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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. Alternatively, give Steve Walker at J.K. Max Navigation a call if you're interested in Lowrance. Be sure to ask him for his very best deal, with charts and mention the club as I did a fair bit of groundwork with him. go to J.K. Max Navigation I have to say that I find the Lowrance units pretty simple to use, bigger screen the better and the combined plotter/sounder units are great. Easy fitting too. Terry.
  2. Social secretaries are there to be blamed for our own shortcomings; never miss an opportunity. Terry.
  3. You're either losing it or perhaps it's your social secretary's fault for not keeping you up to speed with your appointments. Terry.
  4. Ah, I can see I did not make myself completely clear. I don't have any mates so close that I would buy them a
  5. A friend in Northern Germany who'se English isn't very good has asked me to buy him a previously owned Sunseeker boat from Sunseeker in Poole at
  6. That's a great shame. It would have been very handy for me! Terry.
  7. plaicemat

    live-bait tank

    Plus the barrel I got has a lid with it so I don't lose a drop. Terry.
  8. It's Sinbad the Sailors birthday. Many happy returns and a hornpipe from me, Paul. Terry.
  9. Have a great day Tom, I hope you have the day to do what you want. I remember 37; just. Terry.
  10. Brill and dabs in February! I think soon we'll have to completely start re-thinking our ideas on seasons. Terry.
  11. I've just had to replace the actuators on my Smart Tabs (don't ask) and would just like to mention the firm that supplied them. The service was great (next day delivery) and the price very competitive. The price from the importer was around the
  12. 52 eh? You're catching up mate. Have a good day and get out there before all the fish are gone. Terry.
  13. If there's a crewing space for Monday, I'd be interested. Terry.
  14. Thanks for your company, Alun, and for managing to put us on the money. After a long spell ashore, it was very nice to get afloat again and have some nice fresh whiting fillets for supper. Given another weather window, I think I have one more trip before the spring fish start to arrive. Terry.
  15. As long as it's not raining heavily, Paul. Water and hot lead do not mix. I'll put my wallet away as there seems to be a superfluity of stainless wire. I'm now looking for some 4, 6 and 8oz weight moulds for the lighter stuff. Who's the cheapest supplier? Terry.
  16. Well, that seems to have sorted that. Charlie, the need has arisen! Could you pass some of your wire to Martin (Keeper of the Moulds) and he can then keep it with the moulds. Thank you. Terry.
  17. This last weekend I have made up 28lbs of weights using the club moulds and am about to pass them on. However, I would like to replace the stainless wire that I used but, where to obtain said item? Any ideas or offers to supply and I will gladly pay for it. Terry.
  18. plaicemat

    Light rod

    Thanks for all the input chaps, this helps my choice greatly. Now to just find the best price. Lookout Google! Terry.
  19. Please, Paul, no more challenges. Let me bathe in the glow of having reached the pinnacle of something. Terry.
  20. plaicemat

    Light rod

    I've actually got about
  21. Just noticed it's a certain coffin dodger's birthday today. Many happy returns Jack. Getting tuned up for the flounder comp? Terry.
  22. plaicemat

    Light rod

    O/k, who'd like to recommend a good tip action rod, 12-20lb around 8ft long? I have several rods in this weight but nothing with a good tip action. Terry.
  23. Going to the other extreme, I think a sign of real skill would be Dogfish Dodger. Terry.
  24. Unfortunately, Charlie, I believe Marlin Master is the top of the tree so I have nothing left to strive for; my work here is done! However, the esoteric suggestion seems strangely appealing so I may try for the sub-section occupied by people like Jack and Mad Mike. Now for research; I'll start with www.nowi'lltellyouwho'smad.com. Terry.
  25. plaicemat

    Spinning Reel

    I've been using Shimano Aero Baitrunner reels in sizes from 5000 to 8000 since they first came out for both salmon and sea fishing and never had any problem with them, perhaps because I am quite particular about cleaning and oiling after use. I use them for bass livebaiting and general spinning and would go out and buy another with no hesitation. It is a rear clutch type and I have had no problems with corrosion of this item, ever. I refer to my previous statement regarding maintenance. I commend them to the house. Now, somebody tell me how wrong I've been all these years and how crap they really are. Terry.
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