I haven't much to add other than I blanked .
The ride to the ripps with Gordan and John was rough, constant banging and my arm hurt with steering the whole day.
I supposed the omen was there, 2 minutes in water and the transducer stopped working. It was touch and go whether we should continue, but we decided to go since we couldn't fish anywhere else without the fishfinder anyway, at least there's a chance of fish at the ripps although tackle loses can be high. (lost 4 weighs, 6 worms/shads, and the braids in both my reels.)
Once we got there, we just followed everyone else and queued up for the drift. John had the first fish of the day, a pollock, about 3 lb while I had a good take at the same time but lost it half way up. Gordan had a smaller pollock the next drift.
We stopped at the slate bed on the way in to try for a bit, no luck other than a few doggies.
I got back at 10:00 had a bath and crashed straight into the bed until the missus came home at 12:30am. Never been so tired in my life. I still haven't wash my boat out, must do it later.