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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. From a fly fishing point of view, Canada, Argentina or wilderness fishing in Colorado. For sea fishing, Canada, Australia or Florida. Mrs. B may disagree. Terry.
  2. I have a piece of plastic domestic waste pipe pushed onto the twist-grip throttle on the tiller as an extension to allow me to stand up and operate the throttle. Terry.
  3. On list, Simon. Terry
  4. Reluctantly passed Inspection Dept. Terry.
  5. I'm not totally convinced of the sincerity of that last offering, Charlie. Terry.
  6. Very smart.......now just trim the excess off those bolts and it will be finished! Terry.
  7. Oh dear! Looks much too close to the trim tab............................................................................................................................................Only joking! Terry.
  8. Done! Will post if I get enough. If not, I have a couple spare. Terry.
  9. plaicemat

    Blonde Joke

    I think I've been in that shop! Terry.
  10. Well done to all. O/k, if we can't beat the number of hits on the site, why don't we try and set a record for the number of times the club is mentioned in BFM? Terry.
  11. Again, my 60ltr came from the same place although I collected it. For
  12. Thanx for your good wishes, fella's. Had a great day looking at boats, think there might be something in the offing Had a very good evening meal at Loch Fyne in Canford Cliffs and a quiet drive home. What more could a womon want on her wedding anniversary; I'm too good to her! Terry.
  13. Well done, Alun. Call it and get it; pretty impressive. See what you can do when I'm not around to jinx your performance. Terry.
  14. Good luck to you! I am not reading this at 04.50. Dilys and I are in the area today, although not fishing. Spending our anniversary with lunch at our favourite Bournemouth restaurant and looking at boats in So'ton and Poole. Ooh, what a good time she'll have! Terry.
  15. Sounds very thirsty, not that that matters if one needs it. Terry.
  16. Welcome, Hotshot. If you are new to boat fishing and fishing boats, you couldn't wish for a better place to start. Join in, ask questions and, if possible, get along to a monthly meeting to meet some of the guys in person. It can all be a bit daunting at first but don't lose sight of the fact that you do it for fun and enjoy it. Terry.
  17. I'm afraid I can't make it as my trailer's u/s at the moment but I could crew if anyone is in need to make up the numbers. Terry.
  18. Ha! I've sussed your plan. You going out and practicing before inviting me down again. Well done,that's a better day and 2 for the pot in a relatively short time. I'm now waiting for some parts to come for the brakes on the trailer and will be completing that before a return match. Just watch everything go bananas. Terry.
  19. I must put a stop to reports like that, it's tempting fate and certain to put the death knell on any success I've been having. I was really pleased with the bass success as I proved to myself that the float method works well, despite my previous first try on Maverick. I really didn't know what I was doing then but after tuition from the boys on Thursday night, I think I've got it right. Only 2 hook-ups with the planet and the float was retieved both times. Also, the KeepAlive tank worked pretty well, with only a couple of casualties and we don't know what state they were in when they went in to the tank. The scum on the surface was a trifle annoying, a mixture of foam and fish poo, but it was no problem to skim it off occassionaly. I did notice with the thicker construction of the KeepAlive tank, the white exterior and the blue inside, there was very little raising of temperature of the water in the tank. I got the 14 gallon tank but should have gone for something bigger as 14US gallons is only about 11.65 UK. Great for sand eels but a bit small for mackerel. The evening on the sole was good as the one I had, at 1lb 3oz was a PB for me. I look forward to trying again for the flat fellas as the season progresses. Thanks to Alun again for his hospitality and fine food and wine and good company on the boat. I look forward to the re-match. Terry.
  20. Dan, do your sums and see what sort of an offer you can come up with. Nothing too silly, but I am negotiable. Terry.
  21. Well done, Andy. You did better than us on Stingray, which is unusual when I have Alun for crew! Terry.
  22. Alun and my plans are similar to yours, Paul. Hopefully, I shall be staying at Chez Jones Thursday night so will be at the meeting. It's a long commute from Oxfordshire, I think I'll have to move down. Terry.
  23. Thanks for that input, Tom. I was getting there in a roundabout way so as to not be accused of teaching grandma to suck eggs. As usual, you got straight to the nub very succinctly. Back in the 60's it was all about big gear for game fish but times have changed for the better as has the gear. My experience is far more out of date than yours, Tom, so I'll leave it to you to give contemporary advice. Terry.
  24. Looks like we've got us a convoy, good buddies, 10/4. Terry.
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