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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by mw

  1. Rich good luck Have you put in boats and out boards they go quickly in there my boat will be up for sale next week mark w
  2. Ive never seen a nun with nice tits I once seen one with a parrot
  3. mw

    Fibreglass repair

    Alan You get all the bad luck cant you claim on the other boats insurance not that simple to make it invisible mark ps when we going for a beer
  4. mw

    Good Service...

    That would be all the big fish then alan
  5. Adam Did you sale it on find afishing boat I might sale mine mar w
  6. James Have a look in the engin if you have a starting motor you should be able to trace the wires back you will be able to get a wireing diagram from the net mark w
  7. James I think the boat jumble is not far away always a bit of kit there. mark w
  8. mw

    Cigar floats

    Terry On one of the TV fishing shows they use a tennis ball they just push a strong baiting needle through and pull the line through have not tried it yet but will soon and they are cheap mark w
  9. mw

    Cigar floats

    Terry The range is in the old B&Q at turbury park its quite a big shop the fishing tackle is down the center 2/3 the way down not sure what part of dorset you are mark w /
  10. mw

    Cigar floats

    Terry try the range they had them last week and quite a good price mark w
  11. A can you get 2 turn of rope around the drum if you can it will work if not it might slip most of the smaller ones will do both mark w
  12. mw

    Sky News Flash

    you need to go fishing
  13. mw

    Sun 17th

    martin i thought you were on the first aid cource on sunday mark
  14. martin if the sun out just shorts
  15. martin I have a tender you can take across if i go or not mark w
  16. martin I would be keen to make the crossing mark w
  17. mw

    live-bait tank

    i just stick them in a net end of
  18. Happy Birthday martin what happed to the boat did someone hit it with a weight ? mark w
  19. mw

    Sunday's Window

    looks like i made the call again as i was along side you all for a time then my pick started to let go and in mins we had gone miles it was to lumpy for me so went back in to swanage bay sorry the dog kennels glad you all got some whiting
  20. mw


    Alun If your out monday do you need crew our would you like to come out with me from rockey mark w
  21. mw


    chancer will be out trying to catch some whiting not had one on the boat yet will listen on 6 for cach reports good luck to all thats out mark w ps anyone out on monday?
  22. hi zed you cannot call that as a ist cod it needs to be at least 5lb will give you a call on sat to arrange for sunday. mark w
  23. mw

    Cod Fishing

    I thought Alan only fishies for bass? Nice fish
  24. what a nice fish much nicer than a cod
  25. mw


    nice to see the cod are in good luck in the comp
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