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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. gaffa


    Cheers Guys, WHSmith it is then! Just have to make sure to send the Wife into Eastleigh around the 18th of every month. I can see I'll have to revise her current programming Better not let her see this post !or she'll do more than revise my programming Pete
  2. gaffa


    Guys, Stupid Question I Know BUT where do you guys buy BFM from? I just cant get hold of a copy locally- which mainstream newsagents or shops sell BFM? I have recently found a free source which is Sammys Tackle Swanick Southampton. Very Frendly little tackle/bait shop where customers donate their finished with magazines which he allows customers to take if needed. Rather than place a regular order with my local newsagent or take out a subscription which I am eventually prepared to do I need to monitor the content for a while longer. I'm not interested in another Sea Angler or Total Sea Fishing clone. I haven't even found a copy in WHSmiths.Tescos,Asda,Waitrose ,Coop! Motorway services,Garages- As you've probably guessed Most of my sources are only open outside of normal shopping hrs and I can't get access to a newsagent during the day. Where Do You suggest? They seem to be as rare as Rocking Horse @@@t Pete
  3. Doh! Does that mean I can only include salmon and sea sea trout shots and not the flounder and mullet ones because they're tidal. Don't worry haven't got any anyway Fishless and Boatless Pete
  4. gaffa

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Everyone! Lets Hope weather improves and an abundance of good fishing is available to all! Pete
  5. I think I've had this problem before. Are you running a program like ghost surf or a software firewall? If so try disabling them and uploading pics. If you aren't running them what internet protection software are you using? it may well be a configuration problem with the setup of your internet security software look at the security permissions setup aspects Best Of Luck Pete
  6. I can't see any either- same message as britboard Havn't been able to upload for quite some time . Seems we're both having the same problems. Pete
  7. Mike , Have you thought of making a bit of money over the Christmas You could do a Club Act and nail your tongue to the tables or walls! I know a good agent but you'll have to be quick cos it'll really hurt after its healed. Glad your OK and back on line The Forum was a bit quiet for a while. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Can You Still Whistle?????? Pete
  8. Martin, Can't agree Strongly Enough And Just dont mention the non payment of Pension Fund Conpensation or the proposed compulory Pension contributions he'll force everyone to make soon. Whats the betting those funds will go belly up as well . There I told you not to get me started !!!! Re the diesel oil issue How Long do you think it will be before he increases Biofuel tax to the non derrogated level without any pressure from the EEC. There's my proposed fish and chip shop empire out of the window Pete
  9. All I want for Christmas is to catch a fish! : Merry Christmas Everyone Hope the flounder comp goes well for all. I wont be fishing it but am hoping to get Reflections 2 out sometime this weekend. Its berthed at Cobbs Quay so if anyone's interested in a trip out either Saturday or Sunday Let Me know. I warn you now it'll be probably the most unproductive days fishing you've had in a while But I do have a very fine Heater in the cabin and its nice and cosy! Thinking about it its probably why I don't catch any fish its probably too comfy ! Oh yeah and dont expect me to get up at 3.00 am to catch the tide I sometimes think I'm not cut out for this angling business Once Again Merry Christmas All Pete
  10. Guess now's the time to stock up on waste chippy oil I see a business opportunity looming. Who's up for investing in a street full of Fish and Chip shops alonside Poole Harbour In all seriousness I reckon it will have a huge impact especially on the Marinas. There will be a lot of boats put up for sale and very few buyers. Pete
  11. gaffa

    Stormy Weather

    Paul, Take Heart Its not just you Going Cold Turkey is supposed to be worse The weather Must change soon
  12. Petition Signed Been Off Air for quite a while due to my ISP going bust so have missed the crack on the forum Hopefully back to normal now after a change of email address, ISP and all that goes with it Still haven't caught any fish ! and haven't been out for what seems a lifetime! That could be the reason I haven't caught any fish!! Pete
  13. gaffa

    Graphics Project

    Sam, Think about reducing the Engine noise and vibration. I went out on a charter Offshore?(35ft) can't remember actual model no. it was some years ago out of Swansea. She was the fastest charter boat in the marina and really looked the part. Everything was great until the skipper opened her up on leaving the harbour, she had 2 stonking big diesels installed (400+hp each from memory) The noise was horrendous on the wide open deck and even worse was the high frequency vibration which shook your entire body. I tell you this boat could give White finger vibration damage on a par with a pneumatic drill. The result after an hours steaming at high revs was that all anglers were feeling sick and had splitting headaches. It was a relief to anchor up. No one looked forward to the trip back Needless to say the boat didn't last long in the Swansea charter fleet Gaffa
  14. gaffa

    Goodbye, Dad

    Bob, Very Sad to hear your news My heartfelt condolences to you and your family for your loss, I bet there are some stories to tell when you reflect on what must have been a very interesting life. I know he'll get a good sendoff. Pete
  15. SOCIAL SECURITY SEX Two men were talking. So, how's your sex life?" "Oh, nothing special. I'm having Social Security sex." "Social Security sex?" "Yeah, you know: I get a little each month, but not enough to live on!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOUD SEX: A wife went in to see a therapist and said, "I've got a big problem, doctor. Every time we're in bed and my husband climaxes, he lets out this ear splitting yell." "My dear," the shrink said, "that's completely natural. I don't see what the problem is" "The problem is," she complained, "It wakes me up!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIET SEX: Tired of a listless sex life, the man came right out and asked his wife during a recent lovemaking session, "How come you never tell me when you have an orgasm?" She glanced at him casually and replied, "You're never home!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONFOUNDED SEX A man was in a terrible accident, and his "manhood" was mangled and torn from his body. His doctor assured him that modern medicine could give him back his manhood, but that his insurance wouldn't cover the surgery since it was considered cosmetic. The doctor said the cost would be
  16. gaffa

    Bonwitco Boats

    Reg, Any news on the Bonwitco 511. Has your Contact managed to get the test drive yet? Pete
  17. Good for you guys, Thats a nice Huss. Liked the pics and video too Have you ever dunked the cameras? I couldnt believe how calm it was on the Chesil. I like many others stayed inside Pooole Harbour today and drifted around Brownsea Island. Not Only did I blank but I didn't get a single bite. I was going to try Mad Mikes ro ro's but there must have been at least 4 differernt yacht races in the area....SCARY Lots of boats fishing inside the harbour including the Charters . Please say someone caught Something!! -----other than the big lumps of slipper limpet my circle hooks kept dragging in. If anyone can contradict the old saying when the winds in the east the fish bite least let them post now!!! with some catch reports for today. Lets hope next weekend turns out better Pete
  18. gaffa

    Bonwitco Boats

    Reg, I'll certainly look forward to some feedback . I have a feeling your mates cousin will be really impressed. Those Bonwitco boys are not afraid to throw their boats around and I dont think iffy weather will stop them either. Look forward to hearing the results. It may be something to add to PhilV's shortlist of boats- see earlier thread Pete
  19. gaffa

    Bonwitco Boats

    Reg, Thanks very much for info,its good to hear someone has one . Glad your happy with your 495 its a classic design. I've not actually seen a Bonwitco on the water myself. I think Bonwitco have changed the hull design on the 511 relative to the more original "With" design of the 495 and believe the performance is improved. When they exhibited the 600 it was quoted as having a 50 knot hull capability and would hit 30knots max with a 90 hp suzuki outboard'' Looking at the 511 I reckon its good for an easy 30knots on the flat. I think it sits a bit higher in the water than the 495 and the one I saw was double skinned and foam filled. They do reckon the sea keeping is above average and will get through most conditions without too much trouble at about 5knots more than compettive designs. Interesting point about the safety rails, the 511 had rails fitted but they were very low and would act as a handhold rather than a protective measure to keep the littlies in. Reason for my interest is that I decided to buy virtually the opposite to what I was originally considering and have ended up with a mid to aft cabin deep V hull 19ft 6ins long by 7 ft beam weighing 850 kg without engine and certified for 7 people or 820 kgs total load. the boat has virtually the same performance as I was expecting from the "with" style hull but delivers it with a totally different design and a 115hp ob. Its quite interesting fishing from the open front cockpit and getting access to the anchor etc is a doddle.VERY high safety rails all round give a lot of confidence. I dont really know how good its ultimate seakeeping ability is I 've never pushed it I just keep musing on what it would have been like compared with the Bonwitco. You know what its like you set your heart on something and then all resolve caves in when a bargin arrives in your lap(well almost a bargin) Pete
  20. gaffa

    Bonwitco Boats

    Guys, Has anyone any hands on experience with the Bonwitco range of boats. I was initially smitten by a 600 with cuddy that was exhibited at the 2005 Southampton boat show but after spending an hour crawling all over it in the company of the venerable Mr. Francis Wills, Owner and Designer of Bonwito we decided that it was still in the prototype stage , had too many flaws and was too expensive for my budget at the time. I ended up buying second hand rather than new hence my Ryds 600AC which I am very pleased with (its even got a heater ) but I still keep thinking of what may have been if I had saved more. The unfinished status of the 600 seemed confirmed when at the recent show it was not offered as it was still in developement. However the 511 that was at the show seemed a really nice piece of kit with a fantastically sharp series of edges on the chines which to me indicated excellent speed and handling characteristics plus of course a lot of hard work had gone into the mould. The Stainless work let it down a little from the aesthetics side as finish could be better. I know that the hulls are supposedly very fast and have good sea keeping properties but has anyone actually tried one out and is able to compare with similar competive models. They don't seem to be popular within the club is there any particular reason other than say price? Any Feedback Greatfully received . Pete
  21. gaffa


    If you want to solder join two wires together the first thing you need to do is ensure you have a firm mechanical joint before you solder. The simplest and best method for doing this is the Philips Joint Strip out a single strand of tinned copper wire from an offcut peice of the wire you need to solder. Slide the Heatshrink sleeving (long enough to cover the joint + a min of 5mm over hang on each) onto the wire ensuring it is slid far enough away from the proposed soldered joint as to be unnaffected by the heat. Pre Tin each wire end and lay the two ends side by side.Do Not swamp with Solder! Wrap the single wire strand tightly around both ends so it acts as a whipping. The wires at this point are joined in line and supporerted mechanically . Apply clean and tinned soldering iron tip to the joint and apply solder to the wire not the soldering iron. The soldering iron is there to heat the wire to the melting point of the solder. If you touch the solder to the soldering iron tip you have an ideal method of producing a cold joint. Not want you want. Generally a Properly crimped joint gives you a gas tight seal at the point of crimp however the rest of the bare cable left uncrimped is open to the elements and can corrode or become brittle or soft with verdigris. Provided solderd cables are properly sleeved /protected from the elements and are mechanically supported to minimise vibrations after the joint they are my preferred method of connection As with everything the skill improves with practise.If minimum quantity solder soldered joints are good enough for satellites and defence contracts they're good enough for me. Pete
  22. Charlie , Just emailed mine (for what its worth ) to wendy's email Pete
  23. gaffa


    I agree with Charlie, If you want the longest lasting installation use the tinned marine grade wire and soldered joints wherever possible. Use colour coded heatshrink for identification of + and - wiring joints and if you need to bundle cables into harnesses for fixed routes in tight corners use some adhesive lined heatshrink for additional protection. If you want to add to or modify the installation in the future run the cables in plastic flexible conduit always remembering to leave a pull cord(wire) in it for future mods. They may not be the cheapest but you should find all you need on the RS Components website http://www.rswww.com They do a range of Hook Up Wire which is tinned copper Just be carefull to get the correct current capacity size for the applcation. Best Of Luck-I hate wiring! Pete
  24. Charlie, I will be out from Cobbs Quay around 10 oclock on Sunday-tomorrow. I will have 1 non-member with me and will only be able to listen in on VHF -Aint got my quali's yet- got your mobile number though. If I give you a ring on mobile prior to Launch will this qualify for competition entry . If so book me in. I'm the one with the very strange looking boat flying a pennant and fishing off the bow rather than the stern. Hope everyone has a really good day Pete
  25. What are pro's and cons of the big tide's guys Sunday will only be my fifth time out from Cobbs and I have no real local experience of the grounds. Any Tips? I did get out last Wednesday and fished Christchurch Ledges and had a few bream. Which direction from Poole harbour would you recommend Any Info or Marks greatfully received Cheers Pete
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