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Everything posted by boyscott

  1. Happy 16th Jacob. Hope to see you down on F pontoon before long
  2. Jerry makes a good point about enjoying other people's reports, especially if not able to get out, so albeit a bit late... Saturday the weather was great but the fishing not so. It didn't matter as it was nice to be out in T-shirt weather. Someone had parked a great big cruise liner where I intended to fish so I went a bit further and dropped the hook. I expected a fierce ebb tide at some point but apart from the middle hour or so it wasn't too bad. Aside from few whiting and dogfish the only interest fish-wise was a 2lb brill which was most welcome. When I got back to Cobbs I tied up on the quay-side of F to wash down while the tide rose enough to get back to the mooring on the other side. Lovely day out 😎
  3. Been watching the forecast for a couple of days. Originally hoped Friday would be on but some inconsiderate people have filled up the diary with work - oh well got to pay the mooring fees somehowπŸ™‚ Might have a look on Sat if it holds. As you say its a big tide
  4. Yes they gave me the discount after a bit of a discussion He sounded pretty fed up with it to be honest so I expect there has been a number of similar issues
  5. Just a heads up in case you have not yet received your notice of renewal for annual berthing fees. Mine has always arrived by post before so when I hadn't seen it by the end of Jan I enquired via email. Frank (the GM) responded very quickly that MDL had decided this year to send them all via email without warning us and in my case they were using an obsolete email address. He sent it by post and it arrived the next day but I wonder what would have happened if months had gone by. So, check the contact details they are holding on your account. Cheers all
  6. Its certainly looking a tad murky near the chain ferry
  7. Unfortunately I have decided not to go. The weather looks great but reading the news this morning I just don't want to end up on the wrong side of an over zealous cop doing a difficult job in a difficult time. All the best to anyone who does venture out - do let us know if they are biting πŸ˜€
  8. Might give it a try. Hope the fog from recent days has cleared
  9. Sounds like a good day. Closer inshore the tide barely got going on the flood so a good call. Full marks to the skipper of Wight Spirit too in his sense of co-operation with other water users too πŸ‘
  10. Probably 20-30 mins in all. I first spotted him in the wheelhouse and he flew out a couple of times but kept coming back. At one point he was chased by gulls and I was chucking bait overboard to distract them 🀣 Didn't see him go eventually but he'd been sitting on the deck for a while so hope he got away
  11. This little chap dropped by to check his bearings
  12. I would gladly take the two Abu Ambassadeurs 7000 off your hands please, assuming all in good working order Thanks Max
  13. Excellent choice πŸ˜‰
  14. Great report. That wind certainly got a bit spicy in the afternoon but it was nice to be out on a sunny day
  15. If I can get out of work in time to dig some rag today I might give it a go tomorrow eve, probably in the Swash. I'll keep an eye out for you
  16. Friday looks tempting but I have to work unfortunately. Cant complain though as I've just had a long w/e away Good luck
  17. boyscott

    Hi everyone

    Yes. Still on there but its changed a lot, good & bad. I was doing the species hunt for the last few years but will do the club one now Regards Max
  18. boyscott

    Hi everyone

    Thank you all for the warm welcome at the meeting last night. It was nice to meet some of you in person πŸ˜€
  19. boyscott


    Super boat. Look forward to seeing her out on the water πŸ˜„
  20. boyscott

    Hi everyone

    Hello I have used the website for years and spoken to some of you online or down at Cobbs. Now I've joined the club so looking forward to meeting more of you in person. My boat is a QS640 called Here Fishee Fishee Regards Max
  21. boyscott

    Fish Heads

    Hope he brings you a bass in return πŸ˜€
  22. Anyone planning a trip on Saturday might want to read this if not already notified. I don't know what the limits are weather wise - its looking a bit lumpy on Sat so not impossible they could postpone https://www.phc.co.uk/downloads/notices_mariners/2019-16-Powerboat-Race.pdf
  23. With the weather improving we can head out to see if there's any fish left in the bay πŸ˜‰
  24. I had forgotten about the live AIS feed - good view of where support vessels are positioned
  25. Anyone know what the exclusion zone is? Understandably there are mixed feelings but its pretty close to some popular marks so Feb is not a bad month to choose as long as there are no long term effects.
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