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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by mw

  1. mw

    Friday paddle

    Good to see your still catching fish I got my kayak yesterday so will be out fishing soon mark w
  2. mw

    Solar energy

    Give sunkatchers a call speak to adrain on 07886987826 he will give you a good quote if you need on say mark from mw plumbing gave you his number mw
  3. mw

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday colin mw
  4. Not sure what EA license is but Ringwood AC own the fishing rights up entence mark
  5. Nige never take her to look at a boat send her on holiday then buy it when shes away mark I might sell mine soon as I dont use it mark
  6. mw

    Hi from hamworthy

    Jamie what engine have you got I would love to get 2800 if its an older engine that may all it will do mw
  7. Nice one martin you deserve it mw
  8. mw

    two man kayak

    Thanks nige you said you keep your eye on it for me! I am in surrey so am not using it was there any oil in the water? I may drive it down from elkins yard or I might sell it and buy a rib I have bid on a couple on ebay but they went to high. mark
  9. mw

    two man kayak

    Thanks for your info lofty I may try an inflatible on first to see I can cope with sitting on it for a couple of hours and if I cant I will leave it on my boat just in case mark w
  10. mw

    two man kayak

    I am looking to buy a two man kayak I would like some info on what to go for inflatable or fibre ? my son and myself are quite large mark w
  11. congratulations rob fishing on hold ?
  12. mw

    Pond Builder

    He wanted a pond not a burger mw
  13. mw

    sit on this

    DO YOU STILL GET THEM IVE NOT SEEN ONE FOR YEARS but then i do work in ferndown
  14. mw

    Wishin update

    when I had the same engine in one of my boats I was advised to change the thermostat to a cooler one in stead I sold the boat, you could run it under 25 knots might help mark
  15. mw

    Not just the Reels

    Sorry to hear your bad news neal the dog would hear them if you were sleeping mark
  16. mw


    polishing whats that does that catch more fish ?
  17. mw


    I remeber these days I think mark
  18. Only in London
  19. I have the same issues no gear change I have found that the rod that runs up to the leaver under the power head has a plastic connection that has snapt so it looks like I will have to take the carbs off to fix it I will never buy a suzuki again the local dealer are useless mark
  20. Martin I might be interested in one of the outboards depending on hp and price mark
  21. Hi Nige If you can change Internet providers you can get one free I got mine from car phone ware house mark
  22. mw

    Advice on finding a leak!

    I had the same thing on a 215 I went around with a culk gun on the windows and any place it could get in I had essex boats down twice they didnt find it ,it would fill the front shelf and when you got onto the boat you could see the water run down into the cabin . I took a large torch into the boat at night and get a mate out side to see if the light came through no luck so I gave it back to essex boats good luck mark w
  23. mw

    Twin Batteries

    Try codies web site I think its on there mark
  24. mw

    Boat Insurance

    my insurance comp only wanted to in sure me when i was on the boat only between october and march so I would not be insured mark
  25. mw

    tues 21

    Nige cant you use your 4x4 mark
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