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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by mw

  1. Hope that sort it for you Its not good when you cant find them problem and keep spending money out I had two engineers look at mine firstt said it was carb second said ignition change both no difference so changed the engine still no different only fuel pump to change now mw
  2. What did it use to rev to you put 1750 and 19 knots mark
  3. Tony what is the problem with the engine mark
  4. mw

    photo too big

    I use to get that but now ime old you have to crop it mark
  5. happy birthday mark
  6. Some times it better to do it your self just had a new engine fitted had a quote for one engineer to remove and replace 8 hours ended up with 2 engineers 16 hours and still not finished could of done it myself in 8 hours im sure mark
  7. Hi Tony I would like it if its still availabl mark w
  8. Looks like a nice knife mark
  9. mark Desperados 1 pack of coastal
  10. Happy Birthday Matt
  11. mw

    Senior Males

    WHAT YOU DO TO HAVE KIDS THAT S WHATS MY WIFE SAID only did it twice that cost me an arm and half a leg mark
  12. Happy Birthday Dean
  13. mw

    Happy Birthday

    Thanks guys I was working in the rain mark
  14. Did you have fuel in the tank mike
  15. Happy Birthday martin have a good one
  16. Are you please with the cover any photos mark
  17. Have a good one Neal mark
  18. What looking carp like martin does that mean its looking fishy mark
  19. Thats what talk talk said mw
  20. mw

    New Fishing Rod

    Is he
  21. mw

    happy birthday nigel

    Happy Birthday nige mark
  22. What was it nige mark
  23. Sounds like she had one to many scool
  24. mw

    Dry Stack

    Hi Trev you looking to leave xchurch then mark
  25. mw

    Boat Show

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