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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Following other boat is not 100% proof either. I was on Simon's boat and came in following a large 2x125hp open deck cruiser (could have been a large Boston Whaler), we were thinking if he can get thru we can get thru. Just say we were wrong.
  2. Charlie, it's not the forum..... it's you You have to set the time from your preference. I don't bother as in six months time, it will be back to 'normal' again.
  3. A few spaces available on Tuesday the 21st of Nov onboard Wight Rebel from Southampton for the benefit of Spike. Let me know if you are interested. The trip will be inshore ground fishing for cod and whiting.
  4. Newboy

    Which Boot?

    If you have Tachio in Poole, they did a good pair. Less than
  5. I get them loose, so however much anyone wants, I'll just weigh it and charge at cost but I won't know until the day.
  6. I will try to get some cuttlefish on thursday before the Open, if anyone want some let me know.
  7. Newboy

    Goodbye, Dad

    Don't look at it as a lose, but as your father moving on. By the sound of it he had a very full life and he enjoyed every bit of it. He wouldn't want to see you all in mourning.
  8. Or choose a different engine altogether. The etec is pretty 'squashed'.
  9. Welcome to the best fishing site in the whole of the UK. With a name like this, how can anyone not say hi........
  10. Nice website, see our Coddy is in the picture gallery. Big welcome to the forum.
  11. Ah, just checked mine and it's one of my oldest one, been using that since uni, it's the first letter of my previous girlfriends..... missus used to ask me why had I chosen such a difficult pw, I told her it was randomly chosen. Seriously tho, does the forum have some form of protection like credit card when after ,say 3 attempt locks the login or locks it for 1 hour or notify the login email?
  12. Isn't our pw randomly generated by the forum when signed up? Or have I got the wrong forum?
  13. Fred is well stocked up on baked beans ......
  14. Newboy


    Wouldn't mind to know a bit more about it, like why would anglers be a threat to them? If they are a protected specy, no one is allowed to land them, and as I understand it, cutting it loose at the boat shouldn't to too much harm to them and with the hook that#s left behind, it should rot away in a few days (that's why s/s hook be banned).
  15. Dave was fishing close in by the cliff not far from the Hood for squids the week before with good success. Just go and buy a squid jig from WAC, short trace to a portland rig (any rig will do but I presume you are already rigged up the portland rig). Slow retrieve while drifting, if you feel a take, just reel in without stopping, cos the jig isn't barbed and you might lose the squid if you stop wounding.
  16. Hey, I'm a full 3 inches taller than Pat .......
  17. Try this HERE
  18. Was out on Pat Calin's big cat today, big is an understatement..... He has one of the new 8' 10-20 solid c and he let me had a few go on it. It's much thicker than a standard 6' 10-20 but it does play fish much better.
  19. Newboy

    New Member

    Welcome Terry, you have some fantastic fishig over at your nick of wood. Over the last 12 months I'd fished Folkstone for bass, Brighton for breams and congers, Newhaven for cod,....
  20. Newboy

    Anti Foul

    It's really a weed killer (try stripping your hull on your drive and it'll be weedfree for a long time), so it's potency will drop as time goes by.
  21. Newboy


    How many points in a species comp?
  22. With or without all the gadgets?
  23. surely 5-6 is a stay in bed with the wife?!
  24. Be patience Paul, the time will come.... all the waiting will be worth it
  25. It's a national firm, I think it has branches down your end.
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