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Everything posted by gaffa
Guys, Thank you for clarifying matters. I've temporarily stood down from my all guns blazing response. How dare they even contemplate stopping me from catching and even possibly landing my first ever cod. I should be so lucky Peteg
Peter, I have deleted my initial response on this matter I considered a 12hr cooling down period was necessary On the other hand I don't think it will have much effect Peteg
Graham, Are you sure you will have to pay an excess ? I am with SAGA and with my policy there is no excess to pay or loss of no claims discount if your boat is damaged when moored at the marina pontoon. Might be worth checking the small print. Sorry to hear about the damage 'From memory I think you're moored in the main thoroughfare to the refuelling pontoon -its two way traffic in that lane and with a bit of a crosswind coming down the lane from the other pontoons below the marina office its not difficult for a boat to get blown into the moored vessels on your side of the pontoon.Also the craft are much bigger than on my side. I'm on the other side of the pontoon and seemingly only have to worry about single lane traffic and low water and the crosswind. I think the chances of not getting hit or sustaining less damage are considerably better on my side of F Pontoon Suggest you transfer across. Peteg
Gordon and Peter were waiting for me at the boat at 8.00am as organised and we were underway by about 8.30. Had a bit of a confrontation with the wake of the Brittany Ferries Ferry in the Harbour before I managed to get past her and everything settled down into a perfect run out to the mark on the spoils. Gordon and Peter were first into the fishing into what turned out to be a pretty strong tide. Peter was first in followed closely by the rest of us and we brought in a good selection of whiting over the day with many more returned. There were only around 4 LSD's all day none to me as I was using a paternoster setup to the running ledgers of the two divers. I had brought along a magic mix of groundbait and as soon as the dropper was down it immediately brought the fish onto the feed -I was really impressed with it and will definately make up some more. Downside was that I was having to use an additional 2lb weight on it at some stages in the tide and the loading damaged the spigot joint on my Fladen euogold 20lb -(buy 1 get one free rod
That Saturday 9th weather window seems to have exploded into a whole week of reasonable fishing weather I'm still looking at getting out on Saturday and offer still open for crew. Please accept my apologies for not being able to attend tomorrows meeting I've got to get to Leeds tomorrow and won't be back in time. If anyone has any info on fishing spots with the big tide in mind I would appreciate A pm . Pete G
Happy Birthday Tom Have yourself a great day Peteg
Weather forcast looking good for next Saturday so will probably take Reflections 2 out for an airing. Have room for one or two if they fancy a trip out of Cobbs Quay Marina. Doesn't look like I'll need my heater. The tempeature forecast is of a fine summers day. But I'll believe that when I see it PM me if any interest or contact me at Thursday's Meeting If anyone has any recommendations as to where to fish (tide looks a bit big)they would be greatfully received . I have made up a super groundbait mix and quite fancy some Whiting or Brill or Dab or Bass or whatever else is table fish of the moment. Peteg
Happy Burtday Martin Don't forget its all downhill from now on!! Peteg
Same from me and my Family. Here's wishing everyone some decent catches in the New Year. Merry Christmas All and a Fishy New Year PeteG
Charlie you have a PM PeteG
I've got a relatively early start tomorrow so will make sure I tune in. PeteG
Did you notice how close some of those (unused )mooring buoys were to the breakwater. Not a good idea to pick one of those I feel. Good adverts for self bailing decks or auto matic bilge pumps . I assume they were all there in the morning? Pete G
Charlie, Looks like you'll be able to saunter right up the Wareham channel with so little draft . I am surprised there is so little in the water with a boat of her size and displacement Just goes to show one of the benefits of the trihedral hull I suppose Re Out of the Cold Reminds Me If you haven't already got a diesel heater for the cabin I can give you the name of the guy I got my spare unit from on Ebay saves all this bidding lark. Second hand units fully working for around
Nice One Terry Reminded me of the wife in some ways but she doesn't need the booze
When I was a nipper (no snide comments please ) used to watch a guy fish for pike on our local lake. His rig comprised of a huge beachcasting rod and sea sized fixed spool reel and a cuddly toy rat loaded with trebles. His first few casts used to go pretty well and the rat was dragged across the surface and it did on occasion catch big pike. As the rat became more and more waterlogged it couldn't be cast as far and used to sink quite rapidly but it still caught fish He was the only guy I ever saw use that method there and he used to fish in short bursts over a few hours . I think the casting and retrieval knackered him. I always wondered if he ever told his little girl what he did with her toys Peteg
You've got my vote Mike Some very good suggestions put forward. I'm loathe to add my own comments to the thread in case they are considered too radical and not in the public (governments)interest. Peteg
Well Done Alun 2 Beautififul fish
Alan, Heater was very useful on Sunday when it turned a little chilly. Dont forget to let me know when you're in the market for one and I'll give you the name of the guy I got my spare system from. The old boat went very nicely on Sunday it looks like the engine's properly sorted now and the ride was pretty good even considering the confused sea. We were averaging about 18knots at 4000rpm and hit a few waves pretty hard but with no spray coming aboard it was a result. So with boat now in fine fettle I only have to concentrate on my fishing technique and associated boat handling skills. Interested to hear that there was only diesel at Brixham- No point in me heading over there then! PeteG
DOH! Stupid me Should have had more patience and realised MF805 meant Merry Fisher 805. Should also have read very nice explanatory positing with pics Well Done Alan Nice boat PeteG
So what is it??? last I heard it was an ANTARES 750? but from Southampton Dont keep us in suspense! PeteG
Reflections 2 report Due to my abysmal precision anchoring and or drifting techniques over the EVERLEIGH have to report most of the day was blank with not even a bite. However good company aboard in the form of Charlie Aneer and as we slowly progressed inshore I eventually managed to bag 4 bream and 1 mackeral. Welcome on board anytime Charlie and I promise to improve my wreck positioning in future. Good Day Out all said and done Peteg
Charlie , I'm going out from Cobbs quay tomorrow . and you're quite welcome to take a seat aboard. I wasn't intending to enter comp as I am single handed. If you want to do some fishing give me a ring in the morning Mobile is 07917357405 Hope to launch around 8.30am to 9.00am Peteg
Me Too Nice fish guys PeteG
Guys, Having read all these issues re brakes overheating and affecting bearings etc leads me to wonder whether someone does a disc brake conversion for a trailer. I'm sure they would be far more resilient than drum style. Anyone have any info ? PeteG I must state I don't trail myself so if the suggestion has any pitfalls please treat me gently for my ignorance.