Newtons Cove is in the corner by the end of the North Portland Harbour wall and the piece of land that becomes the Nothe just down from Castle Cove
There is no where to go there, it is a blind alley, i used to fish it!!
Weymouth boats seem to have a thing about it though
many years ago I used to fish the Breakwater competitions and White boats were doing the ferry business
of course one year the FOG arrived
and we headed north from the central break water and after negotiating the harbour entrance kept going , the skipper had to change direction sharply when the Nothe wall arrived in our vision 30 yards away
Fortunately we did not run aground, I suspect white boats have a shallow draft.
Anyway my garmin 550 updates quickly to follow the track in the fog and has got me to Rockley in the pitch black several times
any problems set plotter to North up, not track up and this saves updating time
I learnt this 2 years ago after circling the same boat 3 times in the fog with the chairman on board.