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Everything posted by Colin-58

  1. Wow, thanks Greg, how do i do that without annoying Martin or Oli, Help again Martin, please sir!
  2. Thanks Jim, Martin has been a big help to me this week ( photo posting lessons) glad its being appreciated, and yep, i will stick to home made soup! How the other half live though,☺️
  3. 200 lb spider crab ? Sorry£200 spider crab if you went to that Raymond Blonk”s place at. Oxford? My daughter said spider crab soup was £120 there! Not bad for a spurdog by-catch!👍😀
  4. Hi Charlie, iam in the process of uploading catch reports "AND PHOTOS" got a few hic-ups, but with Martins help, hope to succeed, Life is a learning curve! , I didn"t know anything when i was born but have been learning ever since! Colin
  5. Thanks Matt, it was a good two day swop i think. The wind off the needles was 96 m p h different than we was out there ! must have been a nightmare sunday.
  6. This was the plan of course clubmates looking at the long range forecast two weeks ago, the wind prediction then was sat wind 2to 4 m p h and sunday 4 to 6 m p h progressively building quite rapidly through the day, so plan "A" was deep fishing targeting Spur-dogs , on first day and harbour fishing second if sea was not looking safe enough to venture out to far. Well as the days went by the weather window kept coming forward and changing , mainly due to the strength of the jet stream i expect. Well as many of you now know it settled out to be Wed/Thurs .For me that worked out well to then attend the club meeting Tuesday evening, albeit late i managed to get there for the N. C. I. talk, which was well worth hearing, well done for organizing that Tony . So dropped anchor about 10 miles past old Harry, wed morning firstly spending a while on 50 banks, my days fishing was great , my p b Bull-huss weighed in at 8 lbs 4 ozs. picture taken with rolled up shirt sleves in the sunshine (the 5th Feb) unbelievable calm weather, the sea was like a lake! 5 whiting were caught one good keeper, some pounting, 6 doggies, 3 congers, biggest Undulate ray was weighed at 10 lbs 4 ozs. the heaviest Blonde at 12 lbs 2 ozs. my first( and huge) Spider crab came up much to my surprise, And Spurs, well, all caught on the mark i found out deep, the total caught was five, we fished one and half hours either side of slack water,we caught 2 before one on slack and 2 after. my biggest was a p b for me as i have not caught any before. it weighed in at 15 lbs 1 oz. we did drift a while for bass with lures but no takers. Apart from that a cracking day in every way! And the Sunday that turned into Thursday, well the wind was predicted to build through the day , we visited 50 banks to start, with the intention of retreating to harbour for the finish. no record breakers on banks but the list caught included Dogs, Blonde Ray, Congers, quantity of Whiting, including 6 real good keepers, so in for the Flounder flogging finale e for us it was , about one hour before dark.we put 4 rods out with worms the size of snakes on them! Well that accounted for 2 really nice fish, the biggest 4 or 5 lbs, But, close inspection and not even needing to check in the new species book ( Thanks again for that Brian) it looked long and silvery full of roe like a Bass and they were duly returned, hopefully to reproduce for the benefit of us all in the future. Hope you have all enjoyed this report, the weather i know has been atrocious today, your wind worse than mine i believe. i have had some tree damage on the farm , including one tree falling across the A422 but thankfully on accident or injury over it, just the road blocked for a little while. Best of luck to you all, and try and post when you get out again, iam told people really enjoy that isn"t that right Stuie? Farmer Colin.
  7. Hi Allan i have p md you Colin
  8. As Alun says the weather is giving us the chance to get out and enjoy a calmish sea for a day or two hopefully , i will be pleased to see a new picture of a cod caught by any club member, so wish you all good luck. Hope you manage to get out Charlie, i know work thing can be a bit of a bind! Good luck folks Colin
  9. yes i hope to be out stuie if plan A continues😊
  10. Nice clean one Jim , cheering everyone up in the wind and rain down your way, 10 out of 10😁
  11. Hi Alun, yes iam hoping to get out again for a two day jaunt, subject to farm work, may see you out or channel 6 v h f may be, good luck. Colin. P S Terry, did Katfish leave a big red X ? 😊
  12. Colin-58


    Sounds like your dreams are coming true again Bobi and Colin, Good luck with your new Boblin, look forward to seeing you both out on the water enjoying yourselves. Best of luck Colin.
  13. It may be your turn Allan! i was hoping to join in its a good cause, just worried Frank caught the last two flounders in the harbour last outing though! . struggling to drum up any enthusiasm with crew, do you think if i offer them a hot three course lunch that may be enough to entice them,? i think it seems a good idea as it would give me something to do, cant think i will be "busy" floundering. And on a serious note, do you think it will go ahead? weather is not set that fair at the moment is it? All the best an optimistic Colin.
  14. Sorry can not make it, have a good meeting clubmates best wishes Colin
  15. Colin-58


    Thoughtful words of wisdom Terry, i will say ditto to that, we never know whats looming round the corner or over the next wave, here go i by the the grace of god, healthy and hearty new year to you all clubmates best wishes Colin.
  16. yes very well done Dave Jan Frank and Kev iam sure the rest of us enjoyed the day as well, thanks to all the organizers , hope more will support it next year, the banter and food afterwards made it worth attending the event! I realize flounder fishing has got to be somewhat of a challenge, indeed i believe new tactics were employed by some club boats yesterday, mainly quietly parking on the mud at the top end out the way and considering digging for the little rascals, i guess if this method was proven to be successful we would just have to consider the max size of spade rather than number of rods!
  17. Glad to hear your better Jim, Snorting and coughing about for seven weeks is no rascal fun! best wishes, look after yourself cause no one else will. Colin
  18. Colin-58

    10mm Rope

    i will p m you Dave 😊 Colin
  19. Sorry Jim just realised it was terry that went to carol concert, hope you didnt catch it if you read it though, !😃
  20. you didnt miss lead me Jim i like your seasonal banter, hope your cold man flu cough or whatever the concert goers gave you is getting better, but if you do have a wish list, iam sure you have been a good boy so you could try putting a note on the side by the chimney brest , you never know your luck! The man himself may have some spare at the end of his rounds🎅 Colin
  21. Hi Rob, Did you read my description? its pretty much immaculate, so you could look up on Orkney boats site,it has the cuddy on it, iam selling for a friend, six or seven grand would be a talking point nothing is set in stone. Boxing day sale would be O K Jim you would just need to P M me. still working on tec issues to upload photos but i could whatsapp no prob. Maveric your confusing me, if you are Martin, i thought your boat is called Madness, have you got two boats already or is it a different martin?
  22. Boat for sale, pretty much immaculate, ready to go fishing, cruising etc, it is a Orkney Longliner 2 16 ft. With a good road trailer, it has a cuddy and cover, Mercury 20 elpt 4 stroke 5hp auxilliary, there are many extras to go with boat , fishfinder, tender with electric motor boat is 4 years old from Orkney boats, main engine has been serviced, has done about twenty hours from new, if a club member is looking to buy a first boat, this deal will have everything you could possibly want plus quite a few more , any interest i will post more details. Thanks Colin.
  23. Hi Gary, If its still available i would like to take up your offer, and would donate to H O W, To forward you could p m me or ring anytime up to 11 o clock no; 07730249907, a kind clubmate has offered to pick it up for me pretty much any time that suits you, Many Thanks Colin.
  24. Colin-58

    Day off

    Interesting post Jim, Excellent photos of Frank and Andy, is that taken with a phone or a camera? "they say" every picture tells a story, and this one is no exception, so i feel obliged to fill in the story. Frank was not just passing Andys shop, he had gone to interrogate Andy as to what lures he sold me last trip down that i caught a nine lbs one ounce bass on . With Andy sworn to secrecy picture one shows Franks response, Picture two shows Frank holding tight onto two lures in his right hand pocket, after soaping Andy up with a fifty pound note, The lures worked i caught five bass and had never fished with lures before, beginners luck or what? they cost about £13.50 if Andy sees this but they were £5,50 each when i was last down! Sorry Frank coudnt resist it ! Colin,
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