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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. If the key is snapped off flushed leaving the broken bit inside, I can't see how a spare key and a tool kit is gonna help, unless they also have a drill etc onboard?!
  2. Yes please, lets pray the weather is good then.
  3. Anyone please let me know. Thank you.
  4. Crete, friendly people and the place is absolutely fantastic. Had my honeymoon there and went back there on our 10th anniversary. Not a great fishing place, but some bream like fish on light floating bread.
  5. When is the Burnha match? Isn't it sometie in Sep?
  6. Supposed to be out tomorrow from Lymington but it's now cancelled.
  7. What length was Gnasher? I think the CJR is only 15-16'?
  8. Newboy

    Blonde Joke

    You sure she's a true blonde? She sounds like a smart cookie....
  9. Mike, I disagree slightly there, yes modern outboard rarely breaks down, but it could be a simple thing like clogged filter or water in fuel etc. Diagnosising it wouldn't be on the top of my agenda in a rough sea and the weather closing in (we all know how weather can change without warning). So I think a suitable back up is advisable whether for practice or just peace of mind. Obivously a twinned engined boat would solve that problem but on smaller boat there just isn't enough space to put 2 engines on the back.
  10. Are you doing the sanding over your driveway? If so, your drive will be weed and moss free for the next 6 months or so, the antifoul is highly toxic......
  11. If you are worried just stick a couple of small ones on it.
  12. As Simon said, you really need to get as big as you can afford. Especially if you go out of Poole or Christchurch harbours. The current can be very fast and a 10 horse wouldn't do uch good.
  13. Paul, don't keep all the discount software to yourself ........ I feel an urge to buy lots and lots of discounted softwares ........ just like my fishing tackles.
  14. Newboy

    Hi Folks

    Miss Whiplash by any chance .....
  15. Dan, can't do Thurs night, but I'm ok for day time as long as I can get back to Andover by 5:00pm.
  16. Newboy

    Hi Folks

    Welcome and hope you settle into the quiet Dorset life once you move down this way . PS, Do you get stroppy when you go fishing or only when you don't catch?
  17. A brilliant day out on Marine boy with Paul, even tho I only slept for 3 hours last night . First time out thru the run and it was daunting to say the least, the last time I saw the seabed that close I was walking on it!!! MarineBoy is a brilliant boat, if I get back to owning a boat a dory would definitely be my choice. Love the open boat concept where I can walk round unhindered (proved useful later). The fishing was a little slow, struggled to catch mackeral for love or money, although Paul had little trouble, however, we did eventually found the perfect mackeral catching way. Anchoring a bream mark and send down stripes of mackeral on a 2 hooks paternoster, caught nothing but mackeral for the first 10 minutes . Only caught a single bass on float which took me on a dancing trail for a little while round the boat. Starting from the port aft and ended all the way round by the s/b mid, dipping the rod in water a couple of times. The fish weighs 5 1/2 lb on the kitchen scale well chaff. Also caught about 10 breams, a couple of keepers all the rest smaller females. The biggest gain for me today is crewing for Paul and saw Alun landing the trgger fish, first time I have ever seen a trigger up close, weird looking thing . Thank you Paul for a great day and hope to crew for you again in the future.
  18. Should be fun, never been out of x'church before.
  19. I'm available to crew most days before the 22nd excluding fri and sat. Anyone?
  20. Most of Guernsey is club water.
  21. Not as bad as I first thought. It costs
  22. The boat has gone, now I no longer need a big truck. 1995 Gen 3 surf td auto, done 105k miles, 9 months tax, 3 months mot, come with air-con, elec win+sunroof, overdrive, 4 spot lights, very good condition bar a small dent on the tailgate. This truck will tow anything, and I mean anything. Sweet Honey was over 1200kg+ and towed it without batting an eyelid.
  23. I had mine on the s/b started with IT, can't reember the rest now I no longer have the boat.
  24. It's the same forecast tomorrow, so anyone going out still?
  25. You're mad, you're all mad .........
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