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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by mw

  1. mw


    she looks a nice boat charlie are you sure you want fish blood and guts on her? what hull is it? mark w
  2. Hi paul unlucky or what never mind if i get the bath room tiled by thursday i might go out did you get any numbers mark w
  3. mw

    The Island

    nice fish good to see the fish are in
  4. mw


    has anyone tried cuttlefish
  5. mw

    Digital Camera

    mike have you tried different battery?
  6. chancer will be fishing the comp with zed as crew what are the rules. ps can you be banned from fishing if still drunk? mark w
  7. signed mark w
  8. Hi zed i will be fishing the comp if you want to come with me also out this sunday if you want to mark
  9. mw

    Proper Propping

    Hi Trevor What work did you have done on the engine? Have you put more weight in the cabin is the boats not gettinig on the plane. I Fitted the four bladded prop on my boat it is so much quicker onto the plane and on top end speed i can't get it to 26 knot quite but i have alot of weight on it . mark
  10. mw

    Kayak Fishing

    Zed your not after those bass are you? Did you go last night ?
  11. so is mine perhaps my tiny drip doesnt count Martin just had mine through just as well i had a full bladder
  12. mw

    Sat 22nd

    Nice to see there are still some fish out there what a good day you had . Good fishing lads
  13. martin thats a large buddy boat you had on saturday are you sure you had the fuel to tow it home if needed
  14. Hi paul saltern marine its out on the trots they run a taxi out from 9am back by 5pm i have tender if i need it but only used it once you can call me on 07970875431
  15. Hi Zed I will be out on sunday weather permititng I need crew where do you live mark PS only had one fish in three trips
  16. Hi Paul . I will give you call next time i go out, are you able to go midweek. I have rods you can use. mark
  17. mw

    Proper Propping

    I have had similar problems down from 26knots to 14knots boats only been the water since may so bottom not to bad removed boat to copper coat in june not been out since i thought it may be the penant ? i have bought a four bladed prop smaller blades spin quicker but has more grip not been to fit yet as i have to get inthe water to change. i am also going to change fuel filter just in case mark
  18. paul It sounds like the joints are not pushed home completly you can get rings that push inthe end of the fitting to stop them moving
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