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Everything posted by diverdave

  1. diverdave

    New SCAM

    You cant get cash back on a credit card ! http://www.hoax-slayer.com/cash-back-scam-warning.shtml
  2. So is Turlin Moor and Liverpool back in the frame ? Or have I still got it wrong ??
  3. Why do we accept and pay for this culture of insurance for theft ? What info and feedback have you had from Dorset Police apart from a crime number ?? Grapevine and hearsay suggest: They came from Turlin Moor ! They fish for Clams when they can ! or anything else !! The outlet for the stolen goods is Liverpool ! Dorset Police know who they are but cant or won't catch them !! I look forward to a massive hike in my insurance premium this year. Thanks all D
  4. Both well planned though with plenty of advance knowledge. You dont find Rockley Park by chance ?
  5. Sorry to hear the bad news and feel for all concerned. This may be just coincidence and I'm sure the police are already aware ? http://www.dorset.police.uk/Default.aspx?page=6562
  6. It didn't sink then ?
  7. Up Periscope ? Dive Dive Dive
  8. Just call me tripod !
  9. Can we have a demo along Poole Quay on New Years day ? http://www.pooletourism.com/events/
  10. diverdave

    Birthday Boys

    Thanks all, I spent the day trying to kill man flue with red wine, hic And I'm still trying, hic D
  11. I think you need to research GOOD WEATHER ! AND speak to the RNLI !!
  12. Good news, maybe ? Bearing in mind the title of this thread I've just done some research on the Orkney 440. Boat weight 200Kg, 90Kg less than the Pilot ! Max engine 20hp so I've assumed Honda BF20 at 50Kg a saving of 50Kg ! Assuming the same trailer or similar at 135Kg. Giving a total of 385Kg Which will allow for 65Kg of fuel, batteries, gear etc in the boat before you hit your cars 450Kg Max towing weight. Hope that corner is getting a bit brighter, Dave
  13. I dont want to be a party pooper ! but:- The boat weighs 290Kg The trailer weighs 135kg The engine weighs iro 100Kg Which all adds up to 525Kg Which is fine for an unbraked trailer combo and even allows for 175Kg MAX of extras in the boat on the trailer. BUT the Max unbraked towing weight for your car is 535Kg although Honda state it's only 450Kg http://www.honda.co.uk/cars/jazz/fullspecification/ The Max gross unbraked trailer weight is 750Kg or 50% of towing vehicle kerb weight which ever is less. HTH Dave
  14. Enjoy http://www.dft.gov.uk/vosa/repository/Quic...%20trailers.pdf http://www.ntta.co.uk/law/
  15. Take the jockey wheel off and leave it on the skid, drop the motor until the skeg touches the ground, they can't lift it high enough to get it on a hitch ? Take all the wheel nuts off, they wont get far ? Connect the trailer to 240V it plays havoc with 12V systems, if it dont get them first ? Scroatmyboat.com Footnote !! Can we make this private please ? The Scroats read these forums !!
  16. Who said PBSBAC members??? Knot Me !!! Speak to Trev ? He started it ? Should be private ??
  17. Does anyone know a bunch of monkeys that can use computers ?
  18. Guess I need a new signature !! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20406546
  19. I'm well past my "Best Before" If you recognised it, there's probably not much hope for either of us ?
  20. A similar story from Nick on Aquajak, copied from Beach and Boat. 12/11/12 "My usual crew of Cam and Charlie fished what turned out to be a beautiful day on Sunday.... the buggers hounded me in to getting a ticket for the car park so being out numbered... .. I put the hook in surrounded by a count of 78 boats. But the question what this thread is all about is this.... Over the years, around this part of the season, on 2 occasions when Cod fishing a bite has turned into a run that cant be stopped... It happened yesterday on our first mark, north side of the Dolphin Bank and before off the banks at Old Harry, fishing aboard Stu May's Reel Action On heavy enough gear to stop most things these runs strip a spool in a couple of minutes. Both times the fish were lost..first one to a weak point in braid and the second to the trace bitten through. As I said its happened to me twice and Ive heard of another angler with the same story. So.....what are they, big Tope , Shark.?...has anybody landed one...? that's 2 questions..i know...... " Nick
  21. Hurricane Sandy Worth a look ! http://gizmodo.com/5955575/earth-photo-sho...ys-massive-size
  22. The petition this thread applies to has been closed and a new one started by Richard Drax MP. So I guess we all need to sign again. Dave. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30225 http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/36619
  23. "the only thing the appear to leave alone are the cormorants...Just our luck.." So the Shags are still fair game ?
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