Unfortunately, not the repeat red letter day that I was hoping for. My plan was to get back on the bream before they did their breeding thing and cleared off. Too late! The beggars have either already gone or were not playing in the neap tides. It wan't a question of slow, we didn't have a single one at Dancing Ledge The other species caught were, of course, welcome, but I do like a plan to come together. Added to all this, the engine seemed to be playing up. When I tried to start it, turning the switch produced absolutely nothing. Kept trying and eventually it fired up. This is a little disconcerting to say the least; who wants to be round at Dancing Ledge, with no-one else in sight, and an engine that will not start. Fortunately, each time it started after a few attempts and we got back o/k. I anticipated an expensive electrical bill (not my forte) trying to find a dry joint or loose connection. Hoorah! I must have caught the kill cord at some stage and virtually switched it off and having replaced it, all is well. I'm surprised it started at all under the circumstances, but I'm grateful it did.
Unless someone can put me straight, I think that must be the end of the concentrated bream action and I must find a new target. Now, who's going to come out and teach me how to catch bass consistenly rather than the odd lucky one?
Terry B.