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Member Removed

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  1. Hi Terry, further to our conversation, I have now booked B&B for Alderney. Could you add "LUKA" to the list. Could you also book two spaces for Saturday and Sunday get together please. I have aquired a crew member to help me out. Many thanks Lee Roberts
  2. Thanks for the help and info Lads
  3. Sorry to hear that I used to be on F Pontoon and got broken into it is a pain. In my case a few years ago the police were quite good and came and finger printed the boat, perhaps they had someone in mind? Which Pontoon are you on? Hunter
  4. http://http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn177/h...oto/boat005.jpg
  5. Thanks lads i live in Scotland and here is a photo of where the rubber is supposed to be around the boat as a bumper. Cant seem to load photo
  6. Hi all this is my first post on here so lets go, Ok i have a small boat 14 feet Mayland its my first boat and i am struggling to find out where to get the rubber that runs right around the edge of the boat if anyone knows where to get this can they put a link up please.
  7. hi who is Dan and Steve, Total fog all the way from Swindon can you message me as i live in Swindon Marcel
  8. hi guys i am new to this site thought it look good and you all seem friendly i have a little 22ft fishing boat and it would be nice to make some friends and that have the same interest than me i was thinking of going out to the shambles on sat never been out there before can anyone give me any tips or coordinate on where to fish or how to fish it ? will any of you be out on sat many thanks marcel
  9. I thought this may be of inteerst to memberrs, Regards, Neptune The Economic and social value of sea angling in England survey now underway. The Sea Angling 2012 survey has now been launched by the Marine Management Organisation, Cefas and individual Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs). The survey responses will help assess the economic value and social benefits of sea angling as well as providing information about the importance of sea angling to the nation. The research is being undertaken by Substance in partnership with Cardiff University and Newcastle University. The economic and social research into sea angling will also involve face-to-face questionnaires with sea anglers in five case study sites in different regions, along with business surveys in these areas. The survey is being conducted to evaluate the local impact of sea angling on coastal communities. The study runs for all of 2012 and will report in spring 2013. To take part in the survey visit: http://www.seaangling.substance.coop/ To find out more about the project visit: http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/seaangling/index.htm
  10. I am regrettably selling my Orkney Coastliner 14ft, it is kitted out with fish finder, VHF radio, lights and so on. Comes with a very reliable fully serviced Yamaha Autolube 20hp engine and a running Seagull engine. Snipe trailer all in working order. Engine annually serviced by ski and marine. I will add more information on bits and bob
  11. 19. Latest edition of Fishing Focus newsletter now available This issue of the newsletter includes articles on December Fisheries Council outcomes, Marine Conservation Zones, CFP reform and domestic fisheries reform, news from the Marine Management Organisation on catch quota trials, marine planning and Fisheries Local Action Groups. The newsletter can be downloaded at: http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/marine.../fishing-focus/
  12. Surely there are some bright ideas out there..................... 17. Seafish invites applicants for feasibility study into bulk uses for discarded fish Seafish, the authority on seafood, is commissioning a project to assess potential uses for discarded fish that is not destined for human consumption. Seafish wants to identify commercially available bulk uses or outlets for discards that may be landed, assess the feasibility of accessing these bulk outlets and make recommendations on the options that industry can take forward. Seafish is looking for applicants who are suitably qualified to undertake this project, with expertise in undertaking work of this nature, and a track record in research and delivering projects to a high standard. More information can be found at: http://www.seafish.org/about-seafish/news/...-discarded-fish Closing date: 15 February 2012
  13. Interesting thread this one. For those of you who do not know, I am from Sussex and part of the Sussex Sea Angling Network administration panel. Much of what has been highlighted in the posts above have happened in Sussex. In Sept 2010 Sussex RSA handed in a petition to stop grandfather rights and trawling within 3nm's of the Sussex coast. The petition was placed in a few selective tackle shops who agreed to help local RSA and after about one month we collected them ready for a meeting between Sussex RSA and the then Sussex Sea Fisheries committee. 375 anglers signed the petition, in fact it was more than that but two lots of petition papers were removed from a tackle shop within days of each other. I was informed that both sets were crammed full of signatures. Anyway the meeting with the then SSFC happened and as a result, our petition, after SSFC committee level consultation, was sent all the way to Mr Benyon. The Sussex Sea Angling Network SSAN was born from that meeting and today we are preparing for our second SSAN/Sussex IFCA meeting to be held in February. I am very much pro AT and have met David Mitchell on a couple of occasions and in between keep in contact with David and others within the AT. I can tell you all that David Mitchell is one of the good guys and he really does understand our concerns. The reason why I am telling you this is because local Sussex RSA decided to take the bull by the horns to form SSAN. Which basically is about all Sussex sea angling and the membership includes shore anglers, private boat anglers, local clubs, charter skippers and tackle trade. The membership is not devided between AT members and non members, everyone is equal. We have made a few mistakes along the way but we are getting there and IMO if you really want to help David Mitchell and the AT then think about forming something similar in your district. As far as the top three: As trawling in Sussex is legal within 0.25nm's of the Sussex coast this is number 1 in our list. Number 2 has to be grandfather rights and number three to stop all forms of netting within 0.25nm's. Sorry but I have to mention another one and that is to push for a MLS on Black Bream. In Sussex there is no MLS and CF are targeting them for deisel money whilst they chase the Bass shoals. The Black Bream are worth as little as 30p a kilo at market. Some of you may have read all about it in TSF-Talking Frankly So you see guys, our concerns are the same as yours, we may have different regulations but we are all one and the same. Just one word of warning, one of the posts above mentioned permits for certain size CF vessels. All IFCA's have the power to licence and or permit vessels, including RSA, so tread carefully and think about our charter boys if you decide to move forward with this one. Keep up the good work.
  14. Hi Gents, Sincerest apologies for this rather 'late' post . . . I did try to post sometime ago (12th December last year to be precise) but found I wasn't a member and had to wait to be 'accepted'. The acceptance was prompt but I was by then rather busy with other things and didn't get round to posting. Anyway, enough of my waffle, much of the following was posted on The Lure Forum as a response to a query about where bass 'go'. However, the information is relevant here as it proves that handling bass and then returning them is not 'the kiss of death' as some would have us believe. I did consider posting the link to the Lure Forum (the link is also here as well!) but as perhaps many on this Forum aren't members it didn't seem helpful to post a link to a thread some wouldn't be able to view. Between late 2000 and the end of 2001 I was involved in the joint Cefas/BASS tagging which took place around most of Britain; both shore and boat anglers took part. The most interesting thing which came out of the tagging, at least for me, was establishing, without doubt, that at least some bass return year on year to, for want of a better term, their summer haunts. There is a great deal of more detailed information in the links I
  15. Thanks Guys.
  16. ] am looking for an inexpensive outboard trolly capable of holding a 35hp Mercury engine. Not concerned about condition or manufacture (homemade?) as long as it does the job. Poole area please. Much obliged, Neil.
  17. Hi all first post Went out today on way in at 1.30pm with tide dropping just touched bottom on the stretch alun j described was 1 foot max The rest of the way in and out where ok just stayed far away from yellow bouys Any way just had dogs and whiting on dolphin banks was horrible and lumpy Regards Dan elvin (boat name stress buster)
  18. Thanks guys, my problem with the manufacturer is that i can not find any info on them, if any one knows or has or has info on a Global Sports boat model Sea Dog and she is called Carisma, thanks rupert
  19. Hi looking to change my engine i have a 50hp merc with nothing wrong and runs fine will be selling when i find a bigger one but what size can i fit its a 19` day boat that has about 2` draft I was thinking of a 75 to may be 90-hp my current engine pushes us along at 20 nts flat out and is happy about 18, the boat is older and heavier built thsan the newer ones, the boat is called carisma and was made by global sports the model is sea dog (not sea hog) any ideas thanks rupert.
  20. Hi i went out today from muddyford about 1.30 and returned about 3.30 only went out to the ledge but as i passed the last boy on way out had 13ft of water on way back had 5ft think i cut it tight on way in if any one wants some one to go out with them would app the experance as a novice at this, having fun but not much luck fishing thanks rupert
  21. hi looking for a mooring i x church in or out the water any one help 19` day fishing boat thanks rupert.
  22. Thanks for the help Lads Just looking at options as i will still be living in the midlands but its looking more like portland each day as ease of access and on water for same price as dry stack ETEC
  23. Hi Paul, The commercails themselves have been asking for mesh size increases for a long time, yet the EU refuse. Under current EU CFP regulations should commercail fishermen be seen with larger mesh sizes it is deemed that they are fishing for different species outside of their allocated quota. Your right no-one wants to work for nothing so they will try their best to work around any system put in place. No need to complicate the Bass proposal, they know what is best for their members, they have a good team. Same as there is no need to complicate any CF proposals already in place. However, RSA have to realise what is going to happen within the next couple of years, we are being looked at very closely and to be honest Paul IMO we RSA need to take responsibility for our activities. Unfortunately that means each region like yours and mine need to get organised, we need to be talking to eachother, we need to be finding anglers within each region, AT members and non members to spend time together to prepare for the future. We need to find the information out there and give RSA the opportunity to make up their own minds and then support them. That basically is what SSAN is all about. Everyone says what a great victory the Bexhill issue was for SSAN, yet no-one really understands that without the help from everyone including the AT and fish legal, the two thousand RSA signatures from all parts of the country, SSAN and the Bexhill RSA could have lost that battle. I for one simply cannot understand why RSA will not unite until there is an immediate threat on their doorstep, so many threats to our activities could be removed at the early stages just by simply working together and talking to the marine governing bodies. Take Dungeness for example and the proposal to close the beach, it's great to see so many RSA getting involved and I wish there was more SSAN could do to help. When you look behind the proposal you will see that this problem started when NE stopped the EA from moving the shingle to prevent errosion to the beaches, an activity that the EA had been doing for many years without causing a problem to angling activity. NE wanted to protect the plant and insect life as well as nesting birds. None of which were in trouble anyway, yet they stopped the EA. Now if RSA, in the past, had decided to work alongside the EA in their defence of shingle replacement, instead of keeping under the radar, this problem may not have risen in the first place. In the past the main threats to RSA came from Natural England but now we have to defend ourselves against the EU and the CFP, and all the green organisations and governing bodies put together, what chance we have will be determined by how strong RSA are in the future and how much support we give to the Angling Trust. Sorry for my ramblings but there is something to think about for all of us. Reg
  24. First of all many thanks for allowing me to post here. Merry Christmas to all of you. Just wanted to say how sorry I am that your members have had the unfortunate experience of having to put up with Bob Shotter and his special ways of trying to destroy angling unity. Bob normally leaves that sort of rubbish to guys like me who refuse to follow him, instead putting my best efforts into supporting the AT on WSF. On another site, when getting a piece of his own medicine, Bob admitted he lost the battle with you guys saying something like: Come on guys I was on a hiding to nothing over there, everyone of them is AT to the core. So keep it up guys. I am starting to lose count of the amount of angling forums he is banned from posting, even CEFAS no longer want him, if only he would listen to anglers instead of dictating to them. On the subject of BASS and the MLS, SSAN (Sussex Sea Angling Network) held a meeting with Ian Misslebrook on 14th November in Newhaven, East Sussex. It took all of two minutes to realise the dedication Ian has for the protection of bass. If only we had other organisations like BASS to help protect our varied marine species. Maybe one day we could have national recreational fisheries to be proud off. The one concern I have with MLS is that if we increase the MLS of bass, it will not stop the bass from being caught in the first place, simular to Bob's thoughts I guess without the backstabbing. In communication with commercial fishermen on WSF and in meetings with a local commercial fisherman in my area, Sussex, I am starting to wonder if the whole issue of MLS is the wrong way forward. If as expected within the changes to the CFP, there will be a catch and land all policy for our commercial fishermen, would MCS (Minimum Catching Size) be the better approach (as in Norway), to protecting all juvenile species. MCS basically means increasing the mesh sizes on all forms of netting/trawling. In a mixed fishery that we seem to have throughout the UK so many species would benefit by introducing this single new policy. It would be hard for RSA to move away from MLS as it has always been the norm, with most clubs enforcing a higher MLS than their local SFC'S, now IFCA's. The boat angling club I belong to has a MLS for bass of 4lb in competitions, even when fishing outside competitions we still try to promote a healthy MLS. Just one point to mention, during SSAN's meeting with Ian Misslebrook it was clear that all agreed an increase in CF mesh sizes and other localised byelaws would aid the BASS proposal and without them in place it would take so much longer for the BASS proposal to start having a positive effect on bass populations within the SIFCA jurisdiction limits. Reg SSAN Sussex Sea Angling Network
  25. Anyone know of a marina in the pool area that is cheaper than 2500 for a 6 mt boat ? # cheers ETEC
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