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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

Adam F

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Everything posted by Adam F

  1. JV will be there again.... as previous years we will book out the dates and then pray for slight winds. Hope the fishing is better this year...
  2. Adam F

    Bass Comp

    I'll be out with the family on Sat so might as well enter Reuben and myself on JV
  3. Dave has an iveco in his on a shaft. My boat, Charlie's and Steves all run D4's on DPH outdrives. I don't know what your boat is? So can't comment on how it would perform, however it is gender accepted that the D4 is a solid and capable engine. Ditto the DPH drive. As with all modern engines, super clean fuel is the biggest must. Servicing costs similar to other inboards. Basically fluids and filters every year, and a few seals in the outdrive. I guess the only risk could be if you are moored in the water all the time, you don't have the ability to lift the leg clear of the water and this can cause additional maintenance.
  4. Adam F


    I know Pete - I dont like to bother such a busy man as yourself for a dinky little roller.... but as you mention it.... I'll probably wait until the weather turns and do it as a winter project. Thanks
  5. Team JV are up for this trip - although Rob and myself are in France already on this date with family hols. If it gets blown off and moved forward 2 weeks count us in.
  6. Reuben Franklin: Sun 9th July Sun 20th August Sun 24th Sept Fishing on Joint Venture
  7. Thanks for the report Rob. I used to do loads of this type of fishing, and whilst the big weights arent as nice as 4oz leads when drifting, I had forgotten how much fun it can be... no steaming miles and up and down on the drift, nice and relaxing, and ace to be bent into some fish that really pull back for a change! Ive had 2 x 30lb plus Blondes off this mark in the past and suspect I was hooked into something similar that smashed me, after stalemate of some 5 mins of the fish just nodding tight to the bottom under the boat, once it moved off in the tide, even my 30lb Saltist and MXJ Avet didnt stand a chance as it peeled line off max drag.... I suspect we will be doing a few more evening sessions this summer!
  8. JV is just back from 3 days in Alderney with Ian and Alun joining me to make a 3 man team. We look so forward to this little adventure each year, and as usual having been blown out a couple of times since May, finally the most heavenly of forecasts loomed into view last week..... a heatwave and a week of flat seas and sunshine....perfect! This was to be a solo trip for JV due to lack of buddies, but I contacted Steve Porter the day before we left as he was heading over too, and asked if he could keep an eye and ear out for us over the 3 days. We had the nicest trip over Ive had in some 15 years of going - the seas got flatter as we went from a gentle F2 ripple to glassy smooth, and by 10am on Sat we were having our first drift on the Casquets. To say it was hard was an understatement, and despite all fishing hard until 5pm, between us we had just 2 turbot and 1 brill. As always it was the Maris Hall for 1st night tradition, and as always, the pepper steaks were great, washed down with a few pints of Guiness. Day 2 and we were determined to do better... well what a slog! We fished all 3 main banks, the Schole, South and Casquets - nothing! We finished off trying for a tope.... nothing, and then finally a go at a Couches Bream.... just dogfish. We fished flat out from 9am to 6pm for just a handful of dogfish. To lift our spirits in the evening we were treated to somewhat of a private party at Mark's house, where Fi rustled up a seafood feast, and we retired to the pub for a few more beers. Day 3 - hometime, pee'd off with flatties, we decided to hit the wrecks for the day to fill the fish boxes. Again this was hard work as recent reports suggest... again we fished flat out, visiting 12 wrecks on the way back for 4 pollock and 3 cod... terrible. I have never known such a poor days fishing this time of year! On the plus side, the weather, food, company and boat were superb and it was still a great trip away - just took the shine off a little due to the poor fishing...
  9. Adam F


    JV is going to Alderney, over Sat back Monday. Will be a solo trip to good to know a few boats will be about mid channel.
  10. Long range looking fantastic for next week - a real calm after the storm (kiss of death now IVe mentioned that!) Surely must be a club boat up for a trip over the other size? Anyone?
  11. Adam F


    Thanks Brian, if I get the nylon blanks and size up what I need, I'll give you a shout?
  12. Where do the congers go? That's a lot of fish soup?! Do the French have a big appetite for congers?
  13. Adam F


    Do any members have a lathe, or access to a lathe? I'm looking to turn up a couple of nylon rollers for my bow roller?
  14. We obviously got blown off again this weekend... so will be aiming to try again weekend of the 16th June - back on the 19th. With all the engine issues and rope around prop's etc, I'm keen to have a buddy boat to go over with. Anyone fancy it? Adam
  15. Weather permitting looking at taking JV to alderney on the weekend of 3 June, would be interested in buddying for the trip?
  16. Boats sat for a long time in the water isn't a good combination for long life... as you've found. A dry stack is probably the most expensive way to moor a boat, so worse if you're not using it much... but the upside is minimal maintenance. Either that or trail it.... Bilge blowers won't help. A dehumidifier would but then you need shore power to run it 24/7?
  17. Dave, JV has the 19th as Plan B so if we get blown off we will be there with you. Adam
  18. Sold to Dave.
  19. Just having a bit of a clear out. 5 x Abu Conolon boat rods. 1x12lb, 2x30lb and 2x50lb Prefer to sell together, £50 for all 5. Average condition but plenty of life left in these. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Cheers all! One of the best Birthdays.... when they fall on a weekend and the weather is fine and the fish are biting!
  21. Adam F


    Matt, Gutted to hear this news. My condolences. Like Rob, I have some great memories of our trips out together. My best would have to be leaving Braye to come home in a F5 westerly and you and your Dad beasting the boat through the waves! RIP Peter. Adam
  22. Hello everyone! The shooting season has now finished so I'm back! Really keen to get back to Alderney again this year, so count JV I'm on these dates. As usual, we will go when the weather and crew allows provided we have at least 1 buddy boat. With Alderney Angling closing down, more of a reason to maybe look at Guernsey as a base this year?
  23. Huge thanks to Greg for organising this comp - apart from the kids we all had real fun fishing the comps, and goes to show that teaching others and passing on that infectious bug that is fishing is often better than catching yourself. Reuben is certainly hooked! Also thank you to the rest of the club helpers and wives etc that made this evening possible. What a great club!
  24. Adam F

    Alderney 2016

    Two key areas to all of this really - 1) getting the best raw footage you can and 2) stitching it all together. For the first bit - it really helps if you can have a bit of an idea in your head of what the finished vid may look like - 'start with the end in mind' This will then give you a virtual list of what shorts you need. This is where the big box of mounts come in - you can really add some interest to your videos by having a variety of mounts and angles. Getting a steady shot is important, however dont be too paranoid about the whole clip being dead steady - in reality you'll want just a few seconds of steady clear footage, the rest gets clipped out.
  25. Forecast looks decent all day from what I can see - however I'm good if you want to start at 8.30. Are we still doing the Drone footage as this could have a bearing on start times?
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