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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy


    didn't know welders are now a recognised species to be hunted........
  2. Or what about fish like ling when its stomach turns inside out, resulted in a penis looking thingy sticking out of its mouth..... It's pretty rock solid because the liver and other internal organs are now inside the thing sticking out of its mouth.
  3. With the bladder punctured, the fish can go down but can't inflat it to come up again.... not unless the bladder can self heal.
  4. It was supposed to be a half and half bass and bream trip. The bass didn't play ball so spent some of the bass time on cod and turbot result in 4 cod in 3 drifts and 3 turbot in 2 drifts. The breaming was bad too, wished we had spent the bream time on the cod too, but others wanted to go breaming.
  5. Plenty of cod on the edge of the bank, shame the bass are not in, in any number or consistency yet.
  6. Don't know about sharking, but when I was fishing for 100+ conger over the French side (didn't get one that big mind you), the skipper swears on using mono and one guy who was using mono had no lost fish, even tho one of his fish was near the magic number.
  7. Newboy

    Fridays Plan

    I have this mackeral fishing sussed out now. If you want maccy, you really need to arm yourself with breaming gear and squid and keep telling yourself you are going breaming. Then magically the maccy will arrive.
  8. Sad news...... no more bumping for Tom
  9. I need to cover the common area (hallway/stairway etc) in my mum flats. What is the best (and value for money) option? Seagrass?
  10. Newboy

    Whale Tail

    Just in casee you guys got fed up with whale tail here another google search for you.... Wild Asian Ass http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...-Asian-ass.html
  11. Newboy

    Whale Tail

  12. Newboy

    Whale Tail

    I can just quess what the top Google search on PBSBAC website is today......
  13. Don't answer the question whether it's kept or not...... I think you need a licence to keep sea trout and salmond even caught at sea.
  14. I'm thinking toward a pout, the poor cod I usually catch is a little streamline compare to this
  15. Can't help you much with the rod and reel as I don't know any in your price range, don't forget to add the price of braid, it could be as much as
  16. Newboy

    Any Sparky about?

    I'm planning to replace the lighting in my living room with downlights (50w or eqv), just want to comfirm what the wholeseller told me that I need 1 light per 1.2 sq metre of space is correct. Thanks.
  17. Newboy


    Bloody hell..... the big 40 crips up on you with no time at all. Must go and find a hobby for mid life crisis...... how about fishing? Is it really all it cracked up to be?
  18. Newboy

    Rod Tubes

    May be someone who bought a Predator 165 instead of a warrior 165
  19. This reminds me of a prog I watched some years back about Easter Island. Apparently it once had a lush forest, but people needed firewood in the process of splitting large rock into smaller one which they then made into the famous statues, so trees were cut down one after the other until eventually all were gone. The prog maker then said:'When they cut down the last tree, they must had realised it was the last tree on the island yet they cut it down......' So I guess human haven't evolved much over the centuaries.
  20. So this is a recommendation of "NOT TO USE"
  21. hmmmm........ I thought it was much more like a Avet sx.......maybe I was wrong. Too big for me.
  22. I wasn't dissing the reels, from the reveiws on the net, they aren't bad reels, just short off Avet quality (which incidentally is what they are copied from) but at 2/3 the price. Just wondering what physical size is the left hand one?
  23. Am I right in saying the one on the left is .... PELAGIC ZORRO ST100Z-2 SPD LEVER DRAG JIGGING GAME REEL The second one looks like .... POSEIDON S I/II SPEED LD SERIES What size are these reels? I think they are made in Taiwan rather than Australia.
  24. Oh yes it has......
  25. How about a photo or two?
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