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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. Thanks for your help Dave but I've now found a place locally that can fabricate a plate for me. Also, being local, I can take the boat to him and get it absolutely perfect. So, overall, result!
  2. Thanks for that, Dave, I'll give him a call.
  3. plaicemat


    O/k chaps, who are we using these days for stainless steel work? I want a gunnel plate made up to protect the gel coat when retrieving the anchor so, who do I go to? (sorry, to whom do I go, don't want to upset any fellow pedants)
  4. Wish I'd spotted this sooner, let me know if you are going again Peter. Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
  5. Happy cake day Dean, have a good one. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  6. plaicemat

    Rod Holders

  7. plaicemat

    Rod Holders

    Brian, If you put them the way up they are but on the front rail, you can have them tilted back against the back rail so they are even easier to reach. Gives a slightly 'racy' look when you're under power too.
  8. Martin, couldn't you bring it's launch forward a bit and amend your request?
  9. It looks very much as if this weather is set to be the norm. I shall therefore change my profile interests from any form of angling to collecting angling related paraphernalia. I must take a tip from Jim's book and get some flower pots to decorate the boat.
  10. Cape Coral is where Paul's house is. The secret with the boat is to pick it up from the yard which is really close to the sea. Like Neal's experience, although the house is not that far from the open sea, by boat through the canals is a lengthy trip.
  11. If I fish that part of the coast it is usually nearer Clearwater. Have fun, hope you enjoy it.
  12. plaicemat

    Smily face

    Also a lot of printers have not yet updated drivers which has caused me a problem with some of the machines I look after. Catching up though.
  13. plaicemat

    Smily face

    Stick with it folks and accept it is not the same as 7 or 8 and you will grow to like it. If you're going to operate with a Microsoft platform, I'm afraid it is the way to go.
  14. Talking of moulds, can I please book them from the weekend of the dinner/presentation evening. Ta!
  15. I've got to go over for a couple of weeks again at the end of the month, I have to go fairly regularly and there are worse places to visit. Fishing's good too. That seems a fair option with a boat, all you need to do then is find some marks to fish. Paul Haynes of Warrior Boats has a nice house for 6 which is, I think, about £1800 for a fortnight. Doesn't include a boat but he has an arrangement with a local boat hire firm and there is a dock at the bottom of the garden; he will supply fishing marks.
  16. Venturing out Alun or pestering the flounders again?
  17. plaicemat

    Smily face

    Windows 7 servicing ends soon so, good luck. I've persevered with it despite early misgivings and now only have one problem left to sort on a friend's machine.
  18. plaicemat

    Smily face

    I have no problems with other mediums but I use and at present like Edge. Presumably everyone will eventually get up to speed with the new Microsoft operating system.
  19. plaicemat

    Smily face

    I posed the question some time ago, nobody seems to know. Rob, it's on the p.c., not mobile. Just tried again, the smiley was inserted but it wouldn't post.
  20. So, how many are intending to try for the end of April for the first attempt, skippers and potential crew?
  21. With regard to our Minister's published views regarding having received lots of letters from RA's saying they should be allowed to keep what they catch, am I the only one who thinks this is somewhat disingenuous. I'm pretty sure most of the letters are saying that anglers are not against bag limits but are against the inequality of measures that hit the sector that has the least effect on the bass and virtually reward the ones that have the most. I am personally content with one fish per trip until things improve although I think the arbitrary ban for the first six months is OTT but, if it is to be so, it should be necessary for all sectors. It's not even that I find it unfair, it is that I find it unfathomable that things are bad enough to ban one sector and not the other. Come on chaps, get a grip!!
  22. Other countries seem to do more than just make laws, they actually enforce them AND get the public on board. In the U.S, if you speed in roadworks thus endangering the lives of the workers, any fines are automatically doubled. Seems effective. Also in the States, I have many times seen uniformed members of the Fish and Wildlife Service making themselves visible at boat landing stations, beaches, piers and popular hunting areas and they are assisted to a great extent by members of the public raising concerns to which they attend. And not three months later. To be taken seriously, investment must be made to ensure an adequate and mobile force that is ready to act. Hope you're enjoying your winter break Ian and getting some fishing in.
  23. ................and can somebody tell me why, when I insert a smiley, it won't post?
  24. Will any fish kept and returned to them come off my daily limit?
  25. Happy birthday Tom. Have you had your surgery yet?
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