drove down to pompy today with rich, kam, mark, james, dad, dan and my mate to fish for my birthday on trio.
headed out of pompy at about 8 o clock and fishing in 120 ft of water by about 9 o clock.
it was a hard start with lots of weed making it very hard work this made retrieving the lines very hard
we were catching plenty of doggies and mackeral, and my mate had his best ever fish of a thornback of about 6lb he was happy and soon changed to mackeral fishing because he enjoyed it more.
after this every one was toping and i decided to go for the smoothys by putting a peeler on and got bites straight away but would not take the hook.
then james showed the way with a baby tope and then mark soon followed with his first tope and then had his second and biggest of the day about 18lb.
it was slow but we all managed some fish me,james,rich,kam,dan and dad all managed a smoothy each with james showing off and catching about 3 or 4.
we also had plenty of mackie, a strap conger, garfish and a lonely bream.
a very nice day out thanks to roy and thanks to all you guys for making it possible for my birthday i hope you all had a great time
tight lines