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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by mw

  1. mw

    Birthday Boys

    Thanks I was in the pub and then watched the rugby good day . mark
  2. ok on crome
  3. Hi Nigge did you find out how she went down mark
  4. Sorry to see this nigle I had my rib fill with water in the summer when i was away on holls had boat yard take it out i had no damage apart for the three battery never found how the water was getting in fiiled the boat with water when i got back and it didnot leak out mark
  5. Fill with ball then add expanding foam ? mw
  6. I have had boats at both if the price at cobbs is ok i would go to cobbs the cafe toilets bar and parking is better I found them friendly at both mw
  7. mw

    Doggy lifejackets

    Have a look on ebay Trev
  8. Bad luck Adam hope its only a drive coupling or a prop bush mw
  9. How did you find that? mw
  10. mw


    Nice one Lofty shame Barto did not make it but sounds like he made up for it mark
  11. She looks nice and clean martin so how did you do it?? mark
  12. The QE2 up for sale
  13. mw


    Happy Birthday
  14. mw


    what did the dog think of that jim?
  15. He did that coming in with his sail up Rob it was not that cold till I went swimming mark w
  16. No life jackets?
  17. mw

    Birthday wishes

    Happy birthday Rob
  18. I would not mind only having one bite if the fish was that size mw
  19. Nice one mw
  20. Thats ok was it not mermaid that said how good the engine was and that it had been well looked after? I think if you bleed the air out and have the batttery fully charged I think it will start the engine does not need rebuilding if you can got 28knots then there not much wrong with the lump its the starting thats the issue thinking back if mermaid did bleed it and you had clive bleed it again I am thnk the air is getting in some were I would bleed it again and have both bateries charged the engine needs to crank quicker than it did yesterday if you bleed it again and get it started if you leave it a couple of days and it want start again then you will have to find the leak mark
  21. If you take your oil details to Q8 oils if your near ferndown indust est they will have oil you want and anti freeze check what you need the oil will need to be for a diesel as it has to keep the acid neutralized fram will make the filters i would think mark
  22. mw

    Boat Security

    Thanks dave I have one for my kayak that I will try first mark
  23. Sounds like over inflation to me mw
  24. mw

    Boat Security

    Ok will order one I have three batteries on rib but may fit a small batt just for this unit Thanks for info mark
  25. mw

    Boat Security

    Rob was it easy to fit I would like to fit one to my rib mark w
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