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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. I too would like advance notice if my next fishing tripon the 9th of March will go ahead or not...... Seriously Jack, fishing is dictate by the weather god and there's not way of telling what the weather will be like on the 18/19th, even with 2 days to go it can change drasticly. Good luck tho.
  2. Why this not surprise me? This government is all about hidden and stealth tax, it started when gordon brown became the chancellor and it just carried on from there.
  3. I'm pretty sure the Passat's legal towing weigh is only 1600kg. Nevertheless a cracking car, economical and comfy to drive.
  4. Bu**er.... it's just started snowing in Andover
  5. Don't know.... it says any fish caught in the river or the harbour.
  6. sounds like me......
  7. Condolences to his family..... It must be the worst time to lose a family member just before x'mas
  8. You lot are a lot braver than me. Christmas Day we are cooking Dinner for the family. Boxing Day we'll be at the Mother in Law's, admiring the decorations on her Broom. I know of one skipper who had done X'mas day charter in the past, think of all those (lonely) lucky blokes out there......
  9. What about 25th of Dec.....
  10. Just a reminder that it's also the date for the first aid course
  11. Newboy


    Most glass merchant (window glazers) use perspex, and they often have off cut left over from previous job, I bought a piece 70x50 for
  12. Here's a news letter from Silver Spray Dear Anglers Catch report The winter cod have arrived! Over the last weekend the winter cod have put in a strong appearance together with a few whiting. Just in time for the British Cod Championships based on Yarmouth IOW. Our best cod so far was a 23lber which fell to Nick Colbert from Bath. Nick was fishing a double squid bait on a 4/0 hook and the fish fought really well on a 10ft bass rod designed for spinning from the beach. Nick also had a 7lb cod and 2 bass to 7lb on the same trip. Silver Spray joint skipper Sam Cumming landed a fish of 17lb while Andy Cumming could only manage a 14lber a day later. Mid November and the cod fishing has really got going and its time for the British Cod Champs on the Isle of Wight. Day 1 and the weather was good enough to allow us to fish South of the Needles. We managed 3 fish with best just under 17lbs falling to Rene van Oevelen that turned out to be third heaviest of the day. One boat had 9 fish so we were somewhat off the pace. Day 2 saw strong Southerley winds and we were confined to the Solent - not our favourite grounds for sure. Only one fish for Pete "Geeze" Bailey up to lunchtime a monster just short of 30lbs (well about 28lbs short to be precise!). We had a move and Geeze joked that he only needed another 4 to win! In the last hour Geeze so nearly did it catching 3 and dropping one! His 4 cod with the horrible weather, copious weed and scarce bites rates as the finest angling achievement we have seen on Silver Spray. Max Everrett also got on the score sheet giving us 5 fish on day 2. Geeze ended up in third place overall with 5 fish to 37lbs while the 1st and 2nd placed anglers also had 5 fish totally 44lb each. Silver Spray ended up 3rd on number of cod with 8 fish
  13. On the news last night it said the strongest recorded wind was 100mph by the Needles
  14. Newboy

    Gas lift tube

    Don't what sort of quality is it, but from the one I have in the office and at home, I doubt they would be up to much when in rough sea, where the forces are not only up and down but sideways as well.
  15. Newboy

    New species

    As Brian said it's a grouper, not sure of its english name, but it's one of many we called star grouper in Hong Kong. I think they are found in south asia, so somewhere around Thailand or Malaysia?
  16. Newboy


    I've heard cod have been caught in the bay as early as mid sep.
  17. Bloody confusing.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haddock http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summa...286-4657921_ITM
  18. John Dorry and it's Saint Peter's thumb print Colin That was what I was told last week by a skipper, but I'm pretty sure John Wilson mentioned something about the devil's thumb print in one of his Norway episode.
  19. Which one of these 2 fish's black spot is said to be the thumb print from the God (or is it the devil)?
  20. Newboy


    Probably not in the same league as the Salter, but it's quite cheap only
  21. ????????? I'm lost
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO07LmQNDnk&feature=fvw
  23. The hook I removed still had some silver on it, maybe it's stainless or a very well chromed one.
  24. I once caught a 7 lb bass with one barb/hook of a treble hook sticking out of its arse. I always let the first fish go, but its belly/arse looked very red and sore, so I kept it and release the second fish instead. When I came to gut it, the hook was rusty and in no way it was going to rust thru in any time soon. It must be days for the hook to flow thru its digestive system.
  25. You're braver than I thought...... I certainly wouldn't have put that crab so close to 'between my legs'
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