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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. 35cm? For a start no one would get to take any mackeral home. Black bream would have to be specimen sized (4lb+) before they can even be considered taking home, a bull huss of this size is a baby, not to mention a 35cm conger is only days old. I think the key word here is sensible, let people take fish, but make the limit appropriate and limit the number of fish people can take home.
  2. All working fine. Thx Paul
  3. Duncan, are you saying only use a harness if one is strapped down to a chair (fixed point)? Recently I fished for skate and I wouldn't recommend anyone trying for one without a harness , as it gives you slots in a fight for rests. I don't think wearing a harness will drag you into the unknown depth. Most harness I see/use will slip over the head easily if bend over and raise arms above head.
  4. Will try it later. Anyone else having the same problem as me, when I click 'view new posts' it lists posts from yesterday which I HAD already read. It seems the unread posts is hanging on a lot longer than before.
  5. Still no luck, tried all of the above.
  6. Both the work pc and home pc won't auto logon, plus read threads are active/marked as unread all day.
  7. Ditto, still wouldn't log on by itself. I'm using the new http. I'm on NTL, does it make any difference?
  8. Newboy


    Go for the bass down Weymouth, they should be in by then, one of my faverite fishing place.
  9. You need to find out from the outboard manufacturer what is the max rev, on that model. It then need to be matched to a prop which will give you that max rev. When you said moving up a notch, did you mean the different fixing holes?
  10. Anyone else still having log in troubles? I'm still not on auto log in.
  11. I'm having problems auto logging on. I'd ticked the remember me box on the login page, but the next time I start again, I'm not logged in.
  12. Forget the questions, I see that it is appearing on both sides....
  13. Are the posts duplicated on both sides? If not when do we start posting over there and stop posting here?
  14. Dave, are you sure you're not hidden? On the log in page there's an option to log on but not show up on the net.
  15. Personally, I would like just on one side, left.
  16. It's more professional looking than the last one, it's still too early to say whether it's better or worse than the previous one, only time will tell. I'm still wandering around the site getting lost.
  17. I can do anyday as it's probably about 45 mins from home at the most. What gear do we need?
  18. Newboy

    Hi All

    What's a tubby? The cod fishing is cr*p with a capital. I think it's easier to catch a black bream than to catch a cod.
  19. Newboy

    Hi All

    Welcome Jake, how's the fishing going over at Gurnsey at the moment? Lovely island, been there twice, wish I can visit it more often, incidentally I'm over there for 3 days at Easter with Revolution from Weymouth. Btw do we get bulk discount for the club.....
  20. Rich, I'm definitely interested, what time will we finish, as long as I can get back for work in the late afternoon I can do it.
  21. Newboy

    Talking Frog

    Was that a true story.....
  22. Didn't someone mention they along with Saltern don't really want any slipway business as they prefer the money from ther bigger boats?
  23. How about putting it here, so we can just cut and paste, and print and sign?!
  24. I love scads..... I don't think they are that boney, no more than herring I think. The mistake people made is to fillet them, once filleted, the tinny bones are difficult to get rid off. I like to pan fry the who fish and seperate out the flesh using knife and fork, it's much easier if the back bone id present. Remeber to cut out the few scales on the lateral line near the tail. Sprinkle a dash of light soy sauce just before lifting off pan, it adds to the favour. I quite like doggies, didn't like tope, haven't try a smoothy thinking it's more tope than dog. Watched an old Floyds programme and he said Weever fish is quite nice. Don't supposed anyone try it?
  25. As was said before pout makes a lovely flaky fish cake, not to mention either deepfry it in batter or flour or bread crumb. I have also tasted wrasse, yes the smaller fish is boney, and flesh is very cotton like but the big fish are not boney at all, and the flesh is that much firmer. Lovely tasting deep fried in cornflour and pour a sweet and sour sauce with chunky vegs over it.
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