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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. On this boring Saturday, I'm sitting in front of the telly watching Matt Hayes catching course fish in Quest Channel 38 on Freeveiw. When it finished another fishing programme came on at 1:00, it's called X-treme fishing make over. Some aussie bloke was taking 2 young blonde on their first fishing trip. They arrived in dresses/ loose clothing, he said they are in the wrong clothing so handed them 2 bags and asked them to get change. When they got back, they are in bikinis . Let say jigging for fish have never been so enteraining Nor when the camera kept zooming onto the fish while they were holding it in front of their tits.. no.. breasts.. no I meant chest. Aussie bastards.... lucky sods.....
  2. Depending what size fish you are aftering, not a bad idea to have the 4" in your tackle bag either. Rig wise, the long flowing trace will work, but I profer the portland rig. Just do a search here and there were threads about how to make a portland rig.
  3. Which network are you with now? It might be worth ringing them up and say "I'm moving my number over to xxxx network because they will do the S2 at so and so per month..... This chap got the S2 at Vodaphone for Samsung Galaxy S2 / HTC Sensation 18 month contract 600 mins, unlimited text, Vodafone passport 1 GB internet, no upfront cost for phone All for
  4. Depending where you are, some places have great reception. Best way to find out is to borrow a tmobile from a friend and see what reception you are getting.
  5. Is it going to be contract or payo? I have the samsung s2 on tmobile
  6. When I bream fish the ledge, if I catch any mackeral I usually send it down on a long/tall portland rig with 8' trace or so on small lead. Reason being I want the rig to be as far away as possible so it won't tangle with anyone else, and the portland rig to be long/tall so the mackeral has a large range to swim in, so to attract the predatory fish.
  7. Are you anchoring or drifting? If you are drifting then what Phil said is bang on. However if you are going to be anchoring, use a long portland rig with a 1 or 2 oz lead, otherwise you will fine the live mackeral doing a spot of weaving on a snaggy seabed.
  8. Congratulation on your newest member of the family.
  9. My only worry is that a big fish might swallow the whole lot, how much damage (if any) would a 9" wire do in its gut before it rots out? I've seen a rusty treble hook sticking out of a bass' ass, so I don't believe hooks and wire do rot out as quickly as some others believe.
  10. I think the concensus is that wire is now a big no no. Many of the chartered skippers I fish with have banned wire and s/s hooks on their boats.
  11. Not very funny joke......
  12. I bought some 10lb of this braid a couple of months back for my fixed spool reel. After 4 uses for breaming, the line has started to fray. I can see part which is thinning out and the falling out 'bits' are collected in lumps on the braid. Needless to say I shall not be buying anymore of Spidercrap. Will be going back to my trusted Power Pro next time.
  13. I was sure I tread it weigh of lead...... Most be my failing eye sight The length of leader I use is about 1-2 rod length. The size however will depend on where. I generally will use a weaker leader than main line if it is likely that it will snag. So I woulf therefore want the leader to break and not the main line. The exception is wreck for congers.
  14. How long is a piece of string? It all depends on the strength of the tide. Just try it, if it's too light put a heavier one on, if that doesn't work put another one on, until it either sits tight on the bottom or just keep moving back slowing (if that's what you want it to do).
  15. Happy birthday Dave.
  16. Newboy


    I know some skippers already set a higher size limit, I've know one who set it at 30cm. It will be very difficult for the skipper to tell their customer who caught large male bream to put them back because they have caught 3 already. End of the day, they pay the skipper and if the skipper say you can't have this and you must do this, they simply go to another boat. Unless more (most) skipper do it, it will be unenforcable.
  17. Not trying to add fuel to the fire, but the important question is Can you get it up again?
  18. The real answer for your problem is one reel for one fishing situation. 100m 10lb, 20lb, 30lb reels for really inshore use 200m 20lb, 30lb, 40lb reels for banks use 300m 30lb, 40lb 50lb for reels for off shore use. However, can't see it being practical Also as Neal said, it all depends on how you fish, I tend to use much lighter lead so I can really keep the bait on the move, so I tend to have more braid on my reels. Experiment for a season or 2 and see how it goes.
  19. There are always pros and cons of backing. Too much vs too litle., waste vs adequate..... If you only use 150m of braid, the downside is that the first time you lose 30m, you are left with 120m and that will be fine on not too deep wreck and neap tide, but will definitely be using the backing if you fish deeper wreck. Then you have the dilemma of do I replace this lot or do I live with it? No easy answer really, just whatever you feel is right.
  20. As long as you avoid the holiday periods, you shouldn't have any problems getting a bed from one of the many hotels.
  21. Newboy


    We were on the ledge on Tuesday, between 9 of us, we landed close to 150. Mind you most in the 1.5-2.0 lb mark, no big ones.
  22. Newboy


    With joke likes this..... you'll fit right in here
  23. I was at Northney marina today, during the summer where you would see hundreds of mullets (very very large one, some I believe to be very close to the double figure mark) swimming beneath the boats, there was none today. The skipper we were with today said they aren't in yet.
  24. Happy Birthday, Dave
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