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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Rich if your spam are any of the following, "How to get an extra...." "Have problems satisfying...." "A Havard degree......" "Young housewiv......." You've been a naughty boy
  2. You know when you receive a funny email and you forward it to your friends? This email might have been round the block a few times and contains 10's if not 100's of email addresses, that what gets you spams.
  3. Newboy

    Men In Coats

    I thought they are good. http://www.koreus.com/files/200505/men-in-coats.html
  4. As Adam said, the subject been covered in details before but in short to do it cheaply, go and get an auto battery for starting and a leisure battery for the running gears, all for around
  5. Just seen the tide table, it's low water at around 7:30pm. How much water do we have at low water over the Needle bridge?
  6. I seem to read somewhere, if the hitch is too heavy (back end light) the trailer snakes when accelerate (car overwhelming the trailer). If hitch too light (back end heavy) trailer snakes when decelerate (trailer trying to overtake the car).
  7. Might be interested in Tuesday if I can get away.
  8. Coddy is right, it's got to be around 70kg. Some car will hitch upto and over the 100kg mark.
  9. Not going out this weekend, but what about that stinger trip one summer evening? Hoping to hook into a specimen (actually any ols stinger will do, since I've never caught one).
  10. How long is the trace line and how long is the mono leader/main line?
  11. Strictly speaking it isn't a copy of the warrior hull, cos warrior bought the design off someone else. So anyone can go to the original builder and buy the design off them. Warrior, explorer, endevour (?),....... Merry fisher, quicksilver, octoques(?), beneateau, Even the Raider is based on the Shetland family 4 hull.
  12. From the 8lb picture, you seem to be not far from the needle lighthouse, were you drifting the needle bridge?
  13. I don't think these hulls are 100% identical. I seem to remember reading an article few years ago about the Warrior bought the mould from another boat builder. This was used on the earlier warriors. Warriors then revised the design for the neweer hulls. Explorer later bought the mould from the original boatbuilder, but instead of building an identical hull, they altered the vee, which they claimed makes the boat steadier at speed.
  14. With that budget, you are looking for a plotter, not a gps. Most if not all plotter will do all you ask, except the sunlight viewablilty. The olde/cheaper machines are less sunlight viewable than the newer ones. I use a Navman 5600 colour and it's a great piece of kit. I'm sure everyone who has a plotter will echo their machines are good too. The only problem I see with your budget, you may have a problem having all of 1)bigger screen, 2) colour and 3) sunlight viewable. I would say 2 of the above is with reach but all 3 will stretch it a little. Don't forget the map is abother
  15. What under water structure (if any) do we look for? Or do we just look for some rough patch drifting/anchored waiting for the sole to look for food? P.S which type of sole is it?
  16. Newboy


    Mid-summer nights dream?
  17. Nah, not in my own boat, it will be a sharking party on Flamer 3 from Weymouth. These were the people I met on the chartered boat last Sunday, nice people, invited me to join them. Flamer 3 is going to source the rigs/terminal tackle. My new friends will lend me a rod and reel. These are fishing mad blokes and woman. They said there's a wrecking trip from Brighton tomorrow if I wanted to tack along. Sadly I have to work.
  18. You have a pm,rich.
  19. We were using squid, rag and mackeral strips on the mussel bed. According to the skipper, the fish are down there, but just not feeding. There must had been 2 dozens boats there either drifting or anchoring, didn't see anyone taking anyfish in the few drift we tried. No other boats caught any breams in large number over the radio.
  20. I've tonnes of patience, I'm used to sitting patiently for a whole day and NOT to catch anything....... Don't think I have a big enough hook, can I use the gaff
  21. John Skeggs does a lot of floating fishing for bass. Don't think it has much to do with snag, it's more where the fish are. However, he would only do it if there aren't too many anglers onboard.
  22. Actually, what sole is it? What other sole is down B'mouth pier at night?
  23. Going for a spot of portbeagle/sharks hunting, then going for big congers, what kit do I need? Charlie?
  24. I hope you will have better luck than I did. Tried some on a wreak today, no pollock, no cods and no congers. A totally miserable day, 2 breams, 1 plaice, doggies, pouts. We went west, we tried the mussel bed, the race, but none produced anything significant. There were tons of mackeral tho, fill an icebox within20 mins. Also met a couple and a bloke who fish at least once every week and once every month from Weymonth, They had invited me to join them for a Shark hunting party on Flamer 3 in August.
  25. Where about did you drift? Freshwater, Brooks, Atherfield? I take it they were on a portland rig? No trolling today?
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