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Everything posted by fisherman1055

  1. Welcome to the Club Shane I used to have a Shetland as well and had many years of fun with her. Several of the members, myself included, keep our boats at Rockley and I am sure you will be able to buddy up with someone for a few trips while you are down in Dorset. Make the most of the club and ensure that you access the knowledge and skills that are available in club members. They are all friendly so do not hesitate to chat to them. There is also a monthly meeting held on the first Thursday of the month at Parkstone Trades and Labour club 7:30 for 8 if you are down this way. This is a good place to get to meet and chat to people . Best wshes Tony
  2. did your dad take you out for a meal??? and buy you a few drinks?? tony
  3. Congratulations Sam You made it to 21 Is your dad going to take you out for a slap up meal!! Tony
  4. Welcome to the Club Martin Hope to see you at the next meeting Dont forget to put yourself forward and make friends as there is much to talk about and learn on boats and fishing Best wishes Tony
  5. 1.) Adam F - JV (only if Alderney is cancelled!) 2.) Alun J - ditto 3.) Rob F - ditto if skipper has room! 4.) Frisky Fox - with Carol, George and Mike
  6. Rosie 1 and Serenity will meet at harbour entrance at 8am on Thursday morning for trip across channel Joined by AWOL when at speed Look forward to meeting you john and \martin Tony D
  7. Serenity still looking to go if forecast stays same or improves Crew up for it still!!! we were not going too fast any way , so will be able to keep up with other boats now Oh well check again tomorrow and make final call Tony D
  8. It is always worth checking the red cable from the battery as they tend to corrode and you end up with a load of green dust Has happened on my out boards on 2 occasions Tony
  9. Look on Magic Marine website from Broadstone Bennets hydraulic trim tabs at a good price the guy from Magic marine brought them to my door for less than
  10. Happy Birthday lads have a good one just got back from a day out in the harbour, had to hide in wareham river so could BBQ If I had known it was your Birthdays I would have given you a shout Tony
  11. Terry B: Crab Cocktail, Sea Bass. Duncan : crab cocktail, ribeye Dave Samuel: Cream of Asparagus Soup, Ribeye steak Tom B: Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak Rob F: Crab Cocktail, Chicken Brie Adam F: Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak John W: Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak Alun J : Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak Martin B: Crab cocktail, Ribeye Steak Dean B: Crab cocktail, Ribeye Steak (very predictable!!) Tony D : Pate and Ribeye steak
  12. Graham if you split I could be interested in the engine Tony
  13. Tom will I need a pasport??? Tony
  15. Looks like a lumpsucker Tony
  16. These nets are better if you can put a wooden handle on it the alloy handle seems to have a life of its own and does not inspire confidence a hardwood handle is about
  17. Serenity will be going about same time if not a little earlier cant keep up with some of you speed machines Tony
  18. Craig Have a good one best wishes Tony & lorraine
  19. Terry So you only got a couple of small ones Tony!!!
  20. Well done Peter You must be completely mad
  21. Terry I take it the Tony in the list is me! If not please include me in the numbers Tony D
  22. Happy Birtheday you old git Damn you are the same age as me!!!!!!!! Have a good one and open that special bottle of wine Best wishes Tony
  23. Just a thought With the price of fuel there, and the flight back would it be as cheap to stick it on the fast Cat to Jersey safer than going on your own in this weather Tony
  24. go to summer lodge then!!!!!!!!!1
  25. Welcome to the club Alex You can learn a lot from the lads here do come to the club meetings first thursday of the month at Parkstone Trades and labour 7:30 for 8pm meeting and chat to the guys Tony
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