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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Hi all, As recently appointed ( no other Nominations ) Club Conservation and Liason Officer, I would briefly like to introduce myself. My name is Allan Green, my Web Name is Fisheagle and originally enough my boat's name is also Fisheagle and based at Cobbs. I am keen on all types of fishing, but as I get older, I am doing more and more boat fishing. In these turbulent times, Conservation of fish stocks and working with others in the fishing fraternity to ensure sustainability will help maintain and hopefully, improve our sport. I will attend the period PDSA ( Poole And District Sea Angling Association ) which represents around 18 local Fishing Club's and report back from these Meetings which are also attended by the local Fisheries Officers from SIFCA ( Southern Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority ). Details of these Meeting are published on the Club Website and they are open to all Members. I also hope to get an invite to join the RAGS Group which represents local Recreational and Commercial interest including Charters. So, if it is local or larger scale issues, I will try and keep Members updated and express Mebers and the Club's views as appropriate. Allan.
  2. 23rd July 2022, 7.30pm, at Broadstone Conservative Club Dave (Reel Wizard) died in early 2021 from incurable cancer. Because of Covid restrictions his funeral was limited to 30 people so his wife, Jackie, would like to hold an Open Memorial Evening. The aim of the evening will be to pay tribute to Dave as an ex-England and European angler, for his Reel Services and as a photographer. The evening includes a free buffet and Broadstone Conservative Club is not charging for the room. During the evening there will be various fund raising events for Macmillan Caring, which helped Dave. These will include the auction of some Dave's pictures and prints, sale of bird/nature books and raffle. All are more than welcome. Come and join us for a drink, however, if you would like some food please let me know by the 16th. July so I can pass the numbers on to Jackie. Allan.
  3. Fisheagle Allan G plus one other not competing.
  4. Not sure about a Boat Comp. If it is, would fish only count if caught by members? Another can of worms. Hope to be back in time to fish this one. Did wonder if a zone could be used? Perhaps a line from St Albans to the Needles if conditions allow. Allan.
  5. One of my favourite Comps, but will still be in France, bet I get no sympathy when I say it is too hot here at 37 in the shade and 42 in the sun.
  6. Happy Birthday Jerry, hope you have a good one. Allan.
  7. Went out last Sunday with Mike Hall and Mike Bennet from the Fisherman's Cafe. Had a really relaxing day with a good variety of species and enough fish to keep us interested. Caught an unusual Gurnard weighing 1lb 1oz. which, after further checking, I believe to be a Streaked Gurnard. I will enter it for the Species Comp. and put it forward as a new Club Record if everyone is happy. The Streaked has a more vertical nose, thick legs, bright red lips and fins as well as short spikes on the lateral line.
  8. Jan has asked me to post that Frank Morris had a Bream of 1lb 4ozs. and Jan had one of 1lb 14ozs. both caught on Holy Mackeral.
  9. Happy Birthday to you both. Allan
  10. Belated birthday wishes. Allan.
  11. Happy Birthday Chris, have a great day.
  12. Happy Birthday Tony, have a good one.
  13. If it is calm enough tomorrow, Fisheagle hopes to head out some 11/ 12 miles to find something to put a decent bend in the rod. As always, on Ch 6 and 16. Say hello if you are out.
  14. Happy Birthday Matt. Have a good one.
  15. Thanks Colin. Neap tides so not expecting a lot. Water is still cold, but a few summer species are starting to show. Also to use up some old fuel so I can get some fresh fuel in the tank. Be nice to get out after so long and the temperature could be reasonable. Not sure there will be much of a report from a short inshore trip but one of the things about fishing is you sometimes get a surprise. Have you any plans to come down soon?
  16. After weeks of bad weather and three weeks of Covid, Fisheagle will be venturing out locally in the Bay this Tuesday. Will be on Ch 6 and 16 as always. Need to get the species count up. Say hello if you are out.
  17. Happy Birthday Greg, have a good one.
  18. Happy Birthday Mike. Don't seem to have seen you for ages.
  19. He could be hooked.
  20. Happy Birthday to you both.
  21. Happy Birthday to you both. Have a good one.
  22. Thanks Graham, will be at the Club Meeting on Tuesday.
  23. Hi Graham, give me a ring on 07758356474 and let me know what make of reels you want doing and we can discus things a bit more. Drop off/ pick up can be at the next Club Meeting, my Flat by Poole Park, Cobbs Quay or at a convenient Poole/ Bournmouth/Christchurch Tackle Shop. Depending on where you are in Poole, we may be able to pick up from you. Allan.
  24. Colin, did Yan send you the "Wish you were here" wind up photo of the big cool box wither the fish in It?
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