Thank you for the best wishes, got a Hiro boat rod and a new head lamp. lbb.
Sorry Sam has replied under my name lads but cannot seem to get him signed in. By the way, the Plaice are in, very skinny, but early so that bodes well. BB
Smacked the penguin, its head took off, hit a rock and didn,t come down for 10 secs. Bounced on every other rock and stopped at............................... 1156.3. Is that a record? I thought my PC had frozen again.
SIG KNOT joined to a nail knot as Rich says. Personally I hardly ever use a leader unless wrassing or deap sea. Hello peeps, I,m back. PC has been to and fro poorly. Found a virus stopping my browser connecting to net. Or so he says!!! Hopefully all is well so I can join in again. Got a few fish to record including Red band fish. Will give a full report later lads and lasses. When is your finals James? Go get em boy. BB