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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    Cobbs Quay

    NO problems, but a small hazzle if you can call it that. At low water the side is a long way to the waterline, making loading and getting on or off difficult, but there is a a plontoon round the corner. Have you try Davies boatyard next door? It's over
  2. What type of rope is it?
  3. Not being funny, but what size are they? As you know I'm a little bit smaller than you are.
  4. Martin I don't envy you launching at Baiter one bit. It was hard work winching Maverick back up at Cobbs...... I guess that's why you have arms like my thighs.....
  5. Newboy


    Ebay sometimes has 1p listing day, wait for one of those.....
  6. Newboy


    Tell her to shut it or you'll chuck her on Ebay too........
  7. Not all spotted ray has that particular spots, or at least some has very faint spots not easily visible. Here's one I caught during the burnham match, I believe it's the same one as Paul's, and the 'spot' is only just visible about 6" below my little finger.
  8. Newboy

    New Boat

    Nice boat. Is that a microfisher on the background?
  9. Newboy

    Boat Buying Advice

    Realisticly, to be able to fish 4 in a boat, it has to be a fairly large boat, 18+ at the very least, even that would be cramp for a cuddy boat. Once you have chosen the style/size of boat, then you have to decide what your budget is, is it going to be a new boat or a second hand, or even a sound but much older boat. If it's a 2nd hand boat, you don't have much choice on outboard. You can only choose from what is available at the time you are looking. However, I would avoid old 2 stroke, if fuel consumption is your main criteria. On the other hand they are easy to work on if you are planning to do the maintenence yourself. 4 Strokes are more economical by do require a little more maintenence than 2's. Have a look at Dave's website, he's got some boat and outboard on reviews by their owners. It also contains lots of info on must have in a boat. Dave's Website
  10. It seems there are different identification even on different website, on the one I hihglighted This one it says spotted has pricks on either side of the eyes. The spotted ray also has small thorns or prickles positioned to the right and left either side of the eyes on the front wing edges, along the centre line just rearwards of the eyes, and along the length of th tail, but less dense in adult females and males than on juvenile fish. Juvenile blonde ray only have a series of fine prickles on the leading edge of the front wing area. Blonde ray also have a series of spines along part of the front underside of the wing margin which is always absent on spotted rays. COLOURATION The back is a mid brown or darkish sandy colour, scattered with almost black spots. These spots can sometimes form a faint circle on the mid wing area. The belly is white, though occasional fish living over rougher ground can have a few darker "stains" in the belly colouring. SIZE RANGE Averages between 2 and 3.5lbs. Past tagging surveys suggest that it takes this ray upto 15 years to reach a length (including the tail) of 2ft and weights around 3lbs. A spotted ray only grow upto around 5 lbs so I wouldn't call the this one (if it is a spotted) a juvenile. It also seems the 'circle' of spots doesn't always present on the spotted ray. What do you think should we send it off to Southampton University for ID?
  11. I would still say a spotted. There are prick on either side of the eyes, and what looks like also spikes just between/behind the eyes. The spots are large for the size of fish whereas the blonde has smaller spots. Blonde Ray Spotted Ray
  12. Newboy

    Cobbs Key

    Should be plenty of small bream-like fish in Turkey, nothing special but good fun, beats ogling topless babes.....
  13. Newboy

    Cobbs Key

    You are more than welcome to fish on Sweet Honey anytime too.
  14. Thanks Billy, I just got a reply from someone seller on Ebay, he's been very helpful regarding tackles. Here's what he says about swivels. Crane Swivel Is the smallest per size, but is also the strongest. And most expensive. Rolling Swivel Not as expensive as a crane swivel, but not as strong (per size), as a crane swivel. Bigger per size than a crane swivel, but has a more compact neater shape Barrel Swivel Cheap, but not as strong as a crane/rolling swivel, (per size). Big in size. I tend to use rolling swivels, because I think that they look neater on a trace. And because of the compact shape tend to get line tangled less often.
  15. Is there a club record for sunfish yet.....
  16. Newboy


    It's so true yet so sad.............. Ebay Song
  17. What type of spinners? Does colour or size matter?
  18. Newboy

    Service Manuals

    There are quite a few pages, also quite a few 50's on different years, (it doesn't list by band but by year and hp) I'll try to take photocopies tomorrow if I have time, I haven't got a scanner so if all selse fail I'll take photos and burn them onto a cd and post it to you.
  19. Newboy

    Service Manuals

    Some service CD on ebay, you just print out the pages you want. Mercury 40/50/55/60 Mercury 1966-74 I actually have a 1972-89 service manual, but it's on ebay at the moment and ends tomorrow. Would have taken it off for you if no one was bidding, but ppl had started bidding on it (only) last night..... What exactly do you want, if it's only a few pages, I can photocopy the parts for you.
  20. Newboy

    Service Manuals

    What year?
  21. Where are you launching from? There are places in the solent, but they tend to be shelters when wind is too strong for others.
  22. This reminds me, Coddy when are you coming round to pick up the fuel tank?
  23. I had a good day polishing the boat, it now shines. That Crystal Glo stuff works really well.
  24. Anyone still looking for crew?
  25. Where did you catch the red gunard and what did you used?
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