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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Happy Birthday Stuie, hope you had a good one.
  2. Happy Birthday to you both. Have a good one.
  3. Happy Birthday Colin. Hope you have a good one.
  4. Happy Birthday Lofty, have a good one.
  5. Fisheagle missed the best of the tide due to a very late start after midday. No rays for me or Frank. Yan had two, an Undulate of 10lbs 12ozs, and a Small Eyed of 8lbs 4ozs.
  6. Change of plan, just had a call from Yann and Frank. They have broken down on the way to Kimmeridge. If they get towed back in time, I will take them out on Fisheagle and fish the Comp as well. Allan.
  7. Plenty of fresh Mackeral caught today. Unfortunately, no crew. Allan.
  8. Just received a message from Cobbs about a meeting at Cobbs with the MMO concerning the possible changes to anchoring arrangements in Studland. This is part of their Public Consultation. Date Thursday 11th August. Time 10- 12pm. Could be of interest to a number of Members. Not too sure how convenient it is in terms of timing for those who work. Allan.
  9. This reel is in really good condition for its age, loaded with approx 45 lb braid and has just been fully serviced. £45. Can deliver in the Poole/ Parkstone area or bring to next Club Meeting. Please phone if you require another method of delivery Tel 07758356474. Allan. REEL NOW SOLD TO COLIN.
  10. Allan caught plenty of fish in the Harbour but no Plaice of any size between us largest to Mike 6ozs. Allan.
  11. Fisheagle on Sunday. Mike and Allan.
  12. I have asked for two PDF Files to be added to the Conservation Section.
  13. Happy Birthday both. Have a great day. Allan.
  14. The Measuring Stick may not have all the Wrasse on it.
  15. SIFCA have just sent me their latest Wheelhouse Card and Size Limits. Please note that there are a few differences between this and the Angling Trust recommendations. Stick to the SIFCA limits as they have By Laws in force.
  16. Not aware of any but could be worth checking with with Sarah B at SIFCA. I spoke with her this morning and she indicated that Size Limit Bylaws are currently under review. She has just supplied me with the latest list which now contains more Wrasse. I will post this shortly and bring some copies to the next meeting. These could well change again further down the line. I said that many Anglers worked to Angling Trust Size Limits as published in the graph version of the Poole ( Town Quay ) 2022 Tide Planner. The fact that SIFCA seems to publishing something that is slightly different seems to be adding to confusion. I also pointed out that the Roll up sticky ruler type Chart that SIFCA publish also needs changing. This will be removed from the PDSA Notice Board on Poole Quay by SIFCA this afternoon and the latest list will be added. The latest 2022 Wheel House Card, which I will post in the Club Conservation Section, refers to local Bylaws that limit the use of Sand Eels at certain times in different parts of the Southern IFCA Area including Poole Harbour. Allan.
  17. Scorpion Fish x2, Blenny x2, Pollack x2, Bass x2, Plaice x5, Tub Gurnard x2, Red Gurnard x1, Black Bream x6, Scad x2, Dogfish x5, Conger x2, Poor Cod x2, Goldsinny x6, Pouting x6, Cuckoo Wrasse x1, Ballan Wrasse x2, Smoothound x1, Small Eyed x1, Goby x1, Corkwing x1.
  18. I caught 20 species on Fisheagle. Bit disappointed that no Mackeral and only one Ray. Weather really didn't play ball in the afternoon. Have tried to put up a few species for the Annual 2022 Individual Species Comp. but being told I cannot access. Boat Section is OK. Anyone else having problems.
  19. Hi again Greg. The issue will be raised by Chris Holloway on your behalf and that of others towards the end of the month at the RAGS Group. There is a move to see if we can get an exemption for recreational anglers to take a few of certain species for livebait. Meanwhile, follow Tony's advice and stick to published SIFCA size limits. Allan
  20. Hi Greg, Many thanks for your question. Things changed a bit after we left the EU, but my understanding is that there are certain species that do not have a minimum size limit for retention. However, I will double check, especially with regards to Mackeral and Pollack which , I believe have minimum sizes since 2021.
  21. Many thanks Colin for pointing out the date error, it should have read July. Greg, that is most generous, I will pass it on to Jackie. Allan.
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