No it used to be a bass fishing boat but the owner was not getting any money from it so he just left it at rockly to rot when i bought it it was full of water no batteries someof the deck was missing wirring was wet hydrolic needed sorting after doing all the that went to take it and just like the featon i had no steering but it only needed bleeding they have put the featon on at
A cheap wilson flyer not sure how long i will keep it but at leaste ill not lose any money on this one
been looking on line for seats is it a kab? out of interest what welder did you use
mark w
Adam &Bob
its looking good it always takes moretime than you think i bought a boat that needed a couple of week to put right six weeks on still not done i did take it out today i think i will need a seat like yours as it slames like mad ive sold my othere boat now so will have to get used to it
mark w
Hi Bob
I had this question yesterday as i have to fit batteries to a boat i have just bought
if you fit boxes they are protected from the sea environment on the terminals etc
plus if you get any spillage it stays in the box .
Did you find the prices on batteries varied alot
mark w
HI Duncan
Nice to meet you on friday glad you caught some good fish shame about the one you lost could it of been a larger shark?
what size hooks did you catch the weavers on, 40 years fishing never caught a
weaver and dont want to
mark w
Bob F
I forgot to get the anodes you wanted i brought them thursday and left them in the car
i meant to get and them after the gps demo and forgot must be getting old
mark w
Hi paul
what are you looking to do with the prop guard is it for safty?
or to protect the prop?
the anodes need changeing after three months if your near electical supply
at cobs i used to put a large anode over the side of the boat and useing a jump lead cable connect it to the prop shaft in means you have to leave the engine cover up but it does help
I fitted a four bladed prop to my boat and it made a lot of difference to the pick up
but little difference to top speed
yellow penguine boats at michelles boat yard might be able to help he also had to fit prop guards to the small boats he hires out
hpoe this helps
mark w
Thank for the info i may go to the boat jumle on sunday
as i might not get my boat until next week now
Will see whats about
might buy a fridge as well if there cheap
will also start keeping milk bottles now
mark w