to Thursday club meeting If anyone can't attend or needs info more urgently please PM me with their email details and I will provide info. Best Bang for buck by far is the old faithfull cheapy octrahedral 16 0r 18 inch. tubular ones gave very poor performance Sea me excellent provided you've got power and aren't being scanned by S band radar TRI-Lens types were very very good Echomax EM230 also good Unfortunately for small boats most of these are too hefty and awkward to mount. Remember the tests were carried out with the reflectors at 4metres above deck level. At a lower height their performance would be affected depending upon weather conditions . Also time on screen checks(blindspots) were done which makes very interesting reading. Basically: If you can mount a tri-lens standard type cost around
  10. gaffa

    Alderney Ring

    Jas, Like Kam,can thoroughly recommend the Anka Yanka system but recommend you also get the coathanger (stainless steve does one) Beauty of the Anka Yanka is you can just clip it to the mooring rope at any time, and the coat hanger keeps the buoy away from the boat rather than under the bow where it can't be seen. Not a cheap system but one that will last for yonks Recommend you go for a bigger rather than smaller buoy as more buoyancy holds anchor and chain easier. Downside is its rather a large beasty to stow.I keep my kit in the cabin. Pete
  11. gaffa


    Cheapskate as I am I am still using hooks bought in bulk when I was a kid over 40 years ago! Shows how much fishing I do. I have also added to the old stock with new circles in about 3 or 4 sizes and these I bought in bulk from Tackle Bargains. Very Cheap- Seem to be great as they keep sticking me in the fingers!!! On the odd occsasion that I have had a bite they have hooked the fish! Rust is not a problem- I very rarely get them wet!!! Pete
  12. gaffa

    Outboard Overheating

    Guys , Thank you all for advice Very varied and helpfull. I will see what happens this weekend and will firstly remove the thermostat and try the tell tale temperature check and work from there. I think its a genuine fault though as I could see steam coming off the outboard after alarm went off. Simon, With the backflush method is the prop in or out of the water and what hose pressure is recommended. I assume the engine needs to be running to get the water to circulate but what if I took the Thermostat out? does it still need to run? Mike, Only guessing about Holes Bay Marines method of testing I wasn't there to see them carry out test, so guessed when they told me they had carried out an on load test/ Interesting feedback on them though I'll be more wary in future. Its a pain not to be able to do anything during the week due to distance etc. I'll let you know results as the saga progresses. Pete
  13. gaffa

    Outboard Overheating

    Mike, Thanks for Advice, Its not the impellor as a new one has been fitted last month The Thermostat is also new and has made no difference. although I haven't run it at speed without the thermostat. Next step is checking cooling water flowrate and determining whether its a water pump,waterway or headgasket issue. The tell tale temp is fine at tickover but haven't been able to check it at speed. I'm hoping its the cheapest of the options but with my luck it wont be. Noticed the abscence of Pride Of Morpork 2 on Saturday did you have any luck with the Fishees? I got back on berth around 7.30 in the evening with no fish to show for a very long but nevertheless enjoyable day. Pete
  14. gaffa

    Outboard Overheating

    Adam, To be honest I have Never Flushed the engine through whilst on the mooring. I suppose it could be done but I don't really fancy hanging over the transom onto the slippery engine to try and fit the muffs .My Transom is virtually at water level With regards to the fast Idle it isn't functional with my engine although it is fitted to the throttle mechanism I think its locked off cos I can't move it. I think they made sure the boat was securely fastened to the mooring and drove the boat into the bow buffer fender and opened it up keeping it reving above 4000 but not going anywhere? Again its not exactly the same as when under sea conditions -Probably increased the erosion on the opposite bank though. I Have this feeling that it is the waterways being partially blocked , Any ideas about how to unblock them ? There wouldn't be a wonder chemical on the market that you could suck in an recirculate for a few hours and Hey Presto Job Done would there? If So What is it? Is Saltx Up To the Challenge? Pete
  15. gaffa

    Outboard Overheating

    Adam, 3 year warranty as far as I'm aware. Engine was supplied and serviced and maintained solely by Holes Bay Mariine. They have recently done the annual boat antifoul and anode replacement etc and engine service. The problem was only noticed when I got the boat back. Thats not to say it wasn't there before as due to the weather it was unlikely that I could have opened her up for any length of time. But with the speed restriction removed from the harbour it showed itself. Holes Bay Marine have since managed to replace the Thermostat without taking the boat out of the water and have run the boat under load at above 4000 for about 30mins on the mooring with no problems- Hence I thought it was sorted. To do any further checks will probably involve taking her out of the water again so I was wondering if there was a list of things to check whilst she was high and dry that anyone could recommend. Very Concerned to hear of the problems with Your mariner. Did you find out the problem when it failed- Was it Blocked waterways? Pete
  16. Guys, Anyone any ideas relating to solving the following problem on my Mariner 4stroke 115bhp new in 2003, regularly serviced and little used(well since I took it over 1 year ago) The engine runs sweet as a nut below 4000 rpm but as soon as I open it up above 4000 rpm it lasts a couple of minutes and then the overheating alarm sounds and the protection cuts in requiring a return to neutral until alarm resets and off we go again . The tell tale is working OK and I have had a new thermostat fitted which I originally thought had cured the problem. Unfortunately Saturday's trip out showed it hadn't. and that it was actually overheating as steam was wafting from it on tickover whilst the alarm sounded. The boat ran perfectly all day as long as I didnt exceed 4000rpm. The engine is regularly serviced by Holes Bay Marine who have confirmed they have fitted a new water pump impellor at each service. My current plan is to get a waterpump Flowrate test carried out on it which could point to either a faulty water pump or clogged waterways but is there anything else that you know of that should be checked either prior to or during the test that could cause the same symptoms ? Any Help very gratefully received Its restricting my fishing area !!! Pete
  17. gaffa

    First Comp

    Mike No Problem At All No Keel Tilt outboard prop out of water Pete
  18. Dolphins aren't fish ............... Damn You've seen through another of Baldricks cunning plans I knew I could get it past you Kam Pete
  19. Is that Pod of 48 Dolphins still cruising off the needles? Would They Count in the Comp? Only Joking Pete
  20. gaffa

    Trim Tabs

    Have to agree with Martin. Reflections 2 has Bennet Hydraulic Tabs fitted and they make a tremendous difference to the boat. Thoroughly recommended. They are so effective that once up to speed the boat can plane using its port or starboard chine as a keel depending upon tab settings.Can be quite disconcerting if you over adjust by mistake. I suppose the lean angle feels worse than it actually is. But for those of you who permanently moor their boats with Trimtabs here's a heads up piece of advice Learnt the Hard Way. 1. Ensure you replace your trim tab anode regularly . For Cobbs Quay Marina I have to change Zinc Trim Tab anodes at least twice a year 2. During your annual lift out and antifoul make sure you antifoul the trim tab as well as the bottom but NOT where the Anode bolts to the tab and do not paint the anode. Reason for above is that without antifoul paint on the trimtab the weed growth quickly obscures the condition of the Anodes. I thought there was plenty of anode left as they were new at the start of the season (March) but by December they had reduced in size to become inneffective. I couldn't see them as they were covered in growth Result was Galvanic Corrosion started on the stainless steel in particular the screws holding the Tabs to the boat One nice blast out to sea and a bit of wave hopping caused the screwheads to shear and the Tab was ripped off. Hence 1 tab nicely set for Bow Down and level at around 20 knots and the other acting as a sea anchor really upsets the trim of the boat and an Immediate throttle down and 6 knot cruise back to berth was required. Remember keep an eye on those Anodes Pete
  21. Reflections 2 will be out on Saturday with a boatload setting off from Cobbs Quay. If good result may even make it Sunday as well. Pete
  22. And Me Pete
  23. gaffa

    Anchor warp help

    Jas, Duncan is right and once you've done your first splice you'll be hooked -you'll start looking for things to splice just for the hell of it. The above only applies if your working with something nice and supple and soft etc. Oh my mind's started to wander Suggest you go for 14mm anchor plait Got a good deal from here http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Boatropes
  24. gaffa


    See what I mean What a forum What Banter What diverse knowledge abounds in the minds of the simple boat angler - Thank god for the internet I say
  25. Congrats on the new boat Mike, Which side of F pontoon is your berth,the side nearest the slipway/refuelling berth or the side near the bank? If on the side near the bank be carefull getting in or out on lowering tides it can get pretty shallow in places near the bank. If on the other side - You spawny B****** Plenty of water to play around in and you could spit to the refuelling point Pete
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