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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Unlikely to be able to make this one as my boat is coming out for antifouling etc. on Monday 10th Oct for at least 2 weeks unless the weather gods are very good. I chose this date because I thought it would allow me to fish the Open this weekend and then get the work done. I really do hope it goes ahead on the new date as the organisers must be really cheesed off. Good luck to those who manage to fish. Allan.
  2. Surplus to requirements. Antifoul International Ultra. 2.5litres green. Expiry date March 2018 and 750 ml of Primocon grey. Both unopened and as bought. Accept
  3. Good luck with the sale Rory. I enjoyed being on her. Deceptively spacious for her size. She will make a good boat for someone and seems very keenly priced given the almost new braked trailer. Allan.
  4. Felicitions pour cette belle prise. Cela fait deux jours que j'essaye de convaincre mes amis Francais qui sont en vacances chez moi que l'on peut remettre a l'eau un aussi beau poisson! Allan.
  5. No e-mail but glad to know about it. Was starting to look at Wednesday for a possible weather slot but due to closure could be cancelled.
  6. A fantastic fish truly one for the record book. So, what fish are we having at the next Club Barbeque? Allan G.
  7. Happy Birthday Bill. Hope you get better weather the next time you are down. Allan.
  8. Well done Jo and Rob. Congratulations to you both. Ann and Allan.
  9. Great catch Lofty. Very well done!
  10. Some wonderful reports and pictures from those in Weymouth. Made two trips out of Poole Harbour over late Friday and Saturday AM and PM trying 5 different marks both of these were curtailled by the weather. Only one notable fish, a Red Gurnard of 1lb 10 1/2 oz (which was well photographed and weighed ashore on digital scales). Very little else wanted to play except for a small bass and a number of mackeral which seemed to be Bill's speciality. Several blow off marks were tried within the Harbour, but again, strong winds caused problems. Flounders weighing 1lb. 10oz. 1lb 8oz. and 1lb 7.5oz a few schoolies and several small wrasse completed the picture.
  11. 1. Graham, Alfresco, Cod 8lb4 2. Graham, Alfresco, Pollack 9lb 3. JS Place, Lazy Wench, Plaice 1lb 7 4. John, Rosie One, Ballan Wrasse 1lb 14oz 5. Tony D, Awol, Black Bream 1lb 15oz 6. Sam, Alfresco Pollack 13lb 7. Charlie Alfresco Pollack 12lb 13oz 8. Will, Alfresco Pollack 17lb 4oz 9.Dave Wight Magic Conger 40lb 10.Allan G, Kind of Magic Red Gurnard 1lb 10.5oz 11.Allan G, Kind of Magic Flounders 1lb 10oz, 1lb 8oz and 1lb 7.5oz
  12. Happy Birthday Charlie hope you have a good one. Allan.
  13. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Martin - AWOL 5) Dean - AWOL 6) Dave- Wight Magic 7) John W - Rosie One 8) Allan Green- Kind of Magic 9) Charlie Alfresco 10) Sam Alfresco 11) Graham Alfresco 12) Will TBC Alfresco 13) Alfie, Dream Drifter 14) Sally, Dream Drifter 15)Nigel,Wishin(inshore) 16) Simon, Island Girl 17) Colin, Boblin 18) Bobi, Boblin 19) Tony Deavin - AWOL 20) Dave S - Crew - unknown boat as yet 21) Craig Abode 22) Jackie Abode 23) Jason - Lazy Wench 24) Louisa - Lazy Wench 25) Peter Russell snr--possibly on Boblin and Whistler (not at the same time!) 26) Bill (Ferret) Kind of Magic 27) Mike T. wishin (inshore on sunday only)
  14. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Tom B - Mrs Sea 5) Greg C - Mrs Sea 6) Terry B - Mrs Sea 7) Martin - AWOL 8) Dean - AWOL 9) Dave- Wight Magic 10) John W - Rosie One 11) Allan Green- Kind of Magic 12} Charlie Alfresco 13) Sam Alfresco 14) Graham Alfresco 15] Will TBC Alfresco 16, Alfie, Dream Drifter 17, Sally, Dream Drifter 18)Nigel,Wishin(inshore) 19) Simon, Island Girl 20) Colin, Boblin 21) Bobi, Boblin 22) Tony Deavin - AWOL 23) Dave S - Crew - unknown boat as yet 24) Craig Abode 25) Jackie Abode 26) Jason - Lazy Wench 27) Louisa - Lazy Wench 28) Peter Russell snr--possibly on Boblin and Whistler (not at the same time!) 29) Frank Morris Kind of Magic
  15. Just filled up with diesel and have enough in cans for at least two full trips this weekend. Decided to check the weather. Think someone could be starting to upset the Weather Gods and tempting fate????
  16. Happy Birthday Sam. There is a pint for you at the Rose and Crown next time you are out there. Allan.
  17. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Tom B - Mrs Sea 5) Greg C - Mrs Sea 6) Terry B - Mrs Sea 7) Martin - AWOL 8) Dean - AWOL 9) Dave- Wight Magic 10) John W - Rosie One 11) Allan Green- Kind of Magic
  18. Belated happy birthday wishes to both Charlie and Dave. Makes me feel quite old, only another 8 years for Charlie's bus pass. Hope you both had a good day. Allan.
  19. Had planned to have a full day out, but short of crew. So, a late start around lunch time from Cobbs will be the order of the day with my brother in law coming out when he finishes work. Will decide where we are going when we see what its like outside the Harbour. If its not too bad we aim to return between 5 and 7pm. Have space for one more if anyone interested. Tel 07758356474 Allan.
  20. Paying 92p per litre at the moment at Upton Fuels but in cans which need to be transfered. Allan.
  21. pollack 30cms -seen a lot smaller than this being used as bass bait.
  22. Ann has just downloaded the latest free version of Paint that came out this week and is playing about with it. She seems to think that Photoshop was easier to work with but it is early days yet and as I keep reminding her it is free and our wedding aniversary was last week and the cost of diesel is going up.
  23. Nigel you and others are obviously in the know on these things. Such things would not have crossed my mind untill your posting.
  24. Many thanks for the suggestions. My good lady who has recently retired was bought a digital camera etc at Christmas by me to replace our rather old Nikon/Cannon SLR set up. Since she is keen to develop her skills she and her sister recently went on a course to the Lighthouse Theatre Poole. They used photoshop and she liked it and as her sister already has a copy on her computer loaded by a friend she asked me if I knew anyone who could supply it for her. We will certainly look into the alternatives suggested. Allan.
  25. I am looking for a second hand legal copy of Photoshop CS2 or later. Windows Vista version with codes and ideally a manual or a print out of instructions. Please PM. Allan.
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