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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. O/k, anybody got one of these and what do people think of them. To me it seems the ideal package to replace my Lowrance unit which I am struggling to see on the move; the Raymarine has a bigger screen.
  2. Hi Steve, I'm just down the road from you near Burford so if you want any info, give me a call, pm on way.
  3. Well, if anyone can fit me in, I'd be obliged, I don't take up much space.
  4. Just wondering, is anyone thinking of going later in May, etc, as the topic seems to have dried up.
  5. You. could try a shoot through hull transducer instead thus removing the problem.
  6. You're getting closer, Martin. Happy birthday Terry & Dilys.
  7. plaicemat

    You tell me

    No escape from real tea.
  8. Alan, I have a stainless bracket on the transom (starboard side of the engine) and this takes a short shaft. I also have the 'Z' step port side of the engine. Neither conflict with the turning of the engine. I have always used a piece of wood to support the engine when towing but was advised I wouldn't need it with the new Suzuki although I probably still will.
  9. plaicemat

    New Member

    Apart from Sundays, I guess your job is a bit like us old gits who go fishing when we like, God and weather willing. You're welcome on Stingray when I'm down.
  10. Me too, now all I need is a weather window to use them.
  11. A very Merry Christmas everyone, I hope Santa's been generous and that 2015 brings less wind and more time afloat.
  12. Unfortunately, nowhere to park my boat at the hotel.
  13. You must be getting old Martin, a nice relaxing day's fishing after a quiet night out is just what the doctor ordered.
  14. I know how you feel, my latest cancellation was the fourth in a row.
  15. Never tried that one, any good?
  16. And there it goes!
  17. Looking at Monday or Tuesday, watch the forecast change.
  18. Well, thank you chaps. I did indeed have a good day with two sets of visitors coming bearing malt whisky. Result! I'm always pleased to have another birthday, it means I'm still here.
  19. Thanks for that, Alun, it's great to have a local guru for the up to date knowledge.
  20. Have the channel buoys been taken in at Mudeford yet? If so, presumably the channel hasn't moved yet.
  21. How come we all missed it? Everyone can't have been busy like me!! Hope you had a great day, Alfie; a sherbet or two?
  22. If the boat still hasn't been moved, I'm happy to oblige.
  23. Absolutely correct, however, the closer you live to a street box, the better your speed. Luckily, I'm only about 100mtrs from a box so, happy days.
  24. I'm another happy BT user, currently getting around 75mbps. No idea when fibre optic is reaching a connection box near you?
  25. All good, decision made.
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