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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sam

  1. ok mark your names down 2 places left. sam
  2. right 3 places left on trio we need 3 more people or i cannot go please come ive never fished portsmouth. tight lines sam
  3. nice pictures and some nice looking fish im so jealous sam
  4. rich you know he wont be able to shake me off but there is room for more so i think you would be able to come ill get dad to fone you. sam
  5. wow glad to hear they had some nice fish im so jealous sam
  6. its all right for some i got a week of exams gordon i would have caught the monster tope by the time you get back have a good time sam
  7. come on then wheres the report sam
  8. Sam

    Bait Dropper

    yeah i would love to come pick me pick me sam
  9. Sam

    Thu Eve

    nice one at least you have been catching bream i sopke to my mate today who was out on saturday on the outer patch and they had 36 bream to 3lb between 4 of them. nice day out sam
  10. Sam

    Sound Of Mull

    wow thats a big fish sam
  11. Sam

    Sound Of Mull

    thats a big fish sam
  12. come on were waiting sam
  13. Sam

    Alderney Day 2

    wow that was technical dad spoke to humphrey today and he is coming round to the idea so now need to persuade him to take me. sam
  14. Sam

    Alderney Day 2

    i'll drive wouldnt bother me i would do it to get to fish alderney. sam
  15. happy birthday hope you have a great day sam
  16. you said i could sam
  17. would love to fish the solent if you need crew but i suspect you will have helen with you sam
  18. headed out for an afternoon fishing with paul on neo. the weather forecast was completely wrong it was sunny and flat calm, the hole time we were out. headed out through christchurch harbour with the other prop on to see if it was the prop that was affecting the boats speed, it was so we decided to beach the boat and change it over, we got it on the beach and paul broke the clip that holds the propeller on so we had to stick with the old prop, we then tried to launch the boat off again as a wave hit the boat bringing the boat sidewards and getting wedged on the shore. we had the engine half way down trying to motor it off the beach with me pushing ,slowly it was working and then i got hit with a wave and soaked. eventually we got it off and headed out for some fishing. we drifted in close for the wrasse first and had 6 we then decided to head out to the ledge and just as we got there the charter boat was pulling one in so it looked promising but we blanked. so we decided to try a ledge just pass x ray which was showing loads of fish on echo sounder so we put down anchor. we caught loads of dogfish on light gear then we started catching alot of mackeral we had about 15, which pauls dog liked eating hole. tried one last time in the harbour for mullet but no luck but you could see them all coming up and eating the groundbait which was impressive, i would love to try there again. thanks for a nice day paul sam
  19. the tope should be here soon because i have started catching mackeral so that must be a good sign. sam
  20. Sam

    First Fishing Trip

    nice to hear you got out alex this weekend i have been out for times friday, saturday, sunday and monday what a weekend. we had plenty of fish on sunday for dads birhtday but no monsters. alex what is the name of your boat so i can keep an eye out for you what does she perform like. sam
  21. Sam


    put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye sam
  22. Sam


    hi darren enjoy the site sam
  23. there was a beast of a boat fishing next to us a big boston whaler with twin 200hp that must use some petrol sam
  24. Sam

    Hi Spurdog

    hi spurdog welcome to the forum sam
  25. headed out after school on friday with dad and my mate on only his 4th boat fishing trip. headed round to a batch of rocks inside of the patch and had some wrasse, pout and some blennies. then we thought we heard the crazy potter from the species comp so chucked the buoy of the front. while drifting i had 2 pollack about 1lb and 2lb great fun on a 30g rod. my mate added to his specie list with a small smoothhound so he was happy. headed home about ten and a nice relaxing evening after a boring day at school. headed out on saturday with the hole family, it was flat calm but thick fog so plans to head for a wreck changed to poole patch. we had some wrasse, bream, pout, pollack and a couple of cuckoo wrasse. we then got joined by prodigy and amber lost a big fish which had decided to have a go at the poor cod which had eaten the worm, the poor cod came up trashed. all in all a nice day out with nice bacon sandwiches. hopefully heading out tomorrow and maybe monday what a perfect weekend 4 fishing trips in a row i must be lucky. sam
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