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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. School Sam?? A walk in the park compared to having to earn the money to be able to fish, own a boat etc instead of parents paying for it all. Enjoy it while you can buddy.
  2. And here is the proof. Lulworth bream mark at sunset. Humbling isn,t it?
  3. Yep. I,m going out for a wrecking sortee. Very light winds and decent tides so hubba hubba.
  4. Iron maiden, Sounds like my daughter.
  5. I have done it again. I have to get Leah her own computer.
  6. I blame Eminem and Snoop Dog with all this rap crap and phone slang. I thought James Dean was the last angry young man but everything goes around eventually. Not to worry though, the youth of today are the parents of tomorrow. Then we can have a whole syllabus at school for slang and rap talk. Just imagine, everyone would get A levels. Dyslexia wouldnt be a problem any more because we would all spell that way!!! Dont take this post too serious folks, just a little thought. BB
  7. boybilly

    Dawn raider

    VVEERREEEEE nice James, Let it be a lucky boat mate. Wouldn,t mind a trip on her myself if you are ever stuck for crew. Regards, BB
  8. 8 more letters Sarah and it would have been good english. Not a lot of time saved then eh???
  9. What does that mean? Can,t these kids spell nowadays? Too much time on mobiles methinks.
  10. My daughter(Miss BB) is the birthday girl in the previous post and Sarah (miss sb) is the one directly behind her. The animals went in two by two. We are being overrun lads.
  11. Welcome. Would this be Sarah Blues??
  12. There I go again in my alter ego state. Sorry folks.
  13. Rich, set the drag for around a third of the breaking strain for braid, so about 5-6lb would be good. This will also depend on the rod, for braid they are not as stiff as others to compensate for the lack of stretch in braid. Err on the side of safety mate. You dont really need the spool brake for sea fishing but if you want to set it up. attach the relevant lure, weight etc and adjust the brake until it drops at a steady rate from the rod tip. The spool brake is a casting aid mate, rather dodgy with braid on a multiplier coz if it birds nests you can kiss it goodbye. There is no problem using a fixed spool for this type of fishing Rich. That could be a way to go, especially if you use a bait runner. Regards, BB
  14. Sorry for the confusion lads, someone on my PC keeps forgetting to log off.
  15. How was the fishing today lads? Did anyone get the big flattie?
  16. You are right there Charlie, when they are young its 70% them and 30% us. As they get older we may get more time but then the FPO turns up. God forbid she gets hooked(excuse the pun). BB
  17. In her dreams. Being a member now may get her fishing a bit more. Not the greatest sailor but OK inshore marks. Enjoy Leah. BB
  18. boybilly

    For Starters

    Getting your own back
  19. boybilly

    Miss BB

    : Please register my daughter. Leah Short age 13. Same email and address, regards BB.
  20. boybilly

    For Starters

  21. Welcome and enjoy. PS Are there any young girls fishing as my 13 year old daughter is half interested?
  22. Welcome and enjoy.
  23. Ok, For the coach, all entrance fees and bed & breakfast it will be around
  24. Welcome and tight lines, BB and little BB
  25. Hi bassdude, welcome to the site, Tight lines, BB and little BB
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