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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Well done on making your way through it. Hope a few more cast their eyes over it.
  2. Quite a long Document but worth being aware of. The positive arguments for Sea Angling are well explained. https://anglingtrust.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/140622-Marine-Recreational-Fisheries-Socio-Economic-Value-Challenges.pdf
  3. Happy Birthday Hooky. Have a good one.
  4. Happy Birthday Greg. Hope you have a good one.
  5. A big push to remind Members about a series of important Consultations with the Marine Management Organisation being held locally. Come and represent your Club/ have your say on Monday, 20th. February 2023 at the Broadstone Conservative Club at 7pm. It would be great if we could have a good turnout with as many Members as possible engaging in this important Consultation. Allan.
  6. There is a new round of Consultation which is intended to help form the UK's new Fisheries Management Plans over the next few years. These are to replace the current legislation which is now out of date because of Brexit. We have been advised by local Fisheries to actively participate. The next local Meeting will be at Broadstone Conservative Club on February 20 th. starting at 7 pm. Please see the attachments for further detals
  7. Happy Birthday Martin. Hope you have a good one.
  8. Think there could be a photo in here to make a Fish of the Month entry
  9. Happy Birthday Dave. Hope you have a good one.
  10. Happy Birthday to you both. Enjoy your special day.
  11. Now REDUCED to £45 to clear.
  12. 10 kilo Bruce Type Anchor plus approx. 30 feet (9 meters) of 14 mm? Galvanised chain plus stainless Dee Shackle. All in pretty good condition. £60 or vno. Collect from Poole or Parkstone. Please PM. or telephone Allan on 07758356474.
  13. Happy Birthday Mike, hope you had a good one.
  14. Belated Happy Birthday. Hope you had a good one.
  15. Fisheagle's outboard is suffering from Brewer's Droop and won't go up and down. A new trim / tilt motor is needed and is on order. It should be fitted in the next week or so by Oli at Yellow Penguin. Never missed the Flounder Comp. before. Always a good one. Allan.
  16. Happy Birthday Terry, have a good one.
  17. Fisheagle crew withdrawn, may try in the Harbour.
  18. Mike has just told me he has Covid so it will probably be me, Jan and a non member.
  19. Fisheagle if the weather holds. Myself and probably Mike and Jan. Probably on Sunday.
  20. Happy Birthday Olli hope you had a good one.
  21. Happy Birthday Mal. Have good one.
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