A brilliant day out on Marine boy with Paul, even tho I only slept for 3 hours last night .
First time out thru the run and it was daunting to say the least, the last time I saw the seabed that close I was walking on it!!!
MarineBoy is a brilliant boat, if I get back to owning a boat a dory would definitely be my choice. Love the open boat concept where I can walk round unhindered (proved useful later).
The fishing was a little slow, struggled to catch mackeral for love or money, although Paul had little trouble, however, we did eventually found the perfect mackeral catching way. Anchoring a bream mark and send down stripes of mackeral on a 2 hooks paternoster, caught nothing but mackeral for the first 10 minutes .
Only caught a single bass on float which took me on a dancing trail for a little while round the boat. Starting from the port aft and ended all the way round by the s/b mid, dipping the rod in water a couple of times. The fish weighs 5 1/2 lb on the kitchen scale well chaff. Also caught about 10 breams, a couple of keepers all the rest smaller females.
The biggest gain for me today is crewing for Paul and saw Alun landing the trgger fish, first time I have ever seen a trigger up close, weird looking thing .
Thank you Paul for a great day and hope to crew for you again in the future.