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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. This one looks a fair example, but will, of course, be the Souter not a Pirate. http://www.boatsandoutboards.com/view/F71111/
  2. Adam, Whilst I was looking for this type of craft, ( Pirate mi21) I came across several in Holland that were bare hull, ready for fitting. The last one, I seem to recall, they were looking for 21,000 euros. In the photo you could just make out another in progress so there should be the odd one or two about.
  3. We're ordering the gadgets this week from the boat show, and seriously looking for a mooring thereafter. Thanks to all the chaps for encouragement and advice over the last few month. It's good to talk! Adam Ring me to check I'm here and drop in. T
  4. Paul, you have a PM T
  5. Wedger

    Live Bait Tank

    Aaaah! What you need is one of those very cheap and nasty washmatic hoses...... the ones that they sell for washing your car and the windows from a bucket of water They have a oneway valve that acts like a pump when you move the brush up & down. If you need to get more complex (expensive), they do one for poly water pipes. All domestic supplies should be fitted with one so there has to be lots around.
  6. Nice fish Paul Must have been a fantastic day out there today
  7. Wedger

    Smoothy Formula

    Adam Duly noted. I have two or three chums who need to trap them under licence purely for vermin control, and largely they go to local buyers. There are times, however , when supply outweighs demand, which is where I come in. I'll keep one shell-like to the ground. T
  8. Wedger

    Smoothy Formula

    Oh yes. After all the trouble they cause, I thought of something useful for them to do. If they got to go, they may as well do some good. Large juicy ones are for direct use........ with dill sauce. With these chappies designated as a national pest, you're not allowed to chuck them back if you don't want them. Shame to waste a perfectly good resourse. I've considered them as hook bait, and they could do quite well with the shell grinding critters, but as they are so tough, perhaps a hermit or shore crab might be more appropriate down tide of a good sent. Time will tell
  9. As the opportunity presented itself I thought I'd use the principal of 'Waste not, want not' Rude not to in fact! So this one I'm sure will interest Paul J. in pursuit of crab feeders like smoothy and skate etc......... Applied via small feeder top of snood. Cray Cubes
  10. A PM awaits your attention James. T
  11. He was probably traveling tooooooooooooo fast to notice Cheers Rich
  12. Seconds. Almost as soon as you pour them. Just to be safe wait 5-10 seconds. Usually by the time I've taken mine from the vice they're set .
  14. What is it where to and what do it do??
  15. Shucks.............. enough said
  16. Aaaaaaaaah! chap we're talking cut through, rather than the cheaper, less risky, shoot through
  17. Through hull, is completely cut through the hull and fixed, rather like a bulkhead or tank connector. Fully exposed to the sea and perhaps more reliably in touch as it is always completely submerged. Just means you have to cut a hole in your bottom ........ ..............
  18. Just a note to say that a little more attention is being paid to 'mi liddle darlin'' this week, and hopefully major gadgets will be bestowed upon her shortly . She has always been ready to float, but just short of expedition kit. Photo of current state ashore :
  19. Oooooops ! Why won't the temperature thingy work? My Wilson Flyer has a Ratheon V 300 + through hull transvestybob and still works great ! Is there something 'unspecial' about the Standard Horizon Kit Answers on a postcard please
  20. Photo snag................ always snagging up chap , must be the lead again
  21. Alli. is a good conductor of heat and will do a good job, but will become soft and begin to break down in time. Stainless may take just seconds longer to melt your lead but will last for ever. The grade of lead I think does not matter. Lead is Lead and if it Melts and later sinks , the jobby is done. Avoid solder and the like good pure lead id the dog's................
  22. Lead moulds 'n' stuff.............
  23. Just caught Paul
  24. Hi Kam, I made quite a lot of leads last year......... ( probably about ten years supply). All you need is an old but fairly strong saucepan and a gas burner. I use a single camping one fed with butane or propane (Calor). Couple of good safety point!! Check your working area is clutter free with no flammable materials. Do not use anything that is damp, be it gloves cloths and particularly check that your moulds are dry. I warm mine up before I use them. Cover your arms and legs....... lead spatter smarts wear a mask, good gloves and goggles. If you use a dedicated pan, a smallish one, not too wide is the go (lead
  25. Also, eer....... transducer. Through hull, or not through hull, that is the question?
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