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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. No, I seen the yanks has electrical reel, you just press a button and it reel the fish/lead up by itself.
  2. Where's Hurds Deep then? I think I might invest in one of those yankie wind up machine......
  3. Since they must peel as well, are they any good? Bearing in mind a peel crab can cost just under
  4. At least not as expensive as putting petrol in diesel engines.....
  5. Fish gut: mackerals we used. I used the pressure washer, and then on hands and knees scrubbing out the deck. lead; just had a rethink, I still have all my 1 lb, 1.5lb and 2 lb lead, so I only lost all my 8oz and 12 oz. still 12oz in 150+' is a long way down (and up).
  6. You and John were good company, spend 2 hours this afternoon cleaning the boat, all the fish guts has dried up nicely and pretty stinky too. Don't think I'm cut out for long haul tho, my shoulders hurts like buggery, not sure if it was the constant steering or retriving a 2 lb weigh from 150' down..... I think for the points comp in 2 weeks time, I'll stay inshore and burn some fuel instead.
  7. Newboy


    www.Porthcawl.co.uk www.boatinsure.co.uk www.craftinsure.co.uk Also a few links from boatsandoutboards I'm with porthcawl and I think they offer club discount if a club approach them, not sure if it's worthwhile?!
  8. Newboy

    Admiralty Map

    Of course they are, how silly me.....
  9. Newboy

    Admiralty Map

    I'm looking for a map for sw IOW. I'm sure there was a thread sometime ago about cheap out of date admiralty map, but search admiralty map shows nothing and map is also nothing as word needs to be 4 letters or more. Can anyone help?
  10. Newboy

    Rips - Sat

    Martin, the general mark you gave us for the Slate bed was inside the harbour!!!!!!
  11. To start with, I carried 3 x 25 litre tanks, a 20 litre jerry can and 2 x 5 litres plastic cans. In theory I had over 100 litres but in practic I would say about 90, since I didn't filled them to the brim. I used just over 1 and 1/2 tanks to get there, the rest of the tanks to drift and when that ran dry I was a little worried I might not have enough fuel to get back if the sea were lumpy. Funnily enough, the third can lasted just outside Poole Harbour. I reckon all in all I used about 75 litres. Had the condition been nicer on the way out, the fuel usage would have been a bit lower.
  12. Newboy

    Rips - Sat

    I haven't much to add other than I blanked . The ride to the ripps with Gordan and John was rough, constant banging and my arm hurt with steering the whole day. I supposed the omen was there, 2 minutes in water and the transducer stopped working. It was touch and go whether we should continue, but we decided to go since we couldn't fish anywhere else without the fishfinder anyway, at least there's a chance of fish at the ripps although tackle loses can be high. (lost 4 weighs, 6 worms/shads, and the braids in both my reels.) Once we got there, we just followed everyone else and queued up for the drift. John had the first fish of the day, a pollock, about 3 lb while I had a good take at the same time but lost it half way up. Gordan had a smaller pollock the next drift. We stopped at the slate bed on the way in to try for a bit, no luck other than a few doggies. I got back at 10:00 had a bath and crashed straight into the bed until the missus came home at 12:30am. Never been so tired in my life. I still haven't wash my boat out, must do it later.
  13. I'd like to book, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be out or not. I'll leave it till 3:30 today.
  14. I'm in if I can get crew. Anyone?
  15. Newboy


    You mean like this? Solent 48 hours Except it's not 'NEXT' 48 hours like it used to be. It's now 48 hours from midnight last night. Also there's no 1-7 days or 8-14 days forecasts. The 'Today', 'Tomorrow',...next 7 days bars at the top will only work if you have a post code. I want the old Metcheck back.... it's simplier to use.
  16. Don't take too long hauling in that record breaking stinky
  17. Martin, I have no crew for either sat or sun, if it's not filled, can I crew for you and at least I'll grap a day's fishing at the least.
  18. Newboy


    Errr... what's the postcode for St Catherine Point or Poole harbour?
  19. Wish I can join you out there, but no crew and no free day pass......
  20. Newboy


    Anyone worked out how to use the new Metcheck yet? I can't seem to find 1-7 days and 8-14 days froecasts anymore.
  21. Newboy

    Anchors Away

    I use 1x10mm cable tie on Sweet Honey
  22. "I bought this boat from you yesterday and the prop isn't working...."
  23. has he beached it? or crashed onto the island?
  24. Still looking for crew this weekend.
  25. I'll have 4 if it helps, and 4 shads if they can be mixed.
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