Well, Well. The old pond hopper has a birthday today. The very best of wishes to you me ol, chutney ferret. Hope you are having a great time in the states,AGAIN. Next comp is 20th October mate. Let Colin know early for a place. All the best, Billy, Cindy, Sam and Leah. xxxxxxx
Just a little point that I would like to have an administrator clear up for me. If a boat does commercial angling or charges for a trip, anglers are not allowed to weigh in fish. If this boat then takes out anglers as a private venture are fish allowed to be recorded? If that is the case then a non paying member on a chater boat should be allowed to record fish, would that be correct? BB
Took out Sam on Flamer Saturday, BIG MISTAKE. 8 species including 2 bull huss of 10lb and 11.5lb. One conger 10lb, bream, pout, mackerel, dogfish, pollack, and a starry smoothhound of 11.5 lb. Talk about the pupil sticking it up the teacher. BB
Mr Swain, How dare you cast aspertions on my character? It is purely for business reasons that I enter said establishment. I have the ring at home me old marmite miner, when do you want to collect or shall I run it up mate. PS I have your bits from WAC in my shed so less of the abuse. Truly yours, the honourable BB
Dont bodge it mate, as Rich says it is mega important. I have sorted you a 2mm tip ring. Rich is coming down to pick up some tackle so I will give it to him for you. Regards, BB
Thats that subscription cancelled then. How come Jim has packed it all in? A true gentleman that guy. Hope Glen Milligan and Jim Pressley stay on for the sake of the mag.
Hes not that desperate for a record, just a point of interest thats all. Newboy, are you sure it must be a club boat? What happens if you are out with a non-member and catch a decent fish? BB
I met a guy on a wrecking trip a couple of years ago who had some of these. He was ex service so had access. They looked brilliant. Let me know details Tom, Regards, BB
Took Sammy spinning for thin lips tonight. Let him use a rod that I have just built from three old ones. We went down to the boat and fished from the pontoon. Third cast he landed a 1.38 kilo fish. Would you believe it, never caught a thin lip as I have only fished for them twice before. Rod behaved lovely though. One major problem that regular spinners might help with, because we dont use any lead on the line we had serious twist problems. It got so bad I had to strip 30 mtrs off and retie spinner. Would an anti kink vane help? PS Does the pontoon count as boat caught? It does in WAS but not sure about PBSBAC. Regards, BB,s
Cheers folks, sorry I am late relpying but just had my PC upgraded and lost a lot of gen. When to watch the boys arriving back last night and looks like they had a pearler. Plenty of decent fish with a few scallops to boot. Nice pork chop story Rich. Nice fish PJ and Mark. Nice looking boat Tom, will look forward to a trip on her one day. All the best. The BB,s
Nice one lads, Good report. You are spot on Rich in the size of the launce, later in the year the big ones will catch but smaller is better(at least that is what my missus says) this time of year. 4 inch shads and eels work well. Plaice should be in big style after next set of springs so keep ing fingers crossed lads. BB
Body recovered after 2 hours in the water. Coldest time of year so inevitable. Told he was wearing oilskins and a flotation collar, not realy enough if that was the case. Very sad but a lesson to be learned.