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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. The family four is a much heavier boat, the 536 is probably around the same weight as my old sheltie.
  2. I think it will struggle on a 40. I had a sheltie years ago with a 40 and it struggled to get on the plane.
  3. Must be me getting old (or maybe I'm just turning into a dirty old man). I choose the blonde
  4. Newboy

    Know your sh*t

  5. Just read a fishing report from Just Mary of Poole, could that be the monster? after 40 minutes of struggle it came off. The heavy 6/0 had snapped on the curve of the hook ! I didn't need to see it to know what it was, it's happened before on this mark and one day we'll go after them properly. If you want to know then ask my mate Tom Greasty (San Gina II) to show you a picture of one nailed to Swanage Pier back in the non-conservation 60's. Full report http://www.charterboats-uk.co.uk/fishingreports/
  6. Happy Birthday and have a jolly good one.
  7. Happy Birthday and Best Wishes for you Chaps. Kam
  8. Thx guys. Getting older and getting wiser.
  9. Newboy

    Not a boaty question.

    If you don't want the trouble of a full blown water softner, you may want to try one of those inline cartridge filter, they work like a big Brita water filter, just replace the cartridge once every 6 months. They don't cost a lot and is easily plumb in but anyone with a bit of diy skill. Try it for 6 months, if they don't work like you expect just remove it or don't replace the cartidge.
  10. Newboy

    Not a boaty question.

    The inline filter works to a degree but need replacing everyso often. the best bet is the salt water softener, they works brilliantly, if you can, go for the one that work on amount of water used rather than the one that come on every day at fixed time. They will use less salt if you have only a few people in the house and don't use a lot of water. Downside is they are quite bulky which will take up best part of a kitchen cabinet.
  11. Newboy

    Poole Bay bait cam

    Just wondering how much is this set up? Wouldn't mind one next time I go breaming to see if there's any fish
  12. Newboy

    Damp expert

    On the photos, where the wooden trelis(?) is fixed to the wall, there's look like staining, could that been from the over spilling of the gutter above?
  13. Newboy

    Damp expert

    What's on the outside? If there are vegetation or soil these might have bridged the dampproof. try clearing them away from the wall. If it's just soil, dig down 2 course of bricks and fill with large gravels to aid drainage. Some tenents are just plain stupid. I have one woman who rent my 1st floor flat in a block, been in there since last spring, before x'mas she complained of damp in her bedroom, when I went to have a look, yes the windows and corner below the window is crawling with mould. She insisted there are damp, I tried to explain to her it ain't rising damp (if it was ground floor flat would be swimming in it), not penetrative damp (outside wall dry as bone and no evidence of leaky gutter). I explained to her it is basicly condensation because she doesn't open the windows and her bedroom has the largest outside wall which means it's coldest part of the flat, moist air condensed on cold walls, it hasn't help she dries her clothes on a rack inside the flat. I'd bought her a dehumidifier just to preserve the peace, but told her in no uncertainty terms she mustn't dry clothes indoor. Went back last month to check, guess what she still dries clothes on the rack indoor.
  14. Newboy

    Damp expert

    When you said floor level, is it ground floor level or 1st floor level? Rising or penetrating damp if ground floor, if 1st floor can't be rising damp.
  15. Newboy

    Lure Storage

    Just a word of warning, some plastic lures (worms or fish) react to one and other, sort of 'melt' together.
  16. My driver has a go pro (can't remeber which one, but it's about £300-£350), he mentioned it doesn't work probably with sandisk, he's got a lexar and it works fine now. I'll ask him when he next come in to work.
  17. It did say some were in block of ice/frozen, maybe as suggest a crab fisherman' freezer decided to pack up and he just throw the lot overboard?
  18. I'll have the blue pills if they re still in dates....
  19. I bet they have loads of boat stuffs for sale.
  20. I think I can probably fit in at a squeeze They also have this one at £95. The only problem is after a littlewhile, the extendable arm do start to rust and get stuck (a friend of mine has one)
  21. Don't know if anyone is interested, costco has this at £95.98.
  22. Just had a txt from John, his rodman (which he bought last year for common skating in Oban and codding in Shetland) and him will be in Madeira from June 2015 fishing for the various game fish out there. Might be an option if anyone fancy fishing in the warmer climate.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXanSwsxRUE&feature=youtu.be
  24. Sorry for the late reply, been very busy with work last week. I tried the IPconfig etc but with no joy. In the end I bought a wireless card and installed it and it now works fine. Once again thanks everyone, much appreciated. kam
  25. Wouldn't it need the drivers disc? I don't think I still have all the original drivers cd,
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