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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by mw

  1. Nice one looks like a good strong boat
  2. mw


    would this be a removable object ? Mark w
  3. mw

    Radar reflectors

    I read some where that cd dics are as good as any of the radar reflectors will try it one day when the fishings slow that will be the next time ime out. does a radar give off any signal to others?
  4. mw


    if you kept it at rockly you would not have to ,as they wash it off and flush it for you each time you use it mark w
  5. mw


    Adam with the copper coat you will need at least two people to apply it you have to put it on in stages one cote after another if you do use it use there rollers as some rollers melt i used about six rollers it was hard work for two as you do not get a chance to stop if it a hot day you have to get five cotes on and you cant use it if its going to rain cause it washes off with water until its dry it may cost you about
  6. To fish on either day would make a lot of sense permission not needed mark w
  7. It will be a 270 or 280 i would think shame it not the sx i have two sets you could have had cheap i bought them then sold the boat mark w
  8. sounds good now all i need is my boat mark w
  9. mw


    I put copper coat on my boat last year its expesive but they say its good for ten years but it has to go on a clean hull mark w
  10. Any rig thats on the sea bed, that the fish can smell will catch fish if they cant smell it they cant find it cause they sure cant see it lug used to be a killer when i fish there along time ago my mates used mackerel with pilcherd oil tripped over it for thornbacks mark w
  11. no chance of that Duncan my mate wanted to look a it last week and he cant beleive i am going to buy it it will need a bit of work to make it up to my standard i normally buy newish boats that have been looked after, but this one has not .the turbo looks likes its been used as an anchore its got that much rust on it having looked back at pictures on yours i would say mine has been aboused what i cant understand if you pay good money for a boat why you find people cant look after it just to spray some wd 40 on the engine would cost a pound or so but stop so much corrosion
  12. Thanks for that Duncan I hope to be getting faeton nextweek if surveys ok on monday mark w
  13. This must be a differant incident the yacht at blue lagoon was called dipper quite apt as it almost did when the life boats were pulling the mast the yacht was in no danger and any one on board could have walked to shore they were in less than two feet i do not think there is any rock and it looked like they had the engine going when they got off mark w
  14. I was going to buy one on sunday Terry so i will buy yours if your not to far away mark w
  15. Duncan were do you get your filters and engine spares from mark w
  16. sorry to hear you had a crash mike I bet you fell a pain in the neck brandys good for whiplash I wanted a sea safty check this week never mind may be next week hope your soon better mark w
  17. Thanks for the info alan I will have to go down and have a look ime at rockley but like to have information just in case i need to make a quick exit from the ledge at any time . I had a boat up the river years ago but like you said it changes from year to year. mark w
  18. Nice to here the bream are in . have they dredge the run then ? last time i was down at low water there was a sand bank there and a man fishing about 100 yards out sat on his push bike mark w
  19. its a good job ive got a telephoto lens
  20. might sea you fishing then Tom mark w
  21. martin hope to follow you over mark w
  22. mw

    Lead Moulds

    charlie have a look to see if you have an air whole blockage it might not be getting the right amount of air gas mix mark w
  23. Thanks charley and martin Its a faeton 780 from tom mark w
  24. mw

    Red Diesel

    what is the cost now Iwas down salters today diesel at 82 litre mark w
  25. FOR SALE - 2005 Uttern centre console S64, two berth under console. In board diesel 120 hp, Naveman fishfinder and Naveman gps plotter both colour, dsc radio, ten rod holders, tee top, windless, seating for seven people. Twin wheeled rollercoaster trailer. Will do 25 knots, and uses very little diesel. Has done 60 hours. Supplied by Essex Boat Yards.
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