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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. Working on the basis that not everyone has a tender and some may go out during the day. Simples!
  2. For those with tenders, it may be wise to pick up a mooring on arrival and leave the tender on it for the day.
  3. plaicemat


    Engineers rule, o/k!! I have always loved the old story of the engineer and mathematician and the difference between them. They were offered a challenge of a beautiful young woman standing against a wall across a room and if they could get to her, she was theirs. The only condition was that they could only approach her by going halfway then stopping, going halfway again and stopping etc, etc. The mathematician quickly calculated that he would never reach her so declined the challenge. The engineer did his calculations and came to the decision that he would get close enough for all practical purposes. Vive la difference!
  4. I was told by a fortune teller that I would live to 120 and end up being shot by a jealous husband. Keep working you lot, I've got a lot of fishing to do.
  5. Good Lord no, some of us are quite jolly people and there are plenty of undesirables to get rid of first. Folk who don't like fishing for a start and that's before I get political. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  6. Greg, just remember that we had to pay for our previous generation's pensions, it's a mad circle. Nobody sodded things up, it's just that there are now just too many people.
  7. Here I am at 10.20 in the morning and there are 10 members on the forum. Don't any of you have any work to do? My pension still has to be paid you know.
  8. Thanks for that Rich, I shall be going again. Coincidently, I shadowed Fish On for a short while yesterday but to no avail, obviously tactics all wrong. Nice to hear from you again.
  9. What a great day today, sun shining, blue skies and a flat sea far too good to be sat at home so orft to Portland. Original plan was to try for a bass but realised I know nothing of bass fishing at Portland and have no marks. So, with a good sea it was about 20 miles offshore to try for some cod. By mid day we had a dozen in the cool box and as we did not need more we drew stumps and decided to go wreck prospecting. Reasonably successful and then ended up at the Portland Race, or rather lack of race. Not being too rough I was able to study the chart and work out some sort of drift pattern etc which is banked for another day. We had steadily caught mackerel through the day but at the race they went ballistic. A huge shoal about half a mile across pushing bait fish to the surface. We quickly got as many as we needed and then just sat and watched the fish and birds for a while. An early'ish finish gave us the chance to fillet the catch, clean up the boat a bit and make a reasonable start on the long journey home. Here's hoping the weather continues.
  10. Talking of Dan, could we have an engine advice section in the Boat Talk section, obviously hosted by Dan. He would, at least, be able to advise people on whether to attempt a fix themselves or seek professional help.
  11. I've recently changed the engine on my Warrior and also gone for a Suzuki DF70, couldn't be more pleased. Very quiet and so much more economical than my old 2 stroke.
  12. plaicemat

    Maccy Cam

    Great fun and just as I imagined it to be. On the to get list. As a matter of interest, how did you fit it securely to the line?
  13. I've been thinking of having a go on mine Thursday if the weather is really good, it would be good to have company.
  14. The very best of days to you, Trev.
  15. Fantastic day Peter, thanks for the invite and the good company. It's great when a plan comes together which it did in spades today.
  16. plaicemat

    JoJo Rewire

    I assume you are using tinned cables. I replaced all wiring on Stingray last year for tinned.
  17. A man is walking along a beach when he comes across a lamp partially buried in the sand. He picks up the lamp and gives it a rub. As if by magic, a genie appears and grants him one wish. The man thinks for a moment then says " I want to live forever " Sorry said the genie " I'm not allowed to grant eternal life." The man thinks for a moment then says " OK then, I want to die after a Labour Government balances the budget and eliminates the debt." The Genie shouted " You Crafty Little Bastard."
  18. What I used to use but the received wisdom in the trade suggests this brings it's own problems when salt is added to the formula. I'm looking for the 'premium' solution which is permanent. But thanks for your input, always appreciated. Upon further consideration, I guess the permanent solution would be to do what I have done with the rest of the electrical installation on the boat, change to tinned wire.
  19. 'Had a slight problem starting at one stage but I think I have identified this as bad contacts in the dual charging selector switch, probably a build up of verdigris. Anyone know the best cure?' Above is a quote from Trip Planning entry 'Tomorrow'. Still working on getting rid of the problem but the long term cure seems to be bonding with a marine grade silicone rubber sealant, thus preventing the ingress of those pesky salty airs. The recommended one in the States is Boatlife Marine Silicone Rubber but this doesn't seem to be available in the UK. I would have thought Sikaflex would have done the same thing but, laughingly, Sika (UK) are unable to tell me if it is suitable for electrical installations. Any thoughts on the eradication of verdigris and future sealing?
  20. Despite the auguries of the harbingers (well placed, of course), we had a fabulous day afloat. Bright sunshine but with a slightly chill wind which livened up a bit with the change of the tide and not particularly uncomfortable sea conditions. We saw Tom Smith and 'Gaffa' doing their best to reduce the plaice population and, like us, failing miserably; we had four and I think they had a couple each. Tried around the corner at Ballard for a bream, unsuccessfully, and then just took a cruise across to Bournemouth and back to Poole to put some hours on the brilliant new engine. A very slow day as revs were limited due the breaking in regime, another 6 hours and I can let rip. Had a slight problem starting at one stage but I think I have identified this as bad contacts in the dual charging selector switch, probably a build up of verdigris. Anyone know the best cure? The new Raymarine Dragonfly unit seems to give a very good 'picture' of the bottom, if nothing else, making it easier to translate what one is seeing. Only one more job to do, my helm seat broke at the swivel due to corrosion, time to treat myself to some new, more confortable seats. Now looking forward to a foray to Weymouth and the arrival of the bream.
  21. Thanks for that, Mal. I have checked after recent comments, according to the met office, tomorrow looks quite clear but obviously that can change in an instant. Going from Poole so I always have the harbour as a safe haven. Martin, may call in on the way home. I will give you kettle boiling warning.
  22. Tomorrow is going to be brilliant, I'm going fishing! First time since last September (it's been a long winter) with a chance to try the new engine and start running it in, also try out the Raymarine Dragonfly unit. Anyone else out?
  23. Have a great day Jim but, remember your waistline. (I nearly said the last bit with a straight face).
  24. I have been recommended to a glass fibre expert by our revered vice chairman who trades in Hamworthy. He is reputedly very helpful and I feel sure he would give you the benefit of his advice if you dragged your boat down there before you start cutting things about. I'm sure the name will appear shortly.
  25. Graham, does it have dsc output? Good point Rob. And do we still get a discount with Force Four Chandlers?
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